Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Never tell me the odds!

Hello, community.

This looks like a pretty neat place! I RP'ed in SWTOR and GMOD a few years ago, and dabbled heavily in D&D and Discovery (Freelancer) for a while. I'm a big fan of the original trilogy, a bunch of the novels, but Rogue One was pretty sweet; TLJ was meh (I deny Solo was a movie).

That being said however, this looks like a pretty cool forum; I like what's being done here. I've lurked around too and you folk set the standards pretty high. :) Can't wait to make my character and jump right into it with all of you.


1. Jedi
a. Played Sith all my life. Time for fresh air.
b. Will 90% probably be a female.
c. Will start as a padawan - any masters/knights out there interested?
d. Will <try> to drive her more on story vs. the acquisition of combat experience as an end in and of itself.

2. Pilot/Capital Ship Commander
a. Non-Force User.
b. Will definitely be male.
c. Faction undecided.
[member="Edison Trent"]


That is an interesting plan you got! If you are interested in joining a faction for your Jedi Padawan then can I recommend the Silver Jedi Order, I can drop a link if you like. We are the biggest Jedi Order on the site and there are plenty of Masters and Knights to learn from and we do plenty of stories. Both combat and non-combat.

Either way, enjoy your time here!

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Edison Trent"]

Welcome to the site! If you have any questions feel free to ask and yes I recommend the Silver Jedi for your Jedi and NFU folks well I might suggest the Outer Rim Coaliti they're a great place for pilots! Again welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
Tiland Kortun said:
Hello! Nice to have you here! Always good to have new coming in and bringing their own experiences and ideas. Those sound like great character ideas too!
Thanks bud. Was actually not planning on doing SW-themed RP again, but I ran into this post and immediately remembered all the cringey edge-posting my younger self is guilty of.
[member="Edison Trent"] Welcome welcome to Chaos! If you're looking for Major Factions, then the suggestions you've received so far are definitely solid, as both the Silver Jedi and the Outer Rim Coalition are big, stable, and full of awesome people to write with!

If you're looking at Minor Factions, I will shamelessly plug my own faction for your pilot - Agents of Chaos.

Whichever way you choose - I hope your Chaos experience is a great one, and I look forward to threading with you as the writer - either with or against your character/s :D
Yuroic Xeraic said:
[member="Edison Trent"]


That is an interesting plan you got! If you are interested in joining a faction for your Jedi Padawan then can I recommend the Silver Jedi Order, I can drop a link if you like. We are the biggest Jedi Order on the site and there are plenty of Masters and Knights to learn from and we do plenty of stories. Both combat and non-combat.

Either way, enjoy your time here!
I'll be sure to stop by the faction page and have a look around! Thanks and see you on the forums.

Ryssa Yvarro said:
[member="Edison Trent"]

Welcome to the site! If you have any questions feel free to ask and yes I recommend the Silver Jedi for your Jedi and NFU folks well I might suggest the Outer Rim Coaliti they're a great place for pilots! Again welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
Hey, thank you!

Scherezade deWinter said:
[member="Edison Trent"] Welcome welcome to Chaos! If you're looking for Major Factions, then the suggestions you've received so far are definitely solid, as both the Silver Jedi and the Outer Rim Coalition are big, stable, and full of awesome people to write with!

If you're looking at Minor Factions, I will shamelessly plug my own faction for your pilot - Agents of Chaos.

Whichever way you choose - I hope your Chaos experience is a great one, and I look forward to threading with you as the writer - either with or against your character/s :D
Likewise I look forward to writing with you very soon. :)
[member="Edison Trent"], first and foremost, welcome to Chaos! Fantastic to have you here!

If you're really down for a pilot/military guy, I'll happily join you. This guy here started off as my ace pilot and has evolved in my time writing him. Big wig officer now, but still climbs into the cockpit. Just let me know if there is anything you need or if you'd like to thread sometime.

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