Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Faction Owner nominations

Ayden Cater has unfortunately had to take indefinite leave. He's asked me to run the elections for his successor.

If you want to step up post here.

If you think someone could handle the job nominate them here. Those nominated must accept.

This thread will close on Sunday and elections will begin.

This is a great faction, with a lot of potential. It needs a good head to keep the ship steady and some solid factions Admins around them. It's not a one person job! :D
Avalore Eden said:
I nominate [member="Ryan Korr"]

That's a great question. Part time job until law school starts in the fall. So, technically yes. I haven't been posting much with Korr, as you know it's mostly been Abel in the GA.

As far as policies go, I'll tell you the same thing I told Avalore in chat. If I'm FO my policies will consist of: invading OS repeatedly. Probably no skirmishes. More rebellion opportunities, even if they cost us. Making overtures to SS, Mandos and TU to form an invasion coalition against OS.

If we can learn one thing from the Selena Halcyon campaigns of 2013-2014 it's that relentlessness works. Therefore,

I will not relent.

Purely OOC positions, since I have no IC authority. But if that all sounds good to you then I guess I'm your man. And if anything goes wrong I'm blaming Cira and Avalore for dragooning me into this, kicking and screaming.
Ryan Korr said:
That's a great question. Part time job until law school starts in the fall. So, technically yes. I haven't been posting much with Korr, as you know it's mostly been Abel in the GA.

As far as policies go, I'll tell you the same thing I told Avalore in chat. If I'm FO my policies will consist of: invading OS repeatedly. Probably no skirmishes. More rebellion opportunities, even if they cost us. Making overtures to SS, Mandos and TU to form an invasion coalition against OS.

If we can learn one thing from the Selena Halcyon campaigns of 2013-2014 it's that relentlessness works. Therefore,

I will not relent.

Purely OOC positions, since I have no IC authority. But if that all sounds good to you then I guess I'm your man. And if anything goes wrong I'm blaming Cira and Avalore for dragooning me into this, kicking and screaming.
I get your stance, but honestly, if that is all this faction is going to become, the militant lightside, and loose any and all of the rag-tag fringe feel everyone was saying just a short time ago they liked, it's probably not the wisest. And no offense, my activity dropped to nil because of unofficial stances of the Faction Leaders this way. If this becomes official, so to speak, I'll be bidding this place a fond farewell, as it will have honestly lost what made it unique and fun in the first place entirely.
War has always been a key bit of this faction. Can't have a war torn, battle hardened feel without it. The SSC have the "avoid PvP at all costs gig" and we'll see what rebellions do for that.

That doesn't mean everyone has to join in. It'd a desperate FO that shouts at their own members if they don't join in PvP. It should be encouraged of course.
Julius Sedaire said:
loose any and all of the rag-tag fringe
You might have lost me a bit. My post just saying that we will be pursuing war with OS with a bit more tenacity than we have in the past if I was FO.

As far as the composition of our member base goes, I don't know how more invasions with OS precludes involvement of the rag-tag fringe.

My perspective is that an FO is supposed to facilitate, not micromanage. I.E. if you want more faction threads that involve or include the fringe, why don't you ask for them? If I was FO I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a few dominions and invasion arcs with aspects devoted to Vagrant Fleet style characters.

Thul's post sums it up pretty well. What do you want to see and how is my previous post unreconciliable with that?
Not a single thing other than a PVP war with the One Sith was mentioned, in any form. Several facets and angles for that were. Yes, the war bit has always been a part. But when it becomes the focus, to the point it trumps and rules out all others and they aren't even mentioned, my interest is nill.

I don't mind PVP. But I don't want it to be the central focus of what I do, and no matter how you dice it, the posts by [member="Ryan Korr"] mention not a single other idea or plan. I.E. that a PVP war with the OS is going to be his main focus, and ergo with him being a potential new FO, it will be the Factions main focus. That's not a bad thing in any form. But it is not what i'd rather spend my time on is invasion after invasion with no skirmishes(literally direct quote) and nothing mentioned for PvE threads, dominion arcs, etc..And rebellions to offer variety is the only thing that was mentioned.. Which, in point of fact, the two are nearly the same when it comes to Invasions and Rebellions.

A war focused faction, by reality if we are claiming territory and joining big coalitions, will need organization, definition, order. Antithesis of the Fringer feel, etc... So if you are claiming they will be maintained, I'm game to listen to how, and to do what I can to help and support that 100%... But you haven't exactly detailed that. Just mentioned "multi-national" anti One-Sith coalitions for Invasions and PVP wars. So, i'm not the kind to give benefit of the doubt. You don't say it, I assume it isnt an important facet of your plans, if it is included at all, and will be secondary at best. And that's not an illogical assumption. But I am happy to be proven wrong.

