Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG New character looking for threads

I created this character right before I left to go on vacation, now I'm back home and want to get the ball rolling with writing her. HMU if you or your character are interested in any of the following plot hooks:
  • Princess: Lys is the heir to the throne of Karfeddion, a bountiful planet which historically has stayed out of galactic politics, though they did have a Senator representing their sector in the Republic by the time of the Clone Wars. Her homeworld is not on the Chaos map, but I would generally place it somewhere to the southwest of the GA border (but not inside Sith space). She will inevitably get involved in politics due to her lineage; I am toying with the idea of her becoming an ambassador or something similar.
  • Slavery: Karfeddion and the entire Senex sector as a whole utilizes slavery in its economy. Certain sentient species (including Humans) are bred to serve as a labor force on their plantations and ranches. Lys would have been raised to see this as acceptable, which will put her at odds with anyone who finds slavery morally repugnant.
  • House Organa: Lys is descended from a rogue member of the royal House of Organa. She has never met any of her Alderaanian relatives, who may not even be aware that she exists.
  • Something Else: Idk man, I just created this character and am pretty much open to anything. If you have an idea for a thread, I'd be interested to hear it.
If she finds herself on Naboo with ambassador duties, Lorn could always be her guard/guide around Theed. From there they could spark up conversation to help flesh out your story. I think the slavery angle would be cool to dig into if she had some with her. Up to you! Don't want to overwhelm ya, but reach out if you are interested. Here or discord: dynamitedelight9173

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