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Private New Hire

Darth Malevolum


Location: Ines' Reckoning, in orbit over Dromund Kaas

Malevolum was not one to have patience, for her it was not a virtue in the slightest. What was a virtue for her, was diligence and efficiency. When Amur had shown her folly ideals and announced her crimes to her in person, Malevolum did what had to be done; she cut the woman loose. This however, put her at a loss, as she was now without a right hand to manage her forces, which brought her to her current situation.

Standing in the observation room, Mal looked down to her subordinates setting up the room, waiting for the technicians to finish the preparations for the test she had arranged. Her candidate for selection was reportedly trained by high level individuals within the Empire, something she hoped would prove itself here and now. Her hands gripped the sides of her armored biceps, her cybernetic eyes blinking when it suited her. She could feel the apprehension in her staff, as despite the observation room being full of technicians, the only auditable sound was that of buzzing terminals and occasional typing. Fear kept them in line, and that was just how Malevolum liked it.

After several moments, the voice of her head technician sounded over the comms. "My lord, everything is ready." She gave no respect however, merely nodding to one of the operators as they powered up the room. Immediately, several platforms rose up, shielding came over the observation windows, with several turrets popping out of the wall panels and corners. "Bring them in." She ordered, as her gaze fixated on the door, waiting for the new arrival to come forth.





I N E S'
Tag: Darth Malevolum |

When the Darth calls, You listen. That was how you survived down here. She'd learned that the hard way when Darth Carnifex brought her in...
So much had changed in so little time since she arrived aboard the Malsheem. She'd been pushed to her limits, Every cartilage bone within the Vahla having been broken at one point or another, And infused with the strongest metals she could afford since then. Every scar, whether it be by Carnifex's cruel hand or a surgeon's scalpel, Was worn like a trophy she never asked for, But took solace in for one simple reason: She was a survivor.
Escaping Carnifex's grasp awhile longer was the key to that survival, And this "Darth Malevolum" was either a piece of that key or an obstacle. Only time would tell.

She wanted to see Kaila's abilities first hand, And she would have front row seats today...

The door suddenly opens, Nothing visible but the sudden glow of blaster bolts being hurled through the dark passage by the turrets outside, Only to all be cast aside in a sudden whirling of crimson and purple as two guard-shoto lightsabers ignite, Twirling at frightening speeds as Kaila begins to march out, Her crimson eyes beginning to glow with the same fury as her sabers.

Stepping into the light while batting away bolts, Her form is revealed at last; Short and Strawberry blonde hair, Frayed and tousled by the stressful lifestyle she'd been forced into. Her pale youthful face bore a scowl of pure determination and fury as she clenched her jaw tight, Grunting and growling with each forceful swing as she bat away bolts on her march. Despite her titanous attitude however, Kaila appeared lithe for a Vahla woman; With a thin athletic build highlighted by her the simple and form fitting athletic wear she wore.

It was time to put that form to use.

Kaila suddenly changes tactics, Hurtling one of the bolts right back into the turret that delivered it, Sending it up in flames instantly as she danced across the room much quick than before, Spinning round to block bolts from multiple angles as her sabers twirled and she began to glide across the floor in wide sweeping steps, Looking more akin to an Echani dancer than a the pitiful thrall of the dark lord.

Once close enough to the flaming turret, She suddenly combat rolls into cover behind a metallic pillar, Pressing her back to it as the constant torrent of blaster fire begins to heat the other side.
Hmmph. Heat. Her signature weapon.

She suddenly throws her purple saber into the air with the force, Cutting part of the pillar above her and then circling throughout the room with an unknown purpose.
Meanwhile with her hand free, She suddenly grips the fires behind her as if she could physically grab the flames themselves, Suddenly sending them in a snaking gaut of fire that begins scorching other nearby turrets, Her control over them evident by the the dramatic slithering motions of her hand, Synced perfectly with the flames in fluid unity.
Once several of the turrets have either melted or gone up in flames themselves, Her saber suddenly returns, Slicing even higher on the pillar and dislodging the very top, Which comes crashing down toward Kaila only to stop at the last second as she deactivates the other saber and catches the large metallic chunk with the force, Grunting in pain as the weight begins to take it's toll, But it would not crush her, Not today.

The large chunk is hurled through the room, Crushing the remaining turrets flat against the wall.

With a path to safety cleared for the moment, She steps out, Walking gently into plain view of the observatory and simply standing there for a moment.
Her arm then rises slowly with an open hand, Suddenly catched the saber that had finally finished circling the room above, Allowing her to slowly point it at the observatory where Darth Malevolum stood, Occasionally swaying up and down with Kaila's labored breaths.

Exhausted, But still standing.


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