Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private New here, but not to this (Enclave Mandalorians Welcome)

Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Sasha had long since been healed up from her most recent Hutt delivered ass-whipping on Kaddek, but now had a much lighter impact mission. It was simply to return the recovered Beskar to their own coffers, where it belonged. She was kneeling on the ground, carefully slotting the ingots into applicable locations; finishing one pile and moving to next ceaselessly until it was all done. It was hard to not feel accomplished. Their ancestral metals were worth a lot. She remembered vividly when she told Garrus Garon Garrus Garon about what she had located, he stood up instantly, and moved to take action.

She would pull the knapsack closed, and hoist the empty bag over her shoulder to take her stand and leave. Reaching the doorway, she would lean over and pick up her VAARS rifle, laying it across her chest, and hugging it across it as such before moving back out into the main area that lead into the Vaults. The noise was rather minimal, though several Mandalorians were either sitting and playing cards, or joking among themselves about whatever it was they had to joke about. Many of these people were family, something Sasha felt as though she didn't have.

Sure, she had a family within the Enclave, but her actual biological family had been reduced to ash on Mandalore. She would step lightly to the person in charge, letting them know what she had done. If they had nothing to add, she would find a corner that offered a bit of solitude, and relaxed a bit. Leaving her helmet on, and closing her eyes to grab a little shut eye before whatever The Enclave may have asked for next came to pass.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Walking through the hallways of the forges, Shai patted down her arms and ruffled her mane with an annoyed look. A number of spots on her pelt was singed and her goggles were still sitting over her eyes. "That's the last time I'm starting a forge, for kriff's sake." She grumbled as she finished rubbing out the black spots and burnt clumps of fur. "Honestly, who does the servicing on that damned forge! Nearly blew myself up with it!" She shouted at the nearest unfortunate soul who found themselves caught in her path of fuming.

She yanked her goggles off and massaged her head as she rested against a wall. A nervestick emerged from a pocket and she took a few puffs to calm her frustration. She had cut back a lot with her smoking, but the nervesticks saved lives when it came to annoying situations like this. She wondered if simply shaving herself clean like what some rich people do to their dogs was a good idea to avoid situations like what she had less than an hour ago. But she cared too much about her appearance, otherwise she wouldn't be dyeing her spots and lower lip to look like some kind of spawn from the Nether. At the same time, wearing her armour or at least the body glove and power pack for the environmental controls got very stuffy very quickly, so that was out of the question.

Becoming a blacksmith really wasn't the smartest idea she had...

With another puff, she sighed and turned to make her way to the bar. "I need a karking drink... at least the forge is heating up now." She muttered as she entered the bar and ordered a pint of beer. She took her glass and made her way to a secluded corner, her focus completely locked onto the glass to avoid spilling the golden drink. She didn't notice that someone else was by the table until she sat down and took a long sip from her glass.

A cough was suppressed as she cleared her throat and gave a nervous grin. "Uh... hi. Sorry, I'll move." She carefully took her glass and started to stand, ready to move if the woman had an issue with her.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Even as long as she wore the armor for, she still forgot very small things. For instance no one could read her facial expressions. As a result, this would result in her staring at Shai silently for a few beats longer than average, but raising her hand suddenly when she noticed it, briefly leaving the weapon she still hugged across her chest, even here in this situation, and setting.

"Its fine..."

She said, the electronically modulated voice from her helmet sounded similar to her, but had gained a generic Mandalorian overtone. At that moment, she remembered Garrus telling her to remove her helmet. Though he was a senior, maybe he had taught her something useful when in discourse with her people. Sasha would sit up, and switch hands with the rifle, to rest it on the bench to her side; after that, she would pull the helmet from her head, and breath in. Offering the other a dull smile.

She should have at least felt safe here.

"I don't mind some company... I was just thinking to myself..."

She then would gesture to the bench if the other hadn't decided to sit yet. moving her hands to grasp at the collar of her armor as she leaned straight back into the seat.

