The library on Voss, small in size compared to that of the great library on Coruscant, was still an impressive collection for one so new into their creation. Knowledge had been recovered by all members upon arrival, and slowly the library had grown. Wandering through the various shelves, Rasu's face was lit up by the luminescent data panels stored in each column, her eyes lazily hovered over each label indicating the subject each disc possessed. It was quite early in the morning, and Rasu would have preferred to avoid the bright harsh light of a computer terminal, so leaving the shelves of data discs, she made her way over to the darker corner of the library, housing the physical copies of various texts. Preferring flimsi over computerised text, Rasu took a rather ancient looking book, and made her way to the reading area.
As was expected at this time in the day, the library was fairly empty, with only one visible being actually taking the time to sit and read while others busied themselves about him. Approaching the Jedi, she sat opposite him, offering a warm smile before greeting the Drakian. "I hope you don't mind if I sit here. What text have you got there?" she asked, indicating the copy that the young Jedi held.
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