Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never know what you'll find {Drake Blackwood}

If there was one thing Lyzia Hudna, the senator of Solovarna and the Soltarans, could enjoy the most out of being on Courascant it was the fact there was so much within so wide a planet. Everything seemed to be compacted into one certian area and yet you could find three of the same thing within set area. Shops, vendors, types of aliens, transports and so on. This planet was like a hub for everything in the galaxy which was a greater convience to Lyzia since it meant not needing to travel all over the galaxy just to learn about the different cultures.

Today she was traveling through the shopping area with an escort of four gaurds. Each armed gaurd kept a close proximity of her but they did have trouble keeping up with the Soltaran as she was contantly pulled towards one new thing or another. From pressing her scaled face against display windows to trying any and all free samples of foods along the way she was a fish, or rather lizard, out of water and she enjoyed it more than anything. This exposure to the galactic community was one of the greater aspects of her life and the history of her people.

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]

(A little short and vauge I know, sorry lol)
Drake had been walking through the shopping area, looking for any sign of trouble when he noticed something odd. A species he had never seen or heard of before walking around with four guards. He had heard of a new planet being found, and a new sentient member of the senate from that planet. He started walking that way. As he got closer, Drake felt more and more sure of his assessment of the situation. He'd never seen anyone so interested in everything the shopping area had to offer. Once he got close, he flashed the guards the lightsaber clipped to his belt. "I'm a Jedi." He said, before they might tackle him to the ground for getting too close to the person they were assigned to protect. "Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be a senator, would you?" Drake looked at the Soltaran.

@[member="Lyzia Hudna "]
@[member="Drake Blackwood"]

While Lyzia was trying to cast her refelction against the slight of a long blue dress in a display window the Jedi approched, she not fully paying attention. "Sneator? Oh yes that would be me." she aid before finally turning. "And who are...?" she stopped when she looked down and saw the lightsaber on his belt. Gasping she asked "Which are you? Sith or Jedi?" when he confirmed Jedi she looked oddly and said "Odd. You look the same as most other hu-mans. But I guess that's just a shared heritage or something, yes?" She leaned in and began exmaining him like a sicentist would a new subject. She opened his eyes and his mouth while sniffing his hair and asking "So what is you Jedi species like? Do you all carry those odd laser sowrds as a means of identifying one another? How do...?"
"Ah..." Drake let the Senator examine him, trying to come up with answers to her questions. "Yes, some humans do look very similar. But we also come from different planets. My family is from Hapes..." He pauses while she sniffed his hair. "Jedi aren't a species. Any species can be Force sensitive. You may even know someone on your planet who is." He looked at her guards, and half shrugged. "Jedi can tell each other apart through the Force alone, not lightsabers. Though it does help..." Drake looked at the Senator. Her curiosity was admirable, however annoying. Drake just took a few deep breaths, using calming techniques not to get angry with her. "Have you known anyone who can move objects with their mind...or maybe see the future."

@[member="Lyzia Hudna "]
"Force sensitive?" she asked before realizing something. "Oh yes! That odd thing they told me about. 'The force'. Some sort of blood mutation or something as I belive." When he asked her about anyone she knew who could do that she thought for a moment before saying "Well none of my people. Though some of the first travelers to come to our planet were able to do it. I didn't know there were that many of you who could. But you say the Jedi aren't a species? I suppose they must be something of an order then?" She leaned foward with her curiosity as to learn more about these things.

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
"An Order, exactly." Drake nodded. He looked around wondering why the Senator had guards. Who would want to hurt her so early into her career. Drake shrugged mentally, he certainly didn't know much about politics. Didn't know anything, for that matter. Drake looked back to the Senator. "So, how are you liking the Republic." He asked, scratching the back of his head.

Drake crossed his arms. He too was curious about this new species in front of him, though he didn't show it with the probing, as she did. He just watched, and learned, just as his master had instructed him. His eyes moved around the shopping area, watching.

@[member="Lyzia Hudna "]
@[member="Drake Blackwood"]

"Well the Republic itself is a very inviting group. Or rather faction as I guess is the proper meaning." she began. "From what I gather you are one of, if not THE, greater superpower in the galaxy. I think it is a good thing my people came to you first. Now, I am curious, is the Jedi 'Order', as it were, part of the Republic? Because as I have seen it some say that they are a seperate entity on their own. Your histories have said how the Jedi were once wiped out before finally reemerging in galaxy yet the Republic had surived."
Drake smiled. The questions were admirable. "Well, while the Republic generally doesn't have control over the Jedi, we can often be found." He waved his hand in a gesture, signaling the surrounding area, "Helping the Republic. Like today, I was patrolling this are, in case anything bad might happen here." He shrugged. "I noticed you and your guards! and curiosity got the better of me." He smiled. The young Padawan hadn't lost old habits yet.

"I'm Drake, by the way."