"You're one of the Forge Masters?"

She would ask off-handedly.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Luckily the woman was fine with her joining the table and invited her to sit. Shai dropped back into the seat and took a long sip as she watched the woman remove her helmet. Shai relaxed into the seat and took another puff of her nervestick, studying the woman for a bit. The rifle by her side was a curiosity that nagged at Shai, but she didn't get a chance to ask before the woman dropped a rather surprising question.

"Um... I wouldn't say I'm a master or something. But I'm not too bad, yeah." She admitted as she scratched the back of her head. "If you need anything, I can prolly help ya out." She offered with a smile as she took another sip of the beer. "What's with the gun, by the way? This is probably the safest place on the planet." She asked. With another sip, she was disheartened to see only a layer of foam in the bottom of her glass. "Kark this, I'm getting another one. You want anything?" She rose as she offered the girl.

Shai made her way to the bar and returned after a few moments of waiting with drinks in hand, sliding back into her seat. "Honestly, if I had to work on something, I'd rather do it at home or at my factory. Nearly blew myself up starting one of the forges here." She commented as she stretched her legs out. Idly she rubbed at a seared spot of fur on her right arm as she glanced around. "At least this arm doesn't feel anything." She muttered to herself as she inspected the burnt synth-skin.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Sasha seemed calm, although of course she usually kept a death grip on whatever weapon she had on hand. In this case, Shai had mentioned how safe it was here, and Sasha would nod in agreement, although... There was a but. She looked over to the weapon she had at least allowed to leave her arms for a few moments, still grasping onto her collar as she needed to be holding something. She couldn't just be empty handed.

"They said that about Mandalore too I'm sure..."

She would cant her head then in the others direction, as if wanting to see if they understood what she was getting at. It wasn't too deep, but just something to note. You couldn't ever be too careful. There really was no such thing. On the topic of Sasha needing anything, there was absolutely something that came to mind. She had been here for months, and felt somewhat in the back of the line in regards to her armor. Of course, she didn't take that personal, there were a billion and one foundlings that needed to be cared for as well, but knowing she had just gotten a nice haul of Beskar, she would think on that for a while before answering.

"Yeah, Brandy, Corellian if they've got it... Or anything else that'll kill brain cells on the way down"

She truly relaxed then, liking the attitude of the other. The species eluded her.. Was she a Cathar? Sasha had never seen someone like her before; but her very visage was fearsome. Sasha pondered if the other had ever killed anyone with those rows of sharp teeth. She absolutely would have if they belonged to her. Why not...

"I learned my lesson some time back, the equipment here can be... Unpredictable. My name is Sasha Kryze, by the way. You are?"

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai visibly cringed at the mention of Mandalore. The mere mention of that planet's name was enough to ruin her mood. "Kriff Mandalore. Kriff the Union as well. Bunch of softies that got comfortable, they should have kept the momentum going against the Sith." She grumbled before another sip shut her up for a moment. "Lost a karking arm and a clan for that damned planet and they just let it slip through. I swear, if the Enclave does the same, I'll blow this planet apart." She continued, her relaxed features contorted into a frown as she glared off into a corner.

Another puff of her nervestick and a sip of beer calmed her down as the woman introduced herself. Shai snickered as she reached a hand out to shake. "Sha Maji- uh... Krayt. Shai Krayt. Guess it's time to start using that name." She gave a nervous smile as her durasteel hand gave a firm shake. "And hey, if you need solid weapons or gear, I'll help ya out any day. That's what I got my company for, anyway. Can't afford jamming or failure on a mission." She offered casually as she sat forward. Her glass clinked against Sasha's as she knocked her head back and downed her drink. "Holy kriff, finally some good beer." She sighed with a content smile as she leaned back.

