Keepin Corellia Weird
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Intent: A concealable way to neurally bridge Ijaats brain, his Geoffery AI and the functionality of his Mandalorian armor
Development Thread: HERE(Link to Duel w/ Rev, Thread w/ “Hulk” and Shaper)
Manufacturer: Vong Shaper & Reverance
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Vong Biological Nano-Biots
After his duel with the Vong King, Ijaat lay broken, his armor mostly in ruins and destroyed. Perhaps as a cruel joke, or a lesson of the price of pain, Reverance left him alive and in the care of Vong shapers, instructing them to use him for whatever experiment they wished. His only instructions were that they make him something more worthy of his time if he survived their testing.
The Shapers evacuated him from Adumar to an unknown facility in One Sith territory and conducted many experiments on both his nervous system and musculo-skeletal system, adding experimental nano-biots that would cover his body in a glove of a light armorweave like substance that provided minimal (class 5 or lower) protection against various forms of assault, but actually enabled the mind of the subject to link to the systems of a custom designed armor like a typical Mandalorian might wear and control it by thought alone, with enough training with the process. It also provided minimal increases in natural strength, reflexes, endurance and healing factors, by roughly about 50% (this would not stack with Force Powers or Power Armor, only the Neuro-Glove and it's Fused Armor).
The modifications however had a drawback- they were permanent, and without a proper matching armor component the host of the biots would sicken and die in a matter of weeks as the biot ate the hosts brain matter in an attempt to feed itself. The subject might last months, in excruciating agony and worsening psychosis, if lucky.
Sadly, the shapers were interrupted in their work before they could fuse whatever biological monstrosity of armor they intended to to Ijaat, and the facility was destroyed. Ijaat was found in a prison cell with no obvious deformities, the nano-biots driven inert by the sonic-mines utilized by the attackers. Eventually the biots awoke, and it became abundantly clear Ijaat would need something to subdue them in some manner, or they would quite literally eat him alive in their zeal to bond with his mind.
Primary Source: N/A
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Intent: A custom armor utilizing the full abilities of recent mishaps and blessings Ijaat has run into, and to fully integrate his AI into his suits for unparalleled control and functionality.
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Gotal'Veman & ArmaTech, Reverance and Bhaltair Dhimani)
Act 1: Vong Tech Bio-Engineering (20+ Posts)
Act 2: beskar or Beskar Mining/forging (10+ Posts, will need to include making into liquid metal like MK 51 suit)
Act 3: Design Phase (20+ Posts)
Act 4: Combat Testing (Any Combat)
Model: MK 1
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: Moderate
Production: Semi-Unique (2-3 Sets)
Material: Unique
Classification: Custom Multipurpose Variable Threat Response Armor Suit
Weight: 20 Kilograms
Quality: 8 (negotiable to 7)
Rapid Deployment
Highly agile
Totally Concealed
Completely designed to interface with wear with neural link with aid of AI system
Special Features:
.5 second deployment time to recall helmet
5 second deployment time to recall rest of armor/weapons
During recall time for armor Ijaat is severely clumsy and disoriented and experiences severe neurologically sourced pain that renders him almost blind and deaf from sensory overload
Requires extensive training to fight in and is cumbersome(next to impossible) to use without AI to assist in operation
Vulnerable to sonic attacks (disorients Vong nano-biots)
Impact resistant
Thermal resistant
Blaster resistant
Lightsaber resistant
Highly protective
Vacuum sealed
Fused-Quartz Mesh (Electricity Resistance)
Hafnium Powder (Heat Resistance)
Enviromentally sealed (on demand, 5x hours of 02 only)
Repulsors and stabilizers to reduce weight of suit on wearer and stabilize it during actions like running and firing various equipped weaponry
Various liquid cooling and heat-sink systems to keep homeostasis of wearer
Contained within nano-tubes implanted subdermally under wearers skin and controlled by subdermal bodyglove/neuralsheath vong biot/virus by thought impulse
All systems slaved to neural processes of wearer (Controlled by thought)
Liquid-metal nano bots contained within nanotubes form armor in a material metallurgically almost identical to beskar
Able to be manifested externally as host-body for AI temporarily, though at great cost to health and excruciating pain for wearer
Summoned or dismissed by thought
Can be fully commanded or used by AI for short period of time
-Bodyglove (make into own sub as physical manifestation of vong virus/biots)-
Neurological linking connects nervous system to armor via armor's A.I. Integration
Can be concealed by willing nano-biots to shift to flesh tone color as opposed to metallic gold default
Offers protection on par with standard armorweave bodyglove
Arbiter Combat Helmet
*Hardpoints for 1x system(s) per shoulder(grappling hook, blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, up to 2x dart launchers may be considered as taking up only 1x slot)
*Current load-out:
Right: None Yet
Left: None Yet
*Hardpoints for 2x system(s) per shoulder(blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, jetpack, etc..)
