Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never Stop Learning

Ana had always relied on her skills with a rifle or flamethrower to get her out of a sticky situation. She had Force gifts but Ana only used them on occasion. Lately she had been learning more from her master and actually using it. Thus far she had learned quite a bit but she knew there was much she didn't know. As such she had decided to seek the assistance of a different Jedi Master.

There was nothing wrong with Matsu of course but Ana wanted to meet other members of the order and see what they had to offer. Everyone had different skills and abilities. She wished to take full advantage of this.

Sitting crosslegged on the ground Ana waited for [member="Coci Sinopi"] to arrive at the training room. She had promised to teach her Force Blind which from what the young woman had read would be a very useful tool.

Ana had arrived early so she could meditate and relax before training plus she didn't want to keep her waiting.
[member="Anastasia Rade"]​
Constant determined steps kicked out in front of her as Coci walked down the corridor toward the training room at the Temple. Most do not know of her much or rather her true purpose as a Jedi, a Silver Shadow remains hidden in many ways, more importantly for the safety of her fellow members as well as the position itself. However, today she is not this, but Master and trainer and she would never turn down a request from a fellow Jedi to strengthen themselves so that they may serve and protect others.

Padawan Rade had requested just this. An interesting name she pondered considering her meeting with Graxin Rade recently, and she had to wonder if they are related in some way. Or maybe it is just coincidence. Her force sense attune to the area and those within the Temple, a new signature found within her searching of a girl yet to meet. It is that of Anastasia Rade she would soon discover on pushing open the door to the room.

On entering, Coci smiled and gave a nod to the girl. "Padawan Rade, it is a pleasure to meet you, I am Master Coci Sinopi, but please call me Coci".
Being at the Temple was much different than being on Mandalore. Here she was able to just blend in with the crowd and be at peace with herself and everything. It was very nice and she enjoyed the time away. Ana in no way was Mand'alor but she felt at times that her actions where being watched just as much as her brother Azrael were.

On the other flip of the coin she had heard ramblings of Graxin starting his own movement. She could only hope he didn't start going after the places she stayed. Their relationship was complicated at best but as her brother she wouldn't give up.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Coci," Ana smiled as she got up as the Master walked into the room. She had been simple relaxing which was something she often didn't get to do.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

It was not often that Coci wore Jedi Robes, however she stood dressed in her cream and brown attire looking very much the picture Jedi. She undid the belt however and removed the outer layer and placed them neatly on a bench toward the back of the room.

"We should get started. Tell me how is your skills with telekinesis? to manifest force blinding you need this", she asked turned back to Ana and walking back to position. "The flash of light is produced through this ability and originates from your hand, your palm. When you learn this effectively, you will be able to cause temporary blindness to your enemy. I think the benefits to do this are evident".
"I'm very proficient at telekinesis," she nodded as she was asked. Ana could appreciate Master Coci getting straight to the point. Her time was valuable and Ana was just happy that she was taking time out of her schedule to teach her.

Before asking for training Ana had looked up what the spell she was requesting training for actually did. She didn't want to look silly in front of one of the Masters of the temple plus it was just plan good to know.

"I understand," Ana knew that just like everything else would take practice. What she would learn here would just be the beginning.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

Coci walked over near Ana and stood beside her. "Lets start with summoning the force to your arm and through to your hand, just as you would with your ability for TK. TK is all about knowing the way physics works and using it in conjunction with that or to manipulate it, it is the same with this, only you need to know of light and how it moves through space or rather through the air".

She summon the force around her and through her body to her arm just as she wanted Ana to do. "When I first tried this, well, it was self training and I made a few errors, which will happen and expected. I near blinded myself in the process. I have a .. natural ability of sight that allows me to see more then most, I am not sure where the talent came from, but I have larger pupils coupled with the ability through the force, it is a benefit. However, it does open me up to being more effected by such things as force blind". She smiled remembering the droid she had purchased in order to ironise him, now that droid is part of her family.

"We shall start small, see if you can manifest light on your finger tips". She wanted to see what Ana could do firstly. Coci extended her hand and produced a small amount of light on her hand by way of illustration.
Ana listened intently as Master Coci explained how the ability worked. It didn't sound too difficult but more than that she said something that sparked her interest. Could she see the future too? Was she an oracle? It was possible, Ana had never met an oracle before. In truth she was rather excited about the possibility of meeting someone whom could understand her.

"See more than others? Like a seer? Every since I was little I have been able to see glimpses of the past, future, and present." She would say more but Ana was supposed to be learning the ability of Force Blind.

Turning her attention back on the task at hand Ana focused on drawing the Force though her arm and to her hands. At first nothing happened but Ana didn't give up. Taking a deep breath she focused again and this time a soft glow appeared. It wasn't as bright as Coci's but it was certainly a start. "Like this?"

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

"Good Anastasia, push it a little further, make it brighter", Coci did the same. "You feel the warmth on your skin and through your arm? build on that and continue to push it toward your hand".

Watching Ana begin her training in a new skill, Coci had the time to think on what she had asked her. Naturally, Coci had knowledge of such Jedi that have the ability to see into future events or have vision that would portent the future but never had she considered she might have this ability. All her life she had just considered this gift a heritage of birth, something passed down the blood line of her family and now Ana had her wonder if there was more to this.

"I have always been able to see in the physical world with more distance and precision, been able to see in the darkness, within the shadows if you will", she said her thoughts out loud. She looked over the Ana as she began to produce a brighter light on the tips of her fingers.

"I have never considered it a force ability", and for once a Padawan had caused a Master to form questions around herself and the force. "Your ability to 'see', is a gift of much importance and yet I can imagine it would or rather could become, intrusive?".
[member="Coci Sinopi"]

"It can be very be intrusive not only to myself but those around me. I don't see many pretty things but some of what I have seen is useful. I know what I have is rare and it's something the Sith want." She stopped at that point as there was no need to explain. Ana was quite sure the Jedi Master understood what she meant. "I'm getting better at controlling my gift. Is your gift limited to what is out in front of you or can you see more than that?"

She hoped that it was alright that she was asking. Ana if anything was just very curious as to what she could do. Perhaps she could help her too in those visions.

Refocusing on the task at hand she pushed herself harder in order to produce a brighter light from her finger tips. She could feel the warmth on her arms as she did so. The light on her fingertips made her wonder if Force lighting was just a few steps above this ability.
[member="Anastasia Rade"]

"Now manifest that energy to your palms", she said doing the same and moving back to give Ana room to work. "Once you have the feeling of the force energy there, then push it out toward the wall", she added.

Coci would hold her 'ball' of light back until later, she could feel the growing power of the force within her arm extending to her hand. Ana will need to learn control over force energy in these situations and that will come with time and training.

"Try it". She narrowed her eyes to shut out any wayward blinding light that might effect her vision.

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