"So what's your story? You just like sitting around here or do you need help with something?" She asked her abruptly. Nobody simply loafed around the forges unless they had a reason to... or enjoyed watching the smiths work. Some people were weird enough for that kind of thing. She used to be one of those.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Was that an insult? All of her family had died on that planet, and she had been disfigured horribly... All the same, how in the hell could Shai have known that? It didn't change the fact she would narrow her eyes at the other a bit, feeling personally jaded somehow by it, but... No, not letting that opinion come to the surface. This chick could've been way older, and wiser than her, although she didn't know her too well yet. Maybe she was telling Sasha something important. As such, she swallowed her pride and listened to what the other had to say.

There would be a time and place to say her peace no doubt. The other offered a handshake, and Sasha leaned forward to reciprocate the action, smiling and nodding to the other as this happened. Shai was one of the first who had so openly jumped into discourse with her, which surprised even Sasha, who was content being a loner. All the same, the vibrant energy coming from this individual was hard to ignore.

"Well, now that you mention it... Liser gar gotal'ur a Z- resol Sen'tra"

She briefly drawled in a thick Mando'a tongue, trying to gather her thoughts for 'her story'... Hell, she didn't want the other to think she was putting her on the spot, but also reading between the lines; Shai had lost a clan as well...

"Nothing much to tell about me, I lost my clan on Mandalore. Everyone was ashed, I was almost ashed... My Father sacrificed himself to save me; some old friends of his took me on, raised me for a time; and then I found my way here... I've been here ever since. As far as sitting here, well... I guess I'm just waiting for new targets from the top; what else is there to do around here, but drink, fight and f-.."

She bit her tongue then, aware she had just met the other, no reason to cast herself in a bad light so soon.

"Just resting up from the mission on Kaddek, really..."

It was then she seemed to notice that she had indeed been given that drink, and smoothly knocked it back with a facial cringe, clearly not expecting how harsh it was going to be.


Shai Maji Shai Maji
A smirk appeared at the woman's request. "Easy peasy. Though I'd like to hear your opinion on a little project I've been experimenting with. A sort of... upgrade... over typical jetpacks people use." Her eyes were locked onto the woman as she spoke. With the designs she was experimenting with, she needed some outside opinions on her projects. Though another aspect that stood out was the woman's accent and behaviour.

When she started with her story, it confirmed Shai's suspicions. This woman was an old school Mando. Frankly those could get annoying really quickly, but so far she liked this girl. Sasha might have tried to cover up what she was about to say, but it still earned a cackling laugh from the Shistavanen as she leaned back into her seat. "Hey, there's worse ways to kill time than that." She winked at the girl with an amused grin. "Honestly Kaddak wasn't so bad. Was actually good practice. Plus I haven't had a proper field test for my walker design so Kaddak was a golden opportunity." She admitted casually with a shrug.

A grin appeared once more as Shai watched the woman's face contort at the drink. "Almost tempted to get one of those for myself." She joked, rising from her seat. She stood next to the woman and gave a gentle nudge on her shoulder. "I'm serious, by the way. You need a jetpack, kit, whatever, hit me up. Come by Maji Ironworks and ask for me, I'll help ya out personally." She offered the woman before turning to exit the bar. Though she stopped and turned back to face her. "Or you can tag along? How stacked is your schedule with drinking, fighting and f-" She teased with a smug grin as she looked at the woman.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Sasha was still leaned back into the furniture, leaning her body weight slightly away from the other as she listened but leaning in when Shai began to talk about experimental projects.

"Easy peasy. Though I'd like to hear your opinion on a little project I've been experimenting with. A sort of... upgrade... over typical jetpacks people use."

"Is that right?"

She would ask, moving her hands from her collar, and folding her arms across her chest, still listening to what the other had to say. Feeling the alcohol settle in her stomach, and deliver a warming feeling to her chest. Not to mention the light euphoria that trailed the action of drinking.

"Honestly Kaddak wasn't so bad. Was actually good practice. Plus I haven't had a proper field test for my walker design so Kaddak was a golden opportunity."

