Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New guy here

Hello all Zanders is the name and I am a newbie to all of this. This site looks really cool and I have a lot of different ideas that pop in my head randomly that I would love to try.

Connor Harrison


Welcome to the Chaos! Glad to have you here and hope you have fun, and of course don't be afraid to throw those ideas out there because I'm sure they can all be worked on for you!

Just shout if you have any questions at all.



Disney's Princess
Welcome to the website. Ask questions and explore everywhere. We're a pretty cool crew. So enjoy your stay. :D


Disney's Princess
You're very welcome. It's a big website and takes some time to get used to. Even I tend to stumble new corners every now and then. o_O''

Oh my. :p
Castiel Darkstar said:
[member="Zanders"], Welcome to the forum on behalf of the shattered and dysfunctional Corporate Sector Authority.
Thanks [member="Castiel Darkstar"]

I have often thought of restarting Demask holding's not quite sure how that would work in this system or even if I could.

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