*Current load-out:
Steering Vanes and Thrusters to Improve Agility of Propulsion System
*Hardpoints for 1x system(s) per wrist(grappling hook, blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, up to 2x dart launchers may be considered as taking up only 1x slot)
*Current Load-out:
*Hardpoints for 1x system(s) per wrist(grappling hook, blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, up to 2x dart launchers may be considered as taking up only 1x slot)
*Current load-out:
*Left Gauntlet/Wrist:
Flamethrower- Uses standard accelerant and fuel system. Nothing special really, does what it says on the tin.
Rocket/Missile System
*Right Gauntlet/Wrist:
Grappling hook system with 5 pronged (and barbed) liquid-cable launcher system
Charric Comparable in terms to an SE-14r light repeating blaster
*Hardpoints for 1x system(s) per hand(grappling hook, blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, etc..)
*Current Load-out:
Right & Left Hand: M31 Tractor Wand & Pressor Wand
Vibro-blades in hand plates made of durasteel, ala Republic Commandos
*Hardpoints for miniaturized or low-powered weapons system, 1x per knee(dart launcher may be 2x launcher per knee, low powered micro-rockets with minimal blast radius, etc..)
*Current Load-Out:
*Right Knee: 2x Dart Launchers with sennari coating system for darts
*Left Knee: 2x Dart Launchers with sennari coating system for darts
*Hardpoints for 1x system(s) per boot(grappling hook, blaster... Rocket/missile system & flamethrower, etc..)
*Current Load-out:
Mag-lock/clamps in both boots
Support Systems:
Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield
Hyperion Combat Armor: The Shield Tech is being re-purposed to make the armor rigid)
Hyperion Active Camouflage: Parts (Sound, Thermal, and other parts)
Ca'tra Jair Propulsion System
AI and Storage (Control the suit)
Faraday Cage (Annealed Copper Caging)
This was not something Ijaat wanted to build, or ever wear. The vong nano-biots that he was infected and grafted with by the Vong King and his shapers made it such that without a symbiote to feed off of, Ijaat began to sicken and die. Quite simply, the nano-biots had begun to eat away at the very synapses of his brain, causing a quickly decaying mental state and rapidly debilitating psychosis.
The solution was relatively simple at first... The neural sheath, that serves as the bodyglove for this armor, which was being made for an unknown purpose was subdued and slaved to the control of Ijaat's AI, Geoffery, which in turn created an almost psychic and instantaneous link between the two intelligences. To help assist in that control, there was a generator of sorts placed in his chest. The combination of electrical impulses and subtle sub-sonic waves calmed the biots to a manageable level.
But there then was a problem with the setup. Though Ijaat had preserved his biological life, he had lost all aspects of the other, more important part. He had lost the part of his life that drove his spirit- war. To fix this, Geoffery and Ijaat sought out Draco Vereen and with help (as with on the generator) from Bhaltair Dhimani, they slaved the generator to a network of carbon nanotubes implanted subdermally inside his body and the hollow of his bones, containing a hybridized liquid-metal beskar taken from his former armor and slaved with a release mechanism that was activated by nothing more than a simple thought. This process takes merely half a second for the helmet and five seconds for the rest of the body, totaling under six seconds for full armor to appear, but is accompanied by excruciating pain and disorientation.