"You want me to test it out for you, I'd be happy too... And you're right. There are definitely worse ways"

She giggled then, partly from the laugh that Shai loosed, and partly because Shai had called her out on what she was about to say, though she didn't seem to disagree. Wasn't much to disagree on there honestly. Sasha coughed lightly, then held a fist up against her mouth on muscle memory.

"I'm serious, by the way. You need a jetpack, kit, whatever, hit me up. Come by Maji Ironworks and ask for me, I'll help ya out personally."

Sasha would shrug at that, not really busy at the moment, but not wanting to impose. It was definitely a welcome plug in to get more weapons and gear... Although, she was honestly surprised Shai hadn't yet mentioned what SHE would've wanted for such an arrangement. Sasha was sure if she wanted something out of it however, that she wouldn't hesitate to state her wishes. Shai struck Sasha as someone that didn't bite her tongue often; though it was yet to be proven.

As such, she would lean forward, scooping up her rifle, and slacking the shoulder-strap before sliding it over her left shoulder, while her right hand moved to cup her helmet. Standing up, she would move to walk beside Shai, nodding.

"Or you can tag along? How stacked is your schedule with drinking, fighting and f-"

She would immediately put a little bit of her body weight on the other, laughing aloud; searching her eyes briefly as Shai used her own words against her.

"Alright, Alright, Come on, lets see what you've got"

With that, she would glance behind them once, realizing she forgot her glass, but a cleaning droid was already way ahead of her. She would simply turn back and follow Shai Maji Shai Maji where ever she was leading her.
Her grin never left her face as Sasha agreed to tag along with her. She had missed this, the teasing and joking amongst other Mandos. For a long time, there was an absence of that certain... camaraderie. It reminded her of a different time...

”Oh you’re gonna flip. Trust me, if you like big toys and shiny gadgets, you’ll wanna carry the whole place off with you.” she joked as she led her to a speeder outside. Hopping into the driver’s seat, she waited patiently for Sasha to join her before blasting off at an unnecessarily fast speed.

Her driving likely didn’t help either.

Weaving through traffic, taking corners hard, stopping hard and fast at junctions, she practically drove like a maniac, but her composure was casual and laid back as she drove, confidence rolling off her without a hint of doubt in her driving. Eventually they arrived at her factory and she led the woman to her office. ”I got pretty much everything here. Personal forge, workshop, everything.” she explained to her with a proud glimmer in her eye.

In her personal workshop, items were strewn around the place. Building materials, pieces of armour, sketches and plans, and in the middle of the room sat a forge with its blue jets in a circle around the pit in the middle. Shai rested against the anvil and folded her arms, glancing over to Sasha. ”Check that pack on the table.” She nodded to a jetpack laying on a table by the wall. The jetpack wasn’t painted and looked a little rough, but it was properly finished and ready for use. ”I call it the ‘sunstroke.’ Got a ton of goodies crammed inside. Sync it to your suit and check it out.” She offered with an unsettlingly large grin, burning with curiosity.

Though she still had a bunch of questions she wanted to ask the girl. She noticed the odd look Sasha gave her in the bar. She obviously had much different opinions over Mandalore... she wondered what else this girl had to her story.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
It was a shared sentiment. Their overarching organization often felt like groups of broody individuals settled into their own sects. Hardly giving way for any meaningful dialogue with others. In this scenario, she didn't even for a moment feel that. Instead, she felt as though the other was a friend, and was interested enough in her well being to offer to boost her combat effectiveness... She still hadn't mentioned a price, and while Sasha was expecting it, it still hadn't come.

”Oh you’re gonna flip. Trust me, if you like big toys and shiny gadgets, you’ll wanna carry the whole place off with you.”

"Whatever frags, I suppose..."

Sasha would hop over the edge and sit down, almost as soon as her butt hit the seat, Shai had taken off like a bat out of hell, causing Sasha to briefly grasp at whatever she could to stabilize herself before calming into the ferocious pace Shai set behind the wheel, ultimately finding a relaxing position to ride in and letting the wind beat her locks about. She couldn't lie and say it didn't feel freeing, while it lasted.

