Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never Done a Dev Thread Before...Woo!

So, I was hoping to give this character either a staff or half-moon scythe. I know you need a Dev Thread to do that, but the problem is I don't even know how to start, much less what to do ;~;

Thank you!
You could be creating the staff, alchemizing the staff (if it's magics), discovering the staff, testing the staff, anything you like. Creating it is always best, but depending on the item some judges will be leniant and let you do other things as long as it focuses on the staff and whatever special properties it has. :)


Ok, cool!

Do I need a special tag for it? And where do I put it? Does it just have to be me or can I coerce others to journey to the thread, too?
You can use the dev thread tag, but (unless I'm mistaken) a development thread can be in near;y any thread, private, public, skirmish, etc; as long as at least X amount of posts focus on whatever item you're developing. FOr instance, if you want to create (and i'm just naming something random) a sithspawn carebear that requires 50 posts, you can do that if you'd like right in the middle of a battlefield. I=You would probably be shot while concentrating, but you get my point. And yep, you can have as many people help you out as you'd like!

TL;DR: No, you do not need a special tag. Yes, you can have friends help. :D

[member="Kerstas"] - The mininum is ten quality posts, but the more powerful the item, the more you'll probably need. :p

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