Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never Bring a Knife to a Gunfight (PM)

[member="Lyon Hara"]


Condor kicked his feet back on the table at the Krakana Cafe, enjoying the ocean breeze and the warm Mon Calamari sun. His life had been a little hectic recently between all of his jobs. Being a mercenary was never easy work, but then you brought the utility and skillset that Condor did, you were invaluable. However, he had earned his time off several times over, and he was determined to enjoy it.

Mon Calamari City felt like paradise this time of year. The sun wasn't too hot, and the prevailing winds swept the salty scent of the ocean inland. Condor had chosen to enjoy the ocean up close and personal at the Krakana Cafe, a small seaside diner that served "authentic Mon Calamari food." The food was far from authentic, appealing mostly to tourists. The Mon Calamari ate a variety of disgusting creatures, and half of their food was still squirming when they ate it. This cafe served more palatable options, such as fish wrapped in flour and then fried to a crisp. Enough of the food would kill you, but Condor was only there for a few days, and he would burn it off anyway.

He finished the first of the fried creations and started on the second, taking a sip of a Mon Cal Seaweed Shake as he basked in the sun. Moments like these could last forever as far as he was concerned. The relaxation he got from vacations probably shaved years off of his life. He was in his own little slot of paradise, and he was determined to keep it that way at least for the next week.

However, Condor never let his guard down, and his wings and jetpack were still strapped to his shoulders, and his traditional blaster rifle was tucked across his lap. His work made him a lot of enemies, and letting his guard down could be fatal.

Lyon Hara

Lyon always hated the water even as a young boy. The smell of seafood was putrid to him. Lyon let his mask sit on his facerecently he had been hired to take out a fellow merc; but as his father used to say business was business. His sword latched to his back and many knives on his belt....hhe was ready.

His contract was in a café hopefully he could keep him in there, close quarters were always an advantage to him. The sun beamed down onhim and a light wind blew, the smell of seasalt was in the air it was enough to make Lyon gag.

Growing up he loved his mother and father.....hhis brother on the other hand was the vein of his existence....hhe hated his brother with every ounce of his being. He approached the diner and a smile curved on his face. Slowly walking in he laid eyes on his contract, man civilians looked at his menacing appearance which made Lyon grin even more.

He was so sure he would win that he even left his thermal detonators at his ship. Lyon grinned as he walked to the counter asking for water.

When he got it he just held it....uunwilling o take his mask off. He then walked right up next to him and Held the water flat on his palm. "Condor?" He asked

Only years of experience kept Condor from jumping out of his seat when he heard his name. While the tone didn't betray any sort of malicious intent, he knew that whoever the voice belonged to was not a friendly. Someone wanting to work out a contract would have contacted him through transmission or Holonet, he had made that very clear. On top of this, the owner of the voice had used his nickname and field name, not his real name. Many soldiers would have immediately attempted to fight, but Condor knew better. As long as the hostile thought he was unaware of the situation, he could hold a slight advantage. He had been caught by surprise, but hopefully he could turn the tables.

"Yes waiter, more water would be great," he said, not looking up. He shifted his rifle ever so slightly to be pointed at the window next to him. The hostile probably had enough awareness to know if he was pointing it directly at him, the sort of prickling of the neck that you get when someone is staring at you. "Give my compliments to the chef. This meal was one of the best I've had in years," he said sweetly, coughing to cover up the click of the safety being turned off.

He slowly reached for the newspaper, sipping his shake at the same time. With an audible sigh of refreshment, he put the drink down and dropped his hand to his gun. He knew he couldn't keep up the charade for very long, and the second he burst out of the window the better.

Without warning, he threw the newspaper at the hostile and shot the window, destroying the glass and rolling out of the cafe. Hopefully the newspaper would block the hostile's vision long enough for him to create distance and fire up his jetpack. In the meantime, he had civilians blocking any line of fire, and he didn't want to cause any collateral damage.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

Lyon growled when the man had called him a waiter, he became even more frustrated when the man said give compliments to the chef. The man then threw a newspaper at him and jumped out the window with a loud crash, before the newspaper hit him he drew his sword and slashed through it, it fflapped to te ground. All around the café people looked towards him he could only sigh.

Jumping out the window Lyon could only notice the civilian population was bust. Pushing the people out of the way was annoying, so he began to slash at them, some avoided the slashes but the ones who couldn't fell to the ground in great pain. Lyon knew that the man did not have a clear shot at him so he used that to his advantage. Soon the man was in his sight and Lyon began running, when he reached him he attempted to slash the sword across th man's face.

It wouldn't be a leathal attack but it was enough for Lyon.

Condor blinked in surprise as the assassin slashed the newspaper almost immediately, knowing that that could have been his head had he not moved at the right time. He jumped backwards. trying to put as much distance as possible between him and the assassin. Unfortunately, the Mon Calamari civilians had decided to walk in front of him, and he wasn't in the mood for fried squid. He chose not to add any civilian casualties to the mix, but he didn't drop his gun either.

Suddenly, the masked man burst through the crowd, swinging a sword down at his face. Condor rolled away, but not quite fast enough. The sword, instead of slicing off his nose, instead slid down his arm as he rolled. The pain rocked through Condor as blood started to seep from the wound, about a foot long, down his arm. On the ground, he was definitely outmatched. Not only was his ranged weaponry less effective and his aerial skills useless, but he was a good 4 inches shorter and 60 pounds lighter than his opponent. There was no way he could win this one on the ground.

Luckily, his roll had taken him to the edge of the pier with a clear line of fire. If he missed or the assassin dodged, the bolts would strike nothing but deck. Without hesitation, he pushed off the pier and unleashed a short burst at the assassin before activating his jetpack. The fuel would only last a few seconds, but then again that should be all he needed.

[member="Lyon Hara"]

Lyon Hara

Lyon smiled as the result of the attack cut the man's arm. Everywhere people began running, the ones who were brave stood from a distance and watched. Condor began to put more distance between them and Lyon became annoyed. Condor was now at the edge of the pier with that Condor smiled, the man was cornered.

The man pushed off the pier and shot a short burst at Lyon, it had grazed his shoulder. Lyon let out a small groan before noticing the man had activated his jetpack. Lyon grabbed two of his knives with his free hand and thre tuem towards the man.

"TThis game is getting really annoying Mr. Condor....jjust give up and I will make youyouur death slow and painful. " Lyon yelled.

He then rann towards the pier and waited for the fuel to run out....aalthough extremely dangerous it had to be done.


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