Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev New Developments

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
I am a little excited today for I have grown a fondness for space stations. And here I am, invited to another one of those! The Katitik Hive Industries, no less. I keep an eye on it from the viewport as we make our approach to the designated landing platform. My crew inform the station of our arrival and I have little doubt that my cloaked guards are maintaining their vigil and preparing to follow me.

I had been given a hint at what is being requested of NCBC and the very prospect of it intrigues me. And should it prove successful, it could provide NCBC with yet another use for New Cov's precious resource of biomolecules.

When it is clear that our landing is mere moments away, I proceed to towards the ramp with my head held high and my posture poised with confidence. Today will be a great day.

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
The geonosian has many plans ahead of him, he had his people beginning preparation of a few new types of equipment. Including a vehicular patchwork system and perhaps a weapon type. However, he had a far more ambitious plan in mind as well. One too ambitious for the hive to take on alone. And that was not too common a problem when it came to production. But no, this was too much. The geonosians knew tech fairly well, but it was almost entirely inorganic. Nervous systems seemed to be fairly well understood for purposes like the Powermind. But this was far beyond mere basic biology. They wanted to manipulate gravity on a more special scale than just a gravity well.

And for that, they needed Liin Terallo Liin Terallo . Cruk made his way to the docks as he was alerted their specialist was on her way, a geonosian along with him, as well as a translator droid. both he and the scientist had vocodors on. But given the complex nature of this topic, he wanted to be sure they could discuss it in more detail. Cruk himself did understand some of the tech, but he was not the true specialist. He understood running the hive, and her understood warfare, but they were going to get into very complicated topics with very specific terminology.

He did not believe excess guards would be necessary. He was of course armed, his personal energy shield and beam weapon. But what warrior geonosian should ever be found unarmed anyway. This whole station was designed with so many precautions, the presence of a weapon of it's owner should be of little note in his mind. He hoped she would feel the same, as he did not need a scientist anxious about the wrong tasks.

Cruk waited with interest for her to exit the dock.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Normally one such as myself would come with a host of assistants. But I had one die a while back on a jpurney home and I have yet to forgive myself for it, much to my parents' dismay. And so I keep my assistants virtual, using holos instead. And besides, I may be the Head of the corporate government for New Cov, but I am not royalty.

I walk down the ramp with my hidden guard in tow, asserting my gaze onto whom I can only guess is the host of this meeting. That would be proper decorum afterall. There have been those meetings where merely the assistants meet the honoured guest and more often than not, I later find the hosts to be egotistical nerfherders.

Let us see what today will bring, shall we?

I make my approach and stop mere meters before him. With a slight dip in my head, I speak. "Thank you for the invitation. I am Director Terallo."

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
Cruk blinked at her as she arrived seemingly unaided physically. Acceptable. As long as she was capable without such presence he was not concerned. His own people would have to suffice should aid be needed, though another translator droid may be necessary in such a case. She stepped forwards at a logical distance, and gave her introduction.

He tilted his head as a nod and responded, his vocodor dictating his clicks and trills to basic, "Greetings Director Liin Terallo. Welcome to this Operator of the Katitik Hive. I am Cruk Tuk, king for the Katitik Hive. That is only my function, it is unnecessary to use it or other formality in practical discussions of this sort." He explained. He did not always make that clarification, but he felt it wise to do so just to avoid unnecessary delays in their processes, quickly getting to the point afterwards, "I am seeking innovation in our future projects, however while some projects are already under way, we lack the expertise in some studies. Your skill has been deemed of great use in the hopes of creating an artificial and more marketable recreation of something known as a 'Dovin Basal' which is capable of generating gravitic anomolies. Somewhat akin to a more focused gravity well. Are you familiar with the functions such organic technologies serve?"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

Sorry! For some reason I thought you hadn't posted
A King? I am not quite knowledged in Geonosian government structure. I can imagine that it is similar to the Covie; only with different titles. Speaking of titles, Cruk wishes for me to refrain from using any titles in regards to him. And while I do find the request slightly odd, I shall respect his wishes.

