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The Galactic Alliance

Spiritual successor to the Republic, the Alliance strives to bring peace and order to all corners of the galaxy through the power of the Light Side.

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New Jedi Order (Info & Roster)



"First comes the day
Then comes the night.
After the darkness
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By resolving the gray
Through refined Jedi sight."

Journal of the Whills, 7:477

A dark shadow has fallen over the Galaxy, but the light has risen to meet it. Fractured by disagreements and scattered abroad, the Jedi struggled for many years to perform their ancient duties. But from the ashes of past mistakes has come a new era. In the face of mounting darkness, some Jedi have taken the old ways and built something new. Through years of trials, these Jedi have flourished against all odds, becoming a powerful presence in the Core and beyond.

The Galactic Alliance officially supports the New Jedi Order, finding common ground in their goals of protecting the weak while working to bring an end to tyranny and suffering. As renowned warriors, scholars, and keepers of peace, the Jedi are able to fill many valuable roles within the Alliance and its territory. When members are not occupied with matters of the Order, some find their purpose in the structure of society; whether it be working alongside the Alliance Marshals as investigators (Jedi Sentinels), with the Senate as diplomatic mediators (Jedi Consulars), or alongside the Defense Force as peacekeepers (Jedi Guardians). Others, however, prefer to simply move where the Force wills them, traveling far and wide without a care for the intent of the Alliance. Regardless, the two powers cooperate as best as they can to overcome the lingering prejudice that remains toward the Jedi and aid the worlds that look to them for security and guidance.

Although members of the New Jedi Order are not granted political or military authority, all Jedi are expected to closely work together with various branches of the Alliance. The Order is most often called upon by the Galactic Alliance to aid in vital operations, or to provide advice and counsel on matters of the Force. In the present day, there is no denying the existence of a cosmic power - and while some might try to discredit or dismiss it, the administration of the Galactic Alliance recognizes the need to better understand it and values the wisdom offered by the Order's ancient teachings. In matters of the Force, rarely is a Jedi not present.

The Jedi of the New Jedi Order are afforded great freedom in their pursuits of knowledge and understanding, so long as they abide by federal and local laws. Across the Alliance's vast number of star systems there are a great many of the Order's culturally significant sites. Perhaps the most significant of them is the verdant Deep Core planet of Tython, where many scholars believe the first Je’daii gathered to discover the ways of the Force. What remains of the timeworn Nine Temples and the archaic structures built by the orders of old now offer insight into the history of the Jedi, lost knowledge of their practices, and powerful spiritual guidance for those who seek it.

Mobile Jedi Temple, Prosperity
Coruscant's Palace of the Jedi served as the Order's headquarters for countless generations since its construction by the Four Masters some 6,000 years ago. Despite suffering from near-total destruction in many of the planet's great wars and calamities, significant care and effort has always been taken to restore it as accurately as possible. Since the fragmentation of the old Jedi Order the great temple has fallen into the service of countless creeds and authorities, from Imperial warlords to zealous crusaders and black-hearted cultists. For several years, as The Galactic Alliance harmonized The Core and spread its democracy and light through The Galaxy, the New Jedi Order called the Coruscant Temple their home.

Coruscant's great Temple, however, is not the only Temple in use by the New Jedi Order. From Ilum to New Cov, and with a mobile Temple called the Prosperity, the NJO finds its way to all corners of the Galaxy.


In our modest beginnings, the New Jedi Order rejected tradition and opted instead for a sense of realism, valuing each individual's input equally. While that all still holds true, our numbers have vastly grown, a burden too heavy to be carried alone by the ones who were chosen by their fellow Jedi. Taking the initiative, those presumptive leaders sought advice and assistance from others; thus they formed the NJO’s first council: the circle.

Rather than basing the Circle around rank as councils gone past, the New Jedi Order opted for something closer to our beliefs. Selected for merit and leadership abilities, each sect has its own representation. Though each councilor holds their own unique set of responsibilities relating to their corresponding specialties, they do not rule over other members of their divisions. The representatives' experience and willingness to heed the words of their peers serve the Order, uniting the Jedi as one, despite the different paths they may walk. Unity in diversity.

In the years to come the Order would undergo many changes. Its founding members disappeared or left, and the torch was passed to a new generation of Jedi to lead the charge in the war to bring peace to the galaxy. These new leaders of the Order moved away from the rigid and segmented structure of the Circle of Jedi and instead embraced a looser structure of leadership, united under the Council of the New Jedi Order. Their structure remained flat, each member being valued as much as the others, but they were no longer selected based on which of the four Paths they walked, but the expertise and specialities, as well as integrity and their dedication to the Jedi Way of Peace and the Light.

The current Council consists of the following members:

Valery Noble Valery Noble Grandmaster
Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Shield of the Jedi
Amani Serys Amani Serys Chief Healer
Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Sentinel of Harmony
Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka Gatemaster
Efret Farr Efret Farr Chief Curator
Elias Edo Elias Edo Quartermaster
VacantChief Librarian
VacantMaster of Visions

Should a Jedi be suited for the Council but fit none of the vacant roles, they can still be brought on and serve under a new title. All Council positions are staff approved.


Despite the independence enjoyed by the Jedi, there are no shortage of Alliance politicians who see the New Jedi Order as unreliable or, at worst, hostile. Both as a means of cooperation and regulation, the Special Committee on Force Affairs works as an intermediary between the interests of the Senate and the Jedi. While it is more of a fixture of the Alliance government, the New Jedi Order holds a permanent seat on the committee, alongside one selected by the Senate, and another selected by the Chancellor. Recent political movements and shake-ups within the Order leave the committee weakened and its few members on shaky footing. Nonetheless, this is the first point of contact between the Jedi and the Alliance.

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[Last Updated: 10-16-2023]


The path of a Jedi is both difficult and perilous.
These are the Jedi who have been lost to our Order through the years.

——— * * * ———

The Lost
The Cause
Career Change
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