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Approved NPC Neviere Ta'kku

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Neviere Ta'kku

[Source: ]

  • Intent: ​To create a third member of the Promethean Guard, now solely loyal to the Matador/Tathra Khaeus.
  • ​Image Credit:​ [Empress - By telthona]​
  • Role: A Warrior-Priestess and spiritual guide for Tathra Khaeus/Matador. A powerful warlock, solely focusing on the use of the force.
  • Links: ​The Matador/Tathra Khaeus
  • Age: ​903
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Dravalan - Human Hybrid
  • Appearance: ​Neviere is a Matriarch of the Dravalan, one of the last surviving spiritual leaders of their people. Standing at 7'8, she is a towering and imposing figure. Her body consists of a slim but disciplined frame, due to her focus on the use of the elements. She has grey aged skin, with red ceremonial markings dotting her skin; markings of a time long past since Solaris was destroyed.
  • Name: Neviere Ta'kku, The Last Matriarch.
  • Loyalties: ​NPC Companion to Tathra Khaeus.
  • Wealth: Minimum, living expenses only
  • Notable Possessions: Dravalan Armour weave Space Flight garb, a large metal bottle full of water, a pouch container small rocks and three incendiary grenades.
  • Skills:
Neveire, throughout the centuries of her life has honed her telekinetic and elemental abilities to that which could rival a master. Making use of all of the elements at her disposal. Neveire also has use of telepathy, being efficient in the use of battle meditation to inspire fighters in combat.

Additionally, Neveire also has the use of her tail; which has a dagger like edge which can be used to impale enemies.
  • Personality: As a hybrid, Neviere had to earn her position of power through blood and fire; killing many other potential candidates for the position of Matriarch before being able to lead. As such, Neviere is arrogant and fiery when threatened. But, in most scenarios has a subdued callousness that is complimented by a manipulative and cold mind. She's quite the charmer.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force
  • Combat Function:
+ Fire Breathing: A very circumstantial strength which is only ever active a certain percentage of the time, Dravala are capable of producing fire from their bellies given they have had a full meal within the last couple of hours. Food they digest is stored and converted into the source of this fire and once used, it cannot be used again until they have had another meal and digested it.

+ The Force: Neveire is most adept when playing a secondary role in combat, using her abilities to support her allies and subvert the attempts of her foes.

+ Agility: Whilst not nearly as physically strong as a typical Dravalan, perhaps not even half as strong; Neveire does posses an agile body.

+/- Lurker: When the battle turns in the favour of their foes, unless Tathra Khaeus is in danger; Neviere would quickly sacrifice her ally to deal a potentially lethal blow to her enemy.

- Distance for Persistence: Will the use of her tail can be deadly, she is not nearly as deadly in close quarters combat and can easily be overwhelmed by a more powerful and durable enemy.

- Crystal Organ: Embedded in the chest of every Dravalan, is an additional organ; a large diamond like growth in their chest. If damaged or destroyed, it can potential cripple or straight up kill Neviere in mere moments.

- Sensitive Horns: While the horns themselves are sturdy and able to be used as weapons, they have an extremely sensitive base where the skull meets. A pull with great force can result in near crippling pain.

- Cold Temperatures: Whilst more resistant to fire than a typical humanoid, the more genuine weakness for a Dravalan is ice. They simply cannot survive in cold climates and Neviere particularly, due to her weaker biology; can very easily be subdued by a ice shaper or snow shaper.

​For nearly seven centuries, Neviere has wondered the stars; seeking some vestige of hope for her dying species. Two-Hundred years ago, Neviere became what was known to many of her people as the Last Matriarch. For so long after the destruction of Solaris, the Dravalan were not space-worthy, they were simple minded and isolated themselves. This in turn, lead to a slow demise of their species. Neviere saw this, even as an outcast, a impure hybrid; she was that her people were on the verge of extinction if action was not taken.

Neviere spent years, trying to convince the Dravalan that their ways were at fault; but she was cast out. As an impure, she was exiled for daring to speak such heresy, damned by their gods. Alone, Neviere escaped from their home as a stowaway, learning basic from the ships local terminals. Not before long, Neviere began plotting to return home, but this time with ships and power. She killed the captain of the ship she was on-board, dominating her crew and taking command of her own small army of ships before returning to her home.

When Neviere returned, her people had been captured. The Dravalan had been captured and forced into slavery, labour work. Neviere followed a trail of purchases and leaked holo-vids to a small space station in the unknown regions. When Neviere arrived, it was destroyed. Black pyramid ships hung in the air, and Tathra Khaeus had already saved their people.

An outcast, just like her. When Neviere explained who she was, the titan; Khaeus took her aboard his ship, demanding she swear undying loyalty to him in turn for a part in her voyage. Even amongst a hundred of his men, even as those who cast her out bent the knee to him, she stood up and vowed only to bow to those of greater power than her own. Tathra Khaeus, the Matador; challenged her. Their bout lasted only a short period of time, as even as Neviere's telekinetic abilities were impressive; she had never faced an enemy like Tathra before. She was beaten, but got closer than most.

