Lyzia Hudna
"Strong Mother"
If there was one thing Lyzia Hudna, the senator of Solovarna and the Soltarans, could enjoy the most out of being on Courascant it was the fact there was so much within so wide a planet. Everything seemed to be compacted into one certian area and yet you could find three of the same thing within set area. Shops, vendors, types of aliens, transports and so on. This planet was like a hub for everything in the galaxy which was a greater convience to Lyzia since it meant not needing to travel all over the galaxy just to learn about the different cultures.
Today she was traveling through the shopping area with an escort of four gaurds. Each armed gaurd kept a close proximity of her but they did have trouble keeping up with the Soltaran as she was contantly pulled towards one new thing or another. From pressing her scaled face against display windows to trying any and all free samples of foods along the way she was a fish, or rather lizard, out of water and she enjoyed it more than anything. This exposure to the galactic community was one of the greater aspects of her life and the history of her people.
@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
(A little short and vauge I know, sorry lol)
Today she was traveling through the shopping area with an escort of four gaurds. Each armed gaurd kept a close proximity of her but they did have trouble keeping up with the Soltaran as she was contantly pulled towards one new thing or another. From pressing her scaled face against display windows to trying any and all free samples of foods along the way she was a fish, or rather lizard, out of water and she enjoyed it more than anything. This exposure to the galactic community was one of the greater aspects of her life and the history of her people.
@[member="Drake Blackwood"]
(A little short and vauge I know, sorry lol)