Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Girl on the Spaceport

Uhm, hi! I figured I'd make a post because there doesn't seem to be a chat or anything to ask questions in quickly otherwise, so I have a few questions -

What are the rules about using avatars of canon characters in the star wars universe, specifically in regards to some of the lesser used alien races? It's hard for me to find character art of a few races that aren't actual star wars comics images and stuff, and most of my ideas are aliens.

Is there a quick way to see what species are common and what aren't, or is that not kept track of?

Hy and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy your stay here and if you ever need help, don't hesitate to ask!

Canon character avatars have been used and are allowed, as long as you don't actually RP the canon character. The most common species, of course, is humans. Other than them, any species you can find in Wookieepedia and the Codex of this forum is alright to use (besides a few, which are banned due to being overpowered). We don't keep a track of how many characters of what species there are, though.

Out of my head, I can only name Diathim and Yoda's species, who are sometimes not looked upon so nicely, although you're allowed to RP them. Other than them and the banned ones, everybody else seems to be fine. :)
It's unfortunate that Diathim aren't looked kindly upon, since I was hoping to make one. Still, I like to think I'm a good enough RPer to get away with it.

Which ties in with something else - will whatever character I make be expected to take part in battles and fighting and stuff? I was intending to make a pacifistic non-violent character, but a lot of the RP seems to be based on conflicts and faction fighting.

You can do whatever you want. DOnt wannt fight? Then simply dont, noone can force you to do anything. We do everyhting from running companies to (In one instance) recreating playboy in space
KittyEmpress said:
It's unfortunate that Diathim aren't looked kindly upon, since I was hoping to make one. Still, I like to think I'm a good enough RPer to get away with it.
Write them if you want to. :)

There are people who write pacifists and it's OK to do so. It's also not very difficult, since you can still meet other characters and hang out with them and so on. There are endless possibilities.
Another question - How should I go about finding a 'master', should I make a force sensitive character as I plan to? Do I just post about it and see what 'order' has openings, or just join one and wait? There appear to be a lot of different jedi factions.
[member="Lahi Te'ala"]

Ilias Nytrau said:
There are a few places that Jedi call home, and they are as follows:

The Silver Sanctum Coalition - The Jedi here make up only one part of what the SSC is - a support and care contingent focused on evacuation, rescue, healing, caring for the youngest of our number, and keeping an eye on the traditional Sith Worlds. This group still has its share of defenders and warriors.

The Galactic Alliance - Here you find the New Jedi Order, and the front line of the war effort against the One Sith. Most Jedi here will be more militarized, but there are still support roles such as healers, seers, and so on.

The Jedi Order - Formerly exclusive to the Galactic Republic, these Jedi have distanced themselves somewhat, but maintained a connection to the Republic, and are finding their identity as a standalone.

The Jedi of all of these factions are connected through the Jedi Academy Network, which networks all the academies, sanctums, enclaves, temples and so on in which the Jedi train and grow, across the galaxy, whether they are in lightside-dominated territories or not.

In all of the places mentioned above, there are Master Request threads. Those threads are where you'd post in each location. Take a look at each faction, ask questions, and find out what's the best place for you. :)
[member="Lahi Te'ala"]

Most factions have Masters that can train your character. Some have forums where you can request a Master to train your character....forums where Masters are looking for students to train.....and in some cases, you can create a thread in a faction to ask for someone to train your character.

It should be noted, you do not have to join a Faction to find someone to train your character....there are Rogue Masters about that are willing to train characters who have no allegiance to any Faction.
My terrible character has been made, and now I unleash her upon unsuspecting hordes of people, mwhaha?

How do people generally get new characters started here, besides hoping for someone to take you as a padawan or something? I am nervous, it's the first time I've joined a new forum in a long time.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos!

Enjoy your time with us! Keep the questions coming if you need help anytime.

Just asking one more question, while I can still get away with being 'new' kinda - is there some quick way to find what companies make what? I'm thinking of making a droid character with some friends, and I think it'd be fun to get into contact with another PC company and have them be the 'manufacturers'.
[member="Lahi Te'ala"]
Do you want board-canon companies or real canon companies? If you're looking for board canon you can either submit your own or ask the writer whom owns one permission to use theirs, as for canon companies you can find a decent list here.
Bianca said:
[member="Lahi Te'ala"]
Do you want board-canon companies or real canon companies? If you're looking for board canon you can either submit your own or ask the writer whom owns one permission to use theirs, as for canon companies you can find a decent list here.
Specifically was asking for board-canon ones, with hopes there might be some easy to find list on here for who makes what, so I could ask a writer as suggested. Doesn't seem like there is however! Thank you thought :)


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