Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG New Creation out in the Galaxy

Hello all, had this alt created for a while and wanted to use her. (Yes it's a Dark Rey concept.) With her backstory not much to go on. Leaving it very open ended for some exciting storylines. Only thing being of her was that she was the project of Sith Experimentation by the Sith Eternal on Exegol. Following that by unknown means she was let loose on the galaxy. With only a name and little of what came before, being what the creators had in mind was something sinister for her. I would love to think of the experiment as a clone of sorts. Who well that I have no idea, as such things are left to be open ended for what storylines occur!

What i'm looking for is bringing her out onto the galaxy during these chaotic times, to eventually be turned into an agent of evil. Either by someone else's influence, maybe you are the original host of the clone that she is? Hell she could slowly succumb to the madness that is involved with making Force Sensitive clones. Going further and further into the dark side as she explores what the rightful dark path. Might even surprise me to see her be a Jedi and Redeemed somehow, but for the most part wanting to add another baddie onto the board, following through with what interesting plots could go along her path. As she is left with a sort of memory loss regarding her creation by such fanatics, and why it happened.

So if anyone wants to help such a amnesiac clone out with some awesome stories in mind, or fun plot twists. I am all ears for it. Looking to get her out and about more! Even looking to find a place in current storylines as well. Looking for all the fun Story Opportunities. :D
Grey Jedi Padawan/Cinnamon Roll
Sounds fun! Besides, Skywalker and Tano?
I have three other members of Kuxirra's family (four if you count Zenda's unborn child)
Darth Faef Darth Faef Kuxirra's identical twin and other half of her Dyad
Zenda Tano-Bonteri Zenda Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra's mother who has a Shaak Ti vibe, voice included, and who I randomly decided is pregnant based on a dream I had last night
Leehak Tano-Bonteri Leehak Tano-Bonteri Kuxirra's father who has a Plo Koon vibe, voice included
Traumatized Carrier-Loving Mess
Ever wanted to break into an Alliance carrier? I might have the Pegasus holding, let's say, someone who knows about Kira's history who you might want to extract. Maybe even breaking into the databases in search of information.

Either way, if you need a fleeter to terrorize, we have the finest hospitality in the galaxy, and I'd be happy to have marines chase you through hallways.
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