From that day on, Neviere swore an undying loyalty to Tathra. But, having proven herself to be capable and independent; she was placed on his Promethean Guard.
[member="The Matador"]

Since you're making a hybrid character, I'd like you to expand more on racial traits incorporated from the Dravala in the strengths and weakness section.


  • [SIZE=9pt]Monstrous Strength:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Being a species built and designed for war the Dravala are an extremely sturdy species capable of impressive physical feats. They have fought their entire lives and combat is as vital to them as food and water. The[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Dovah[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]are blessed with very solid bones and extremely enveloped muscles to compensate for their heavier center of gravity. They display strength that appears to be a bit stronger than that of Wookies and are incredibly dense, capable of taking large amounts of damage and physical harm before beginning to crumble and show signs of exhaustion.[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Heat Resistance:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Dovah have unique cells in their bodies that grant them the ability to withstand extremely high temperatures, given their home planets close proximity with the sun it is an evolutionary trait that has given them a couple of interesting perks. One of which is complete and utter immunity to fire and their 'partial' resistance to electrical charges where are negated when coming into contact with their scales and slightly nullified when touching their skin. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Weaponized Tails:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Different for each gender, the [/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]Dovah[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] have special tails which can be used as weapons in their own way to compensate for their crippling weaknesses. The Male tails have mace-like spires at the end of their tails useful for things like bashing and smacking into most threats. However, as a result the males tails tend to be shorter and bulkier, sacrificing its prehensile mobility for blunt force. A females tail however is longer and more easily manipulated as a fifth limb, and rather than having a blunt weapon at its tipped they have sharpened bone spires useful for impaling those who dare venture to close. The scales on their tails, being heavily protected by thick scales have the sole ability to deflect energy attacks from Blasters and Lightsabers without taking damage. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Fire Breathing:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]A very circumstantial strength which is only ever active a certain percentage of the time, Dravala are capable of producing fire from their bellies given they have had a full meal within the last couple of hours. Food they digest is stored and converted into the source of this fire and once used, it cannot be used again until they have had another meal and digested it. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Sensitive Horns:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] While the horns themselves are rather sturdy and such, they do possess an extremely sensitive base where the skull meets. Rough yanks or pulls with great force can result in near crippling pain for them which is why some of the species simply decide to grind them down whenever they start to grow back. Though others are to prideful to remove their horns and thus suffer the consequences when they are exploited in combat. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Bad Senses:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]A Dravalas sense of smell, sight, and overall hearing is considered to be very below average. Their sight because of their infrared vision, only allowing them to see heat signatures rather than the specifics of their environment or their opponents. Their sense of smell is below average seeing as they use their tongue to mainly do that and that is just for picking up chemicals in the air around them to get a good idea of what certain things are. And their sense of hearing is slightly impaired. Using their horns as echo chambers so that they can focus their hearing through them which often results in rather negative results. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Limited Force Abilities:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]And by limited, i mean they only have access to two. Dravala are not knowledgeable in the ways of the force and their only main talent rest primarily in their ability to shape the elements and all things related to them. They cannot learn Telekinesis, Mind Trick, or any of the other popular force powers known to most Jedi or Sith. They are only able to enhance their physical bodies and manipulate the elements putting them at a disadvantage. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]​Infrared Vision:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Another significant weakness of their species is the fact that because of their serpent-like nature the Dravala see the world in...a different way. Incapable of distinguishing colors, facial features and other things common beings can the Dravala see the world based on heat signatures. This is a weakness because if they come across cold blooded creatures or someone who is say...covered in mud. They will be almost entirely invisible to the them, that and the fact that because of this vision they would have a hard time reading, writing, and doing things humans do because of their inability to see the same things others do. [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Cold Tempatures:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Very simple, yet very effective. What heat and fire would feel like to a normal human like me and you, is what the cold and ice feels like to them. They cannot survive in cold climates and can easily be subdued by someone like an Ice Shaper or Snow Shaper. If they were put on a planet like Hoth they'd only be able to survive a few hours before flat out dying. If combating a Dravala, the most effective weapon one could have is a fire extinguisher. The cells in their body cannot withstand temperatures below a certain threshold and they get things like frostbite extremely easily (Almost as if they are being 'burned'). This limits their engagements and their ability to travel.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Gemstone:[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]The crystals embedded in their chest are, basically like a major organ. If destroyed or damaged, a Dravala can be crippled or killed. While the stone itself is harder than most other materials, it has the same breaking method as diamond. You see, if Diamond is struck strategically then it can compromise its foundation, making crack, shatter, or just break apart. Should this happen, they 'will' die. Slowly and painfully, but these gems are rather small and not easily exposed when it combat. Threading the needle is key to striking the stone correctly and doing so will earn an opponent a swift victory. [/SIZE]
I don't need you to go line by line, but if you could at least summarize exactly how the highlighted traits are affected by hybridization, then that would give me a better idea of what we're working with here.

From what I can see right now, in comparison to pureblood Dravala, Neviere lacks their great strength/durability but can use the Force in more ways than just physical augmentation and elemental control.
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