When they were finally at Shai's office, Sasha would turn around fully; looking at the place in full before nodding in approval.

"Yeah, a little bit of everything."

She briefly offered the other a warm smile, before turning to look at the scattered items about the place. There were schematics for armor, gadgets, you name it... It immediately made Sasha want to ask if the other was sure they weren't a master of their craft... Then again, who really was ever a Master? Wasn't everyone just an eternal student?

Hell, look at her getting philosophical on herself, she would shake her head, and laugh aloud; resting her helmet on the table along with her weapon.

”Check that pack on the table.” She nodded to a jetpack laying on a table by the wall. The jetpack wasn’t painted and looked a little rough, but it was properly finished and ready for use. ”I call it the ‘sunstroke.’ Got a ton of goodies crammed inside. Sync it to your suit and check it out.” She offered with an unsettlingly large grin, burning with curiosity.

Sasha smiled at the other, following her gaze and resting it on the pack. She would give one further obligatory glance, as if to ask if the other was sure, then move over towards it. She adjusted the purple scarf she was wearing around her neck, the slightest of of burn scars visible along the lower bit of her neck.

She would use her wrist-pad to connect, and sync the Sunstroke to her own armor, not yet wearing her helm, but would throw it on briefly to observe what sort of capabilities the Sunstroke came with. There were several systems apparently, but the most prolific to Sasha was the fact a shield had just gone up around her form.

"A deflector shield?"

She asked in a surprised tone.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Sasha looked a little uncertain at first, but Shai ushered her towards it with a giant smile. She watched as Sasha clipped it to her back, made sure that the panels did their job perfectly, made sure that it wasn't intrusive or cumbersome when a person tried to move. She was always anxious about her designs. Just because it worked for her and a few other people around the factory, didn't mean that it worked for everyone. One thing that stood out was the burn marks under her scarf as she fiddled with the jetpack and her helmet.

The tension was thick as Shai stared at her with giant eyes. When the deflector shield came on, Shai picked up a nearby ingot of Beskar and hurled it at her with the intention of injuring. Luckily it bounced off the shield without doing any harm and Shai caught the ingot. "Hell yeah, baby! Personal deflector, missile launchers, whatever you need from it. And it's ion powered so you'll be flying for a very long while. Plus the engines got a cool how to it." She explained happily as she set the ingot aside and walked over.

She started to study the jetpack on her back and looked all over her. "Sitting flush..." She muttered to herself. A bunch of other comments travelled under her breath as she looked her over and yanked at the jetpack to make sure it sat well, likely being a bit of an inconvenience to Sasha. "How's it feel? Anything out of place or weird that should be changed up?" She asked her casually. Casually she walked over to a cabinet as she listened to Sasha and opened it, revealing a fridge filled with all kinds of snacks, alcohol and other drinks. "You want anything?" She asked casually, pointing to the respectable stash with her thumb.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Although she could see she had an actual deflector shield around her person, she flinched at the action of the other throwing the Beskar, raising a hand defensively when the projectile harmlessly bounced away from her. Shai mentioned a cool howl, and Sasha would immediately allow the jetpack to roar to life, rocketing up immediately and allowing herself to loft a bit before turning and resting on one of the interior structure beams for Shai's workshop (or any flat surface really). Grinning as she landed, and turning to let herself fall slightly before using the jets to slow her descent enough to not harm herself.

"Sunstroke... Missile launchers too?

Sasha would then manipulate the launcher tubes at a dummy target, observing the synced up targeting HUD that appeared with whatever systems the Sunstroke offered.

"Oh, that's nice... My... Founder? I guess, he let me use my uncles pack; we thought he got eaten by a pack of Massiffs..."

She would stop aiming the launchers, shutting down the jetpack for now, and removing her helmet. Shaking her head lightly.

"Crazy chit... He did lose his index and ring finger. Anyway, I mean I was supposed to earn my own I guess. You know how it goes, Mandalorians start talking about debts and whatever."