So lets turn this: You say your ideas aren't mutually exclusive, but you haven't yet actually detailed anything other than a shift to a much more aggressive and focused PVP war with the OS centered on Invasions, Rebellions, and the Map Game. Literally nothing mentioned by you not relating directly to those things. So if your directional push will include keeping the Fringer feel, the rag-tag nature, and story driven back-bone of the faction, please elaborate on how it will and what you will do to keep that? Because as of yet....? Nothing.
I understand that you would rather not have PvP and War be the sole focus. It doesn't have to be.

What sort of story lines would you like to see? You've mentioned "fringer" operations but maybe you could expound on what those look like, since I'm not going to assume I know exactly what style of Fringe you are looking at (Spacer, underworld criminal etc.).

Like I said, I'm not going to micro-manage if I'm F.O. If you want to see more fringe stories, then maybe we can start with you making a few suggestions here :)

Even if I don't become F.O. it will be useful for letting people know how you feel.

[member="Julius Sedaire"]
[member="Ryan Korr"] - You're dancing around the issue I feel, by bouncing the question back to me without answering it when asked to you. You have a clear and defined plan for the OS War which goes far beyond facilitating if people want it, which is all your offering for the other side i've mentioned, which may be numbered literally by just me (And I'm ok with just shutting up and going poof if that is the case! lol). So, you can't claim you plan to be just a facilitator style FO, and then have a pretty developed plan for carrying out a PVP war with another Faction that you developed pretty much on your own. The two are literally mutually exclusive realities in my mind.

So, I'll ask again: If you have plans for the War (You do, you posted them) and don't plan to make PVP/Map supersede story, what are your other plans? IF you have none, then you may want to develop them, because one facet already trumps the other the instant that is the case.

As for me? Several plots i've tried to motivate and move, repeatedly, with people also repeatedly abandoning them. I've mentioned them in probably a dozen threads. These are personal projects I intended to open to the whole Faction, but that never started. I am sure they could be more, and i'd be happy to alter them if anyone ever actually stepped up to them. And I would be happy to post to others if they weren't private threadage arranged OOCly where I could sign on.

  • Correllian Resistance/Green Jedi: I had some pretty developed ideas for this. I made an enclave, close to a dozen people signed on. First thread died right out of the gate, for reasons unknown. I had Cira help (via Micah) make a little teaser goody in the form of the jed-cred. I had plans to work with Ayden on a line of freighters designed for it. Had a story arc planned out with (now former) One Sith Faction Leads so that there would be a PVP element at the end or in most of our threads. Literally everyone involved abandoned ship, even when prodded and confirming they were interested.
  • Socorro Jedi Guardian Academy: The planet isn't on the map, but it's near TU space. I have written an OOC (since I can't sub it without the planet, and it simplifies things to leave it off the map) 'sub' following a Codex location template. It's been described in several threads. It's based on the Old Republic academy that was there to train Guardians. It was to support the ideal of helping train our FU (and in part NFU) to fight the war better. I have a holocron sub 90% done that would allow self-teaching of any lightsaber type or form, so that saber jockeys can profliferate and grow to a level where the teaching can shift beyond NPC and hand-wave to IC coop and teaching. Try finding a teacher for Form VII and you'll get why. I've tried thrice - all three failed. In addition, I had gotten permission from a writer to include a 'colony' of a very unique crystal he subbed, which was a sentient crystal with some nice quirks for story, and good PVP bonuses(increased cutting power, etc..).. I set up training droids, had subs written for armors and weapons to help give a 'standard' or 'stop gap' equipment until people got (or if they didn't want) custom pieces to replace it. Out of three people to post to the location, one followed through and finished.
  • Sullust Manufactorum: I had voiced some plans on my old character, Ijaat, to help establish a coherent manufactorum/arms dealer ring specializing in unique or semi-unique weaponry to outfit various squads and groups with more tailored and fitting weapons. Woulda supported the idea of piece-meal squads making it work, so to speak. I drew up some subs and plans for weapons for the tiburons (auto to semi auto mass-driver shotgun, a mass produced version of Ijaats' lovely assault rifle mass-driver, DE-10s for heavy-hitting blaster pistols, etc...). I had two people respond, and they asked for beskar armor since Ijaat was also a beskarsmith. I let it go, the interest wasn't there.
  • Dread Guard MK III: Massively ambitious project with the Codex to tailor an entirely "new species" via genetic manipulation(turn you into a 7-10' tall genetic Adonis basically), and drafted phrik power armor, mono-molecular edged phrik axes/chainswords, began to commission a new full auto bolter from Sio. There were plans for a few custom cruisers and strike vehicles, and some other fun weapons that would have been pretty nifty for PVP. And it devolved from a good story to just repetitive speed Dominion focus with literally *nothing* but slaughtering NPCs to expand territory.
  • Kathol Rift Expedition: I was leading an expedition to the Kathol Rift, shoring up Underground trail a Rekali blazed to the Ang-Tii. I offered to bring back Booster Terrik's star-destroyer and give it to the Faction, and bring people along, with the idea of an end journey to the Ang-Tii. Ang-Tii hold some pretty dope and rare/esoteric FU skills, and the journey through the Rift itself is a massive potential for character dev. I got empty platitudes from folks here and not a lot of support, so i'm now doing it on my own.

