Queen of Naboo
Queen Kalantha has made her debut, and now that's she's officially here, I'm looking forward to getting some threads going that involve Naboo and its people. This is probe for potential interest! I have lots of ideas, and I'm open to anything. A few things I have in mind:
- Naboo Renaissance, following the reconstruction of Theed after the Cataclysm. Could be a gala, a parade, or a festival; Some kind of rejuvenation
- Royal Security Force, bringing them up to par for a world that's uncomfortably close to the Sith. Also establishing potential handmaidens for future missions and threads
- Political connections, with both the major powers that be (RTL + GA), as well as local/neighboring systems looking to stick out the coming war together
- Local legislation, fielding some representatives to aid the Queen in matters of state
- Queenly escapades, because we all know your girl's gotta sneak out of that headpiece and explore a bit sometimes!