Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Hours and Post Change

So tonight is my last night at my current post as it is closing down. This means that I will no longer have 5pm to 5am shifts.

My new schedule has me set at...

Friday 1pm - 9pm
Saturday and Sunday 5am - 1pm
Wednesday 1pm - 9pm

This means that along with my game days on Tuesday and Thursday, I have Monday's off (unless I decide to pick up the extra time I've been offered at another post) along with making my days a bit more open in terms of hours.

So I'll be attempting to get a bit more active in my posting again.

Mainly with Amelia here and pushing the Order of the Righteous Flame forward (keeping it Minor as its best course of action). I'll also be putting time in with my other Alts (mainly the Baroness and Cristina; along with a couple others).

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