There might even be a couple of more. People keep stating they want story on this board, but when it is offered, nothing happens. So forgive me for being doubtful of you when you say it will happen with you without planning, as experience is showing otherwise even with plans laid. And I mean that sincerely, despite our butted heads - nothing personal here. My personal experience has me a little jaded when I pour hours of work into an idea after people sign on to the initial interest check and say they'll show and that it is what they want, and have nothing happen to it or for it.

Maybe it's me and how I do things, but no one has mentioned that yet. And I have directly and publicly asked that. So, I can only assume people just want something to gripe about, are terminally lazy, or something else besides. Maybe my cologne stinks?
[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Your cologne does stink, my brother, but that's just me and my nose. The residue will still stink after several days of showering. It's not you, it's me.

In all seriousness, I'm sorry I 'abandoned' our stuff. I've had a lot going on, you know that, and it's a struggle to keep up with hobbies. I'd be more than happy to pick it all up again.
[member="Meeristali Peradun"] - You were the one I counted as following through. You came and posted. Shit happened and you had to step out. Won't hold that to you. More the people 'Yeah that is cool'..I make the thread/plot.... Nothing....

Also, my cologne is freaking fabulous, you philistine.
My .02:

As a matter of clarification, anyone can start a skirmish. You actually do not need faction staff approval to do so, just set it up, get some participants, and go forth.

This leads me to my second point. There isn't a FO or FA alive that can make people post. Likewise, I don't necessarily expect anyone to sit here and lay out a detailed OPORD on how they plan to execute their goals. In general, the roleplaying environment is much simpler than that. And speaking as someone that has tried to lay out a very defined's easier 99.9% of the time to throw up a thread suggestion, outline some goals, and get 'er done. It just is. Not to insult anyone's intelligence, but it's just easier to digest for the vast majority writing on Chaos.

Additionally, for me an FO is someone that can give a general direction and then enables the people supporting him/her to achieve the very generic goals set. If necessary, they can direct their FAs to manage smaller, specific areas of the faction. In doing so, you give someone smaller pieces of a puzzle to concern themselves with, and it keeps anyone from becoming overwhelmed or burned out.

That all said, I'm with you [member="Julius Sedaire"], I don't particularly like the endless stream of dominions and invasions simply because it's impossible to ever really write a story. A Dom hits the required post count, people ignore the thread entirely...doesn't matter if things are left unresolved. The same goes for invasion...time limit is up? Oh ok cool, I'm done. So...I generally stay out of those types of threads. Not sure what the solution is to keeping storylines going... Maybe we utilize skirmishes and other localized threads to serve as a "build-up" towards an invasion/dominion? I don't know, but I think we do a decent job of keeping in communication with the staff members of opposing factions to create opportunities for story points - absolutely critical in the effort of establishing any story arc period.

However, I understand that the Galactic Alliance is first and foremost a government organization. It's not a rag-tag rebellion or loose affiliation of freedom fighters. Does it have those aspects? Yes, absolutely, but the larger focus is the progression of a government's ideals and the destruction of an identified enemy. That enemy has been identified as the One Sith since the faction's inception.

Anyways...knowing [member="Ryan Korr"] as I do, I have complete faith that he understand the subtleties of this board and its various factions to make this work. He's been around long enough, and I have confidence that the existing admin team (or whoever he may bring on to assist) will achieve success in helping to keep things on track. I just think he had to come in with a little fire and brimstone to stir the soul initially. He's so theatrical ;)

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