She paused then, looking over to the other; the excitement from the jetpack resulting in her talking a little more of her story than she might have been ready for. All the same, she had nothing to be ashamed of. All of what she had done up until this point was honorable by Mandalorian standard. A brief flash of Zuga the Hutt entered her mind, and caused her to visibly cringe. Reaching back and pulling Shai's jetpack off of her back. She would return it to where she found it for now, and moved over to Shai.

"Has everything one might need I'd say. Only thing I might add is.. Ammo slots? Personall-"

She reached over the table, and got her own weapon, ejecting the magazine and clearing the chamber before lobbing the magazine towards Shai underhanded.

"My Founder told me slugs are the way to go, with how the universe is going. Use whatever is at hand sure, but they can be effective... And when stuff gets hot I burn through a lot of it... Chit I wonder how much of those rounds I got left..."

She would turn away then, looking at the fridge and pointing to a visible bottle of water.

"A water would be amazing, actually..."

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai watched as Sasha played with the jetpack for a bit in the room, testing it out and seeing what it could do. So far Shai was very happy about how it performed. It didn't seem to sit weird or do anything odd, she was confident in calling the design a success. Now it was a matter of how many people were going to actually buy it.

Sasha went on to tell a bit of her story as she removed her helmet and set the jetpack aside. She couldn't help but look down at her hand as she tried to figure out how someone lost those two fingers specifically. Now her curiosity was piqued over this person she was referring to. She was about to tell Sasha of the magnetic panels when the woman suddenly tossed over her magazine. Shai quickly caught it and inspected the item. "Slug throwers and particle weapons, in my experience. Against more conventional enemies they could struggle sometimes, but against force users you want something that ignores the Force or a lightsaber." She ejected a round from the magazine and studied it closely for a moment. "If you need ammo, I can look into producing some. I'm working on some weapons of my own, some slug thrower concepts included, so working something out shouldn't bee too hard." She admitted as she slipped the round back in and handed the magazine to her.

A bottle of water was lobbed over to Sasha before Shai pulled a soda out for herself. "But yeah, I've had more than enough encounters over the years with Sith, troopers, even other Mandalorians that fight against us. I've always liked a solid particle blaster, they tend to mess around with someone." She admitted with a grin. It faded somewhat as she studied Sasha. "You got anyone left of your clan?" She asked her softly. It was a rather blunt question, she realized that it might have been a little inappropriate.

"I'm sorry, that's just wrong. Didn't mean anything by it, just... just curious." She apologized, guilt evident on her face as she looked at her. She should have known better. She hated when people just randomly asked her about her own clan... this girl was likely in a very similar boat.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Sasha listened to Shai, deferring to her expertise on this, but also felt it a disservice to not give her own combat experience with the former bit of the ammunition types.

"Those AP rounds haven't ever done me wrong... Well, there was that Hutt; but... Nevermind"

She just waved that story off, clearly uninterested in delving back into it. Instead, she let Shai finish speaking, noting that she was a little more talkative than usual... Ever, even..

The bottle of water would be caught under-handed, then held upright as she opened it, drinking about a quarter of its contents in a few gulps. Watching Shai observe the round. She wasn't just looking, and Sasha could see that. The other was engaged, truly examining it... Perhaps that was why they were so good at what they did. The attention to detail.

"But yeah, I've had more than enough encounters over the years with Sith, troopers, even other Mandalorians that fight against us. I've always liked a solid particle blaster, they tend to mess around with someone." She admitted with a grin. It faded somewhat as she studied Sasha. "You got anyone left of your clan?" She asked her softly. It was a rather blunt question, she realized that it might have been a little inappropriate.

The sudden sulk of her features was immediate when the conversation turned to her clan, and her past... Right hand idly brushing across her own stomach, as for just a moment, Sasha seemed extremely vulnerable. Like Shai was her Mother, and had just caught her eating the cookies she told her not too... Her mouth opened to respond, but there was a lot of baggage to unpack behind that topic... She wasn't sure if she was ready to delve into it; as much as Shai somehow made her comfortable...

