Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New character creation

Hey, welcome to Chaos, [member="hannahmariakatherine"] !

To add an avatar picture,you need to have an avatar image, make sure it's square shaped. To upload it to your account, click on "my settings", then, "change my photo", and remember to save :)

Fiolette Fortan


You can jump into any public thread if you want, or you can have a look around at the different factions and talk with them via discord or in their forums and join in on a thread that way . Or if you have a particular story in mind you can use the looking for group section of the boards! :D Welcome to chaos!
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(el-o-el.... my err in data processing, [member="hannahmariakatherine"] . Not your name, but of the double welcome.
Double welcome has been reprocessed as intentional)

For creating a character, have a look around in the "Character Creation" subforum in other people's profiles to get a feel for what's usually expected there, write your own, and post it as well with the account that corresponds to the character. Then put a link to it in the "Character Bio" field in the subaccount's profile - this is an incredibly useful feature of this board, because the link will then be nicely displayed below your avatar in every post. That's how most of us has this "Character Bio" link here to the left. If allows to you find out things about any character yours ends up interacting with, without having to annoyingly dig up the profile with the search function.

The Jedi are splintered into several different groups in this board's timeline, there are several larger and smaller factions of Jedi about whom you can find a current overview here.

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