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Codex Denied New Dac City, Dubrillion

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Gam Kelgor




  • City Name: New Dac City
  • Classification: Small Urban Center
  • Location: Dubrillion
  • Affiliation: New Imperial Order
  • Population: Moderate
  • Demographics: 99% Mon Calamari, 1% Other
  • Wealth: Low
  • Stability: High
  • Freedom & Oppression: New Dac is one of of the most free cities in New Imperial space. With the bulk of the city being deep underwater, the inhabitants are allowed a great deal of autonomy due to the fact that they are able to stay out of the way of Imperial affairs. On the surface, citizens are under more influence from Imperial law, but the surface population is also signifcantly wealthier than the rest of the city and crime is less frequent.
  • Description: New Dac City is two-tiered. The lower portion is deep underwater, built mostly of prefabs and old starships since the refugees were left with very little wealth after the poisoning of their world. It remained a relatively small city for the first decade of its existence and its only connection to the surface was a floating spaceport, small enough that it could go unnoticed by the Sith Empire when the city was founded. In the last couple of years since the New Imperial Order arrived, the surface spaceport has been transformed into almost a city of its own. As the New Imperials helped develop the city, the wealthier citizens moved upwards and left the poor to live in the lower portion of the city.

New Imperial Maritime Division Headquarters: Founded after the liberation of the Braxant Run from the Sith, the NIMD was headquartered on Dubrillion for a number of reasons. The chief reason was its panthalassic ocean, a vast area available for the use of training and shipyards. Secondly was New Dac's population of Mon Calamari, a valuable resource due to their knowledge of seacraft and spacecraft. The NIMD HQ is located on the edge of the upper city, in the neighborhood where almost all of New Dac's non-Mon Calamari population lives. Many Mon Calamari in New Dac served as Shipwrights prior to the fall of Mon Cala, and have resumed their work in the service of the NIMD.


The Coral Garden Opera House: Founded after the arrival of the New Imperials, The Coral Garden was created to continue on the legacy of the Mon Calamari high arts. It is now one of the few places outside of the Core Worlds where Mon Calamari cultural practices such as traditional ballet and opera can be seen.


[ Include a description on the city's history here. Detail how it came to be created and why. Talk about the people involved in this city's history and expansion; and what role it played and still plays. For historical cities, if you so desire, you can include events from the Chaos Canon timeline or board history where appropriate. ]
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