"I'm sorry, that's just wrong. Didn't mean anything by it, just... just curious." She apologized, guilt evident on her face as she looked at her. She should have known better. She hated when people just randomly asked her about her own clan... this girl was likely in a very similar boat.


She exclaimed, that stoic poker face returning; recovering from the surprise of the question, and not intent on crawling in a hole on it...

"Uhm... Obviously, there are Kryze everywhere, but... MY family... They were all ashed, on Mandalore; I was saved by friends of my Father, by real Father. My mother was crushed in her workshop... As far as actual family goes, I don't really have any"

She said, rolling the water bottle in her hands. Speaking somberly, although she had conviction to say what she wanted too.

"How could I blame you for being curious? What about you?"

Sasha said, trying to immediately refocus the attention on the other.

Shai Maji Shai Maji
Shai blinked with surprise at the sudden exclamation, but she relaxed as Sasha decided to let her know about that bit. They were in a very similar situation. But now she was regretting asking the question, Sasha clearly didn't enjoy the topic and she proceeded to ask Shai the same thing. Shai sighed heavily and took another sip of her soda, dead silent for a moment as she figured out where to start.

"I didn't grow up a Mando. My dad was a pirate and my ma is a gun runner. When dad died and ma got arrested, I worked like hell to try and get her bail money. I met a bunch of curious characters over the years. When I was... twenty seven? I met a Mando in an underground fighting ring. I was a karking twig back then so I didn't exactly stand a chance, but I fought like hell. Afterwards, he offered to take me into his clan. I was hesitant, but I humoured him. His name's Kragr, he was the Alor of clan Loc. I spent years constantly training with him and his clan. When the Union came about, majority of our fighters joined in to take Mandalore from the Sith Empire. I lost my arm in that fight." She glanced at her right hand for a moment. It might look normal, but there was no mistaking the lines in the synth-skin.

She glanced back to Sasha. "Afterwards, the Sith and their Death Watch wanted to send a message. They came to our clan's planet, in the unknown regions, and they wiped us out. The buildings were torched... the children executed and thrown into a ditch... six of us remained in the end. After that, clan Krayt offered to take us in and we accepted eventually. My Alor was broken after that, but I managed to get him out of his drunken hole. But I'll never forget that day..." Her gaze was empty as she stared off into a corner. "The smell. My kiddies, the children I trained alongside and saw as my own family, shot dead and set alight in a shallow grave... It was the day I also got my mom out of prison too. It was supposed to be a happy day." He gaze snapped back to Sasha with a cold look. "I vowed to make every single Sith or Sith sympathizer pay. Anyone willing to justify or support that. I don't care what it takes, I want to see their people burn. Anyone who excuse or support such actions deserve nothing more than a slow death. My clan shares that. Clan Krayt crumbled after the Union. And, come hell or high water, the Sith and anyone who takes pity on them will fear for the day they see Dragons coming down from the heavens with Basilisks and hellfire." She fell silent, her crimson eyes glazed over as her hands lightly started to shake.

With a twitch she came to her senses and cleared her throat. "Karking hell..." She grumbled as she wiped at her eyes. "Kark me I got issues..." She tried to joked, but her laugh was half-hearted at best. "Come on, what other toys do you need? You need a funky new pet built to fight entire armies? Or some jump boots? I got everything here." She forced a smile and an optimistic tone as she turned to leave the workshop.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze
Buskayu'agr cuyir a sribitadir
Sasha would of course offer Shai the same respect and listen to her story in full. A story she noted was much more detailed than her own, althought what much was there to tell... On the other hand, Shai revealed that she and Sasha had much the same reasons to hate the Sith... What was more, that they both seemed to actually have a strong hate for the Sith.