@Lyzia Hudna
With a small curtsy she introduced herself as "Lyzia Hudna." After introductions were done she said "Well then, Drake, can you tell me what one must do to be a part of your 'order'? If it is warriors you need I'm sure I can find the best in our people's ranks to join you. Think of it as a means of showing good will towards both you and the Republic, despite you being seprate or not." It was clear Lyzia was the diplomatic type, yet not many knew of the warrior side to her, hence why she always carried a sword with her.

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
Drake creased his forehead. "If you are Force sensitive, I'm sure the order will be happy to take you. I can speak with my master. He may be willing to come to your planet and seek out Force sensitives." Drake tried to give a reassuring smile. "Most people see it as a great honor to have a member of their race in the Order. Others might see it as an abomination." Drake crossed his arms. This was a very interesting conversation. He wondered if this species had many Force sensitives. He could certainly feel the Senator through the Force, spout that by no means meant she was Force sensitive. But he was far to untrained to tell.
"There you go, using that word again. Force. The Force. That's the one thing we;ve never seemed to understand. Some claim the force is some blood disease while others say it's something that a religion is based on. And now you say that only those who can be sensative to it or something like that are able to be Jedi. This seems like such an odd thing to me. Please what is this 'Force' that you aliens keep speaking of?" At first she sounded annoyed by it, and it a way she was. So many times it kept coming up and those that mentioned it couldn't explain it as well as she hoped. Now that a Jedi was with her she was hopeing that, being an expert, he would have the proper answers.

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
"Ah..." Drake scratched the back of his neck again. How was he supposed to explain something as complex as the Force. He was only a Padawan, and he wasn't sure even the wisest Master could explain something like the Force to someone so foreign. "'s like this." He looked to a nearby food vendor. Drake smoothly raised a hand, reaching out with the Force to one of the samples. A small cracker with some unidentifiable gel on it. He lifted it up, and moved it in front of the senator. "The Force is the life force of everything. As a Jedi, I can...communicate with it. Some think that without the Force, we may not even be here..." He shrugged. He hadn't read much on the subject, only experienced it.
"Oh my..." she said, seeing him display the uses of the force in front of her. "Amazing." But then as he began to talk about how it was the life force of everything and how some belive that was where life came from she had a very skeptical look. "Not meaning to sound rude, Drake, but scientifically speaking that doesn't sound very accurate. You see..." she began to want to explain hw science was the key to life but stopped when she began to understand how he phrased it. "Oh. I see. That is what you 'belive. Yes?"

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
Drake smiled and brought the sample to his hand, where he promptly grabbed it, and ate it. Her questioning the authenticity of the Force was something he'd expected. "Listen, I've only felt the Force. I don't know how I do, I just do. If you want, there's probably a Jedi or two at the temple could explain it better than I. Plus, you just saw it before your own eyes." He looked around, trying to find another way to show her the extent of the Force.
"Well, if I can speak for myself at least, I saw the use of teleknisis. Something that has been a freak presence in some species, as I've seen. Or...are you saying that this is casued by the force?" She was starting to wonder if, after being exposed to the galatic community, that using the force was some sort of virus or mutagenic disease that would become inherant in her or her people when they came to see the other worlds for themselves.

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
"This wasn't caused by the Force. I used the Force to make it happen." A reassuring smiled spread across Drakes face. Although the young Padawan wasn't sure if it would help. "Uh....I'm trying to think of another way to show you the extent of the Force..." He shrugged, an apologetic look on his face. "Ah...I'm sorry, I'm just not a learned enough Jedi to do much yet. So far, most of my skills lie in combat prowess." He scratched the back of his neck again.
@[member="Drake Blackwood"]

"So you are warriors then. Then why is it that you must also need to be one with this force in order to be a Jedi?" Part of her asked out of curiosity while another asked because she herself was interested to be a Jedi. Sure she was already a senator, but if it came to it she would be a warrior first. Someone to protect her people in combat than in a baordroom or the like.
Now this was something Drake understood. It may not be the Jedi way, but he was a pretty damned good fighter when he needed to be. "Now that's a question I can answer. You see, if a Jedi can use the Force to see what's all around him, he may not even need eyes. It allows him to fight multiple enemies, or predict attacks and outsmart his opponent." Drake smiled, and stood up a bit straighter. He always felt more confident when he knew what he was talking about.

If she asked about smuggling next he be absolutely off the walls.
Rubbing her head for a moment Lyzia had to say "This is incredible. I....I'd wished I'd known sooner. I think I need to sit for a moment." She found a decent seat before taking a few breaths. "My word.....this galaxy is full of one surprise after another. I'm surprised my whole head hasn't been blown into peices by all the information I'm learning. I mean intellegent fish and insect races? The force? Droids? This is all stuff of fiction in my world and yet here it is all a proven fact."

@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
Drake understood. While he grew up around droids and space travel, the Force was the thing he had struggled the most to come to terms with. He figured any more displaces of his abilities would only freak her out more. He crouched down next to her. "I'm sure it's a lot to take in. Maybe you could get a protocol droid. They speak almost every language, they certainly know a lot. One could for sure be useful in your travels across the galaxy." He smiled at her.

@Lyzia Hudna

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