Form wise, it was set up to resemble a bare metal version of his former armor, a white metallic color overall with blue read-outs and displays shining through. Each system was slaved to his neural sheath, monitored by both Geoffery and himself simultaneously. Quicker than most can move he can send any of the weapons firing, reloading, tracking aiming and target paths and solutions or hundreds of other sundry tasks. It is capable of everything most normal armors can do, and bears all the hallmarks of both Ijaat and Draco's craftmanship, and in the liquid metals capabilities the brilliance of Bhaltair can be seen in his melding of Vong Science and the like with the theoretical branch of neo-science known as transmutative bio-engineering, a fledgling science funded by Gotal'Veman to research notes gained from Rave Merril and turn them from Sith Alchemy to Science.
The armor is of course complimented of that standard T visor and lantern jaw shape Ijaat loves, the angular cheeks of his style present as well. Otherwise it is made of layered bands and plates not just on the abdomen, but all over, providing for greater protection and flexibility and agility in combat. The hands are host to thrusters from the Ca'tra Jair Propulsion system and a set of pressor/tractor wands in each hand for ease of calling any carried blasters to hand, though they are weak and have a range of only a meter or two at max, but are quite marvelously powerful within that range.
Gauntlets... Well every mandalorian armor has gauntlets, doesn't it? Flamethrowers are nearly standard, and a useful feature Ijaat has come to love in his time in the field. There is really little special about this set up, there also being a 5-prong liquid-cable grappling hook, a charric blaster, and a classic mini-rocket platform which has the boasting of being able to house various charges, though only a High Explosive round has been seen to be used yet. The back-of-the-hand plates also carry beskar formed combat-knives ala the old Republic Commando katarn armor, quite a deadly component when one throws a heavy punch!
Hardpoints exist, but were left bare for optional equipment on the shoulders and the back contains just plain steering veins which can be retracted into the skin/other plates of the armor to give the propulsion system exceptional manuevrability, with currently just dart launchers using a customized version of the kamino saber-dart coated with the virulent sennari poison which Jodo Kast was infamous for utilizing in his career even, despite some viewing it as almost a forbidden substance. The boots finish up the ensemble, having simple mag-locks and clamps to help brace and stabilize the wearer, and propulsion boosters there as well.
Primary Source/Inspiration:
SE-14r light repeating blaster
M31 Tractor Wand
Ca'tra Jair Propulsion System
Cloak of Nuun: Based around this to allow armor to function as a 'symbiote' of sorts
Amphistaff: Its Biology that allows it to be rigid and Lightsaber Resistant is being Fused with the Cloak of Nuun style 'symbiote' to help create the armor
Hyperion Active Camouflage
Paragon-class Personal Energy Shield
*~ GENERAL FEATURES NOTE: Any modifcation or installation of different equipment will require a thread to develop said weapon/system and install it into the armor, consisting of a minimum of 10 posts. Switching out between two technologies (All of which shall be unique and only to function with this system) will require no more or less than 1 post dedicated to the action at any time, assuming the tech is within reasonable reach/distance to swap out.
Anatomical Relcamation Coil (A.R.C.) Reactor
Image Source:
Intent: An emergency ditch effort to help pacify and subdue the volatile vong biots within Ijaat
Development Thread: If Needed
Manufacturer: Vong Shaper & Reverance
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Copper, Corsuca Gem, Durasteel, Plasteel, Transparisteel
A collaboration using a modified reactor design Ijaat had been toying around with for years, this reactor is a moderate output, but is designed to be able to power Ijaat's power armor without the need for quite so many generators and the like placed throughout the suit. Miniaturized further and taken to almost dangerous levels of output, the generator will not only be able to power a complex suite of armor functions, it will also output a small continual electrical current throughout whatever it is implanted into, along with a subsonic frequency emitter. In Ijaat's case it is just enough to pacify the vong biots and make them manageable, as well as power his endosym armor.
Primary Source: N/A
Critiques welcomed.