He voices the reasoning for inviting me to his station, and I must say that I find the very idea an intriguing one. I am no scientist, yet I am familiar with a variety of topics therein. Most especially when it comes to different technologies.

"You speak of Vong tech, do you not? Their organic technology is an inspiration to a number of our products. Do you have a Dovin Basil on hand for research?" I have never seen Vong tech up close before, outside of those worn by individuals. I would consider myself lucky to see some today.

Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
A nod in response to her original question on what technology to which he referred. Before the more difficult question. "Unfortunately, not as of yet. The Vong are notoriously stringent about many things. And are also not as common as some races are. Even hapan technology may have been easier to gather since unlike with vong, it doesn't simply die when left unattended." he explained. "We have some details on how their technology seemed to work, as well as the more artificial forms like gravity wells. I understand a dovin basal may be necessary, but it still seemed important to at least begin the basics until it was certain."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Aight, just not having a great month apparently exhaustion wise. Started picking up energy/time again just this week/end of last. So hopefully better. I am sorry about that.
"I understand. It is very easy to believe that Vong would not wish for their tech to be used by anyone other than their own kind. But there is bound to be enough information on them to work on it. May I see what you have managed to construct thus far?" Having a base to work with and expand on would make it a lot quicker than starting from scratch. But I was prepared for either way. Still it was always interesting to see how other laboritories worked.

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
Cruk nodded, those creatures were clever. But their reclusiveness and low numbers in modern day made them problematic to research. Unlike most species their technology would simply die with them. It made things very complicated. He turned to the geonosian scientist with him, likewise equipped with a vocodor to translate his speech into basic. And they both began to walk with Cruk gesturing to follow, "Of course. Giklok is one of ours. He has more information to offer you, as will our labs. I do not expect of course that you simply finish it all here in the lab." he explained, "The Hive would of course demand the rites to continue production and sale of this particular product, and expect to permit the same. Though we will make no claim to you or your companies part in it beyond the production of the agreed upon items."

Business talk and legal matters. They had to be at least briefly touched upon. The scientist now spoke at Cruks nod, "We hold information pertaining to the functions and effects of the Dovin basals. Over time, there have been many sensor recordings of them. And as a result, we can more accurately perceive the end results effectively. Very advanced gravitic technology compared to a gravity well, but technically speaking, less powerful overall. Gravity wells and tractor beams sometimes have far greater range and pulling power than an equally sized ship using a dovin basal. They are simply more spread out. We have not yet been able to reverse engineer this result via technological methods, so it may be unique or at least less complicated for organics."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I recognize the gesture and follow my host and his colleagues while the discussion continues. He lays out the framework of what could be the start of a business contract. And it is one that provides a business partnership as well. At least as far as the dovin basals were concerned.

"The Dovin Basal-like tech will surely be credited to your Hive. You need not fear in that. A mention of NCBC's contribution must surely be noted and perhaps a small percentage of sales could be adequate."

I listen as his colleague speaks, describing more or less the differences between dovin basals, gravity wells and tractor beams. "The tech that you mean to create, will the result give the dovin basal an edge towards being stronger than it's predecessor?" If anything I could imagine that they could coincide with an EMP and still function due to their organic components. But I am no engineer. My thoughts could be purely unrealistic.

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
He nodded again on the matter of it's crediting and the sale system, "An acceptable and convenient method to insure mutual benefits. We have preformed sales percentage agreements before. They are ideal for avoiding complicated systems." he agreed. Mention of the contribution was of course perfectly acceptable. And the openness on which products were produced by what resources helped insure clients were not confused on what features a particular product may have or what effort it may require to deal with.

