Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Faction Forum Limit Imposed

Factions may only create a maximum of 3 forums. Factions with more than 3 forums are currently grandfathered in to this and will not be affected, but they will not be able to create more than 3 forums.

If a faction is granted a large enough population and absolutely requires more room, the Staff team may be contacted and requested for more.

This rule is imposed for maintenance and health concerns of our server.
I, like signature size limits, see no true issues with this. Legitimately, why do you need more? Nothing. Now, I will show you why and how you don't need more..

What DO you need? An OOC Sub-Forum(1/3).... Pretty standard need. IC Sub-Forum... Galactic Alliance and others have functioned brilliantly without this, and in so doing so, they seemed to draw a LOT more attention and activity.... So I don't find this a need, so still at 1/3 taken forum selections. One can argue it is a good idea for a Codex/Factory sub-forum for pre-submission uses. Or there are a ton of ways outside of this like members using blogs, and posting links to them in the OOC Sub-Forum, or using said Sub-Forum to post them directly and just using a 'tag' in the title labeled "[FACTORY]" or "[FACTORY PRE-SUB]"... Sub "FACTORY" for "CODEX" where needed... Six in one, half-a-dozen in the other.

So, legitimately... A general OOC Sub-Forum and a Dom/Invasion or Story Arc sub-forum, or a combination General OOC Sub-Forum and a Faction Planning Forum...We are at 2/3 sub-forums used. So, the only other Sub-Forum idea that could be claimed to create clutter and disorganize the function is FACTORY and/or CODEX planning forum. There is literally no other need, just things that you want.

Recap, all any faction truly NEEDS to maintain and function efficiently:
  • General OOC Chatter
  • Faction Planning (OOC for Map Game planning and Story-Arc)
  • FACTORY and CODEX Pre-Planning
Anything else can easily be done with other streamlining that, while not the standard way we do things, is quite easy and just as effective at keeping things running. The only thing I would suggest, or add, to this rule, is that Faction Administration be allowed one hidden/behind the scenes forum to conduct their own business. So that you get 3 Public Forums and one Private Administration Forum.

There. My opinion in well more than $0.02 on the matter.


Well-Known Member

Is it possible then for a person using a phone, where it is impossible to move Pages underneath the Forums, to ask a staff member to do this for them?

Ie, could a staff help me with this problem? Lol
I believe only Administrators can do that, I'll have to double-check the RPJ's permissions. I mean, you can ask, but it's entirely up to them. I'm not going to ask Staff members to spend time out of their normal duties to help with something that you should be able to do yourself, regardless of being on a phone or not.

[member="Fos Misao"]


Well-Known Member
Have you attempted using an Android OS to touch and drag in a browser? Its literally against the programming. I even looked it up and couldn't find a cheat to do so. If you know of one, please, let me know. Then I needn't ask for the assistance!

As well, of course you wouldn't. I simply meant are they capable of doing so, not will you ask them to do so.


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