She glanced back to Sasha. "Afterwards, the Sith and their Death Watch wanted to send a message. They came to our clan's planet, in the unknown regions, and they wiped us out. The buildings were torched... the children executed and thrown into a ditch... six of us remained in the end. After that, clan Krayt offered to take us in and we accepted eventually. My Alor was broken after that, but I managed to get him out of his drunken hole. But I'll never forget that day..." Her gaze was empty as she stared off into a corner. "The smell. My kiddies, the children I trained alongside and saw as my own family, shot dead and set alight in a shallow grave... It was the day I also got my mom out of prison too. It was supposed to be a happy day." He gaze snapped back to Sasha with a cold look. "I vowed to make every single Sith or Sith sympathizer pay. Anyone willing to justify or support that. I don't care what it takes, I want to see their people burn. Anyone who excuse or support such actions deserve nothing more than a slow death. My clan shares that. Clan Krayt crumbled after the Union. And, come hell or high water, the Sith and anyone who takes pity on them will fear for the day they see Dragons coming down from the heavens with Basilisks and hellfire." She fell silent, her crimson eyes glazed over as her hands lightly started to shake.

Silently, in that moment.... Sasha had decided this woman was someone she wanted to keep closer. It was hard to explain without seeming like she wanted to exploit the other; but it was also deeper than just that. It was her mindset. She wanted the same things Sasha did, and had the skills to create the devices necessary to deliver.

Sasha would only nod a few times with conviction.

With a twitch she came to her senses and cleared her throat. "Karking hell..." She grumbled as she wiped at her eyes. "Kark me I got issues..." She tried to joked, but her laugh was half-hearted at best. "Come on, what other toys do you need? You need a funky new pet built to fight entire armies? Or some jump boots? I got everything here." She forced a smile and an optimistic tone as she turned to leave the workshop.

Issues? You don't have issues, you want to get even. Why was it in this galaxy, people were always so content to tell the wronged to 'get over it', or suggest they were warmongering for feeling how they did? It made her inhale sharply, leaving her weapon for now, and following Shai (something that was uncharacteristic for her).

"You don't have issues... They've killed.... Too much of us. Children, Sick, Old... We are no longer children, not sick... And far from old. You are not wrong, and I agree with you wholeheartedly. They should be made to suffer, as they have forced us too in the past; and no doubt seek to even now"

She said, reinforcing Shai's words with her own, sickened that the other would think she had problems for what she was thinking... No, not around Sasha she didn't. There may have been others that were sympathizers, but she was far from it. She had no interest in peace regarding Sith.

"Lets start at boots, and work our way up to fighting entire armies"

Sasha would say, left hand rising to grasp at the others right shoulder briefly, following her while smiling.
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Shai halted when Sasha followed closely behind her and began to speak. She wasn't expecting a reaction like that at all from the stranger, to have someone who actually shared these feelings while not having lived through them alongside her. She always felt that others looked down at her or patronized her as if it was supposed to be fine to live with this void in one's life.

A smile crept onto her lips as Sasha took hold of her shoulder. "I appreciate that, Sasha. I really do." She muttered as she laid a hand on Sasha's for a moment. "Alright, let's go see what we can find for you." She turned and led the way through the massive factory towards their warehouse. Shai idly explained bits of the operations as they walked past the assembly lines of a myriad of products. Walkers, tanks, Basilisks, all the major items. "My personal favourite is the Basilisk. As a kid my ma used to tell me about these steel machines Mandos flew on when going into battle. Took me a while to actually find info on them when I became one myself." She snickered as she glanced over to the woman.

"What do you usually do?" She perked up. "Like... when things are quiet like this? Do you got a hobby or somethin' that keeps you busy?" She stopped by an enormous door and opened a smaller one in the corner. "Here we are. This way. You can get lost in here pretty easily." She admitted. After walking past assembled vehicles, suits of armour and other items, they reached the section with brand new boots. "Okay so, what do ya wanna do after this whole thing? You wanna tag along to go scare someone?" She asked with a mischievous grin growing with each passing second.

Sasha Kryze Sasha Kryze

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