On the scientific matter however, Cruk let the scientist do the speaking. And so he did,
"EMP resistance is already something we take into account in many of our modern products. It is of little concern. Organics have their own problems. Like the sonic weapons we use." he began. Something they were proud of, sonic weaponry was not as common as lasers. Likely because it had it's own issues, it was, of course, quite loud. It was also not quite as good at hitting only what you wanted to hit. Additionally many sonic weapons had not been designed for more common hands, and instead for geonosian limbs. It made them quite inconvenient. "Still, it may be stronger. In part, that will depend on you. We can supplement the effects of a dovin basal with miniature tractor beams and repulsors, and correlate all three systems to a droid brain that could be controlled by the ship or vehicle they are in. It would allow far more precise and adaptable control than the original versions had. But, that is assuming it's tied to a nervous system so that we can apply a Power Mind to. And that we can set up a sufficient nutrient supply to keep it on par or superior in living conditions to how the original worked. Even if you can make a stronger system, we need to supply the living conditions. Sometimes it's better to just compromise for less so that there can be enough of them. 80% efficiency, but with a backup, is a superior strategy than 120% with no safety."

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
I listen carefully maintaining my full attention on what is being said, rather than trying to imagine it. Picturing it in one's mind can easily lead one to distraction and strayed thoughts, both of which I couldn't afford to do. So I maintain my focus on his words.

"Yes, I agree. Safety measures must be in place and a worthy sacrifice for efficiency. Much more so than a pleasing asthetic. If the prototype is successful, how many of these devices are you looking to produce?" Knowing the numbers will give me a better idea of how much biomolecules will be needed to be shipped for the production line. As with any natural resource, there is always limitations in production.

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
THen came the manner of production quantity, not just the statistics. The scientists looked back to Cruk who quickly returned to the conversation, naturally, the scientist knew the technical details. But resource management wasn't his assigned task. "That does produce complications. My hive is prone to producing on massive scales, usually supplying to populations at large or at least a well sized government with more to spare." he admitted, "In theory, as many as possible. Non standard movement, defense, and offensive systems would provide a wide variety of civilian and military applications. So the question of scale is more up to you. Though I do understand that there may be quality limitations if we did produce en mass."

This was the issue with organic tech wasn't it. Inorganics could be readily stored and transferred with ease, organic tech needed to be grown. And storage and transfer prior to installation was not always as easy. He imagined this was why the geonosians had taken so little interest in it in the past. There were few reasons to do so, but this particular type of tech had rarely, if ever, been replicated without the aid of organic methods.
Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Liin explains, "There are times of the year when production is lessoned. As one can understand harvesting is a seasonal enterprise. Our biomolecules cannot be synthesized, nor can one simply grow them in greenhouses. The conditions of the environment and ecosystem on New Cov is what makes their creation possible. It is why none can be found elsewhere in the galaxy. Biomolecules are extremely finicky organisms as I'm sure you are aware."

{I thought that most were aware of the limited supplies, but perhaps I am wrong. Still, I cannot dissuade a potential long standing contract from being signed.}

Liin dipped her head in aknowledgement of her potential clients wishes. "If I may, I propose that in these testing stages, a container's worth will be ample enough for study. One must know how many biomolecules are required for each Dovin Basal, afterall. Mass production will take some time, once a successful prototype is created. But NCBC will do our best to accomodate while also honoring our other contractal obligations."

{I must be careful in not spreading our resources too thin. Having a lot of contracts is wonderful, however having too many will leave portions unfulfilled and that is not very good for business at all. Nor for New Cov's economy.}

Tag: Cruk Tuk Cruk Tuk
Ah, seasonal. Inconvenient. To him it seemed such limitations could be resolved by artificial recreation of their ideal circumstances. But then, he was not the one who made these organic technologies. Perhaps attempting such a technique would merely damage the product in the process, afterall the very fact he was seeking her help was because his technology could not yet replicate an organic system. It was possible the same was true of artifical environments.

The scientist remained quiet as Cruk listened, production numbers would only matter to his work after it was decided.

Cruk nodded simply, "We can be more confining. Especially for any initial phases. Perhaps began with only a few more specialized usages of it, if production seems to hold and our technologies work well together. Then we can progress to larger numbers. This would be in line with allowing the testing to be done more effectively as you can alter your models or products according to your own progress in number or knowledge." He offered

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

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