Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private New Beginnings

Level 994
Catch Ryder's Bar and Cantina
Allyson Locke Allyson Locke

Olen paced hurriedly through the eerily quiet of the lower levels of Coruscant. Being a military officer, most of his collective memories of the ecumenopolis had been of spacescrapers breaking the cloud line and countless ships of beautiful makes. Not the dingy, dangerous mess that he was currently experiencing. Despite his own personal reservations, he attempted to look on the bright side of this place, there were abandoned hangars that would make excellent temporary bases for the Phantoms. But that wasn't the reason why'd come here, he was here to meet someone.

Zipping up his jacket to defend against the cold chill of the Coruscant night, he turned into a drab and dark alleyway, the only light coming from the faulty neon sign of a bar. Taking out his datapad, he made sure he was at the right place, and checked who he'd be meeting.

A wall of musky smells hit him as he entered into the cantina. Beings of all species drinking their lives away while they basked in their blissful ignorance. Repulsive. He choose a seat by the corner, keeping his hood up to conceal his identity while keeping a lookout at the same time.

Ever since Max Darksun had left the Phantoms, he'd been on the careful lookout for a replacement Executive Officer. The SIA had been courteous enough to provide him with a list of potential pilots that would fit his criteria. All of the selections were excellent pilots but none had the skillset and abilities that would be vital. Then he'd asked for some of the misfits, see who he'd be able to give a second chance. But they were all in military prison or awaiting trial for a whole host of misdemeanours.

Then a third list came. Supposedly a mistake, but over the years he'd learned that it was vital to take any and every opportunity that came his way. And one name in particular had come to mind, the turncoat double agent Jedi as he'd previously come to know her.

Allyson Locke.

Time to play the waiting game to see if she'd actually show up.
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