RC 212

Red Draft Cantina
Nar Shaada
[member="Zai Avery"] [member="Kitty"] [member="Marcus Collier"] @B'kik [member="Jim Pehico"]
Where was she? She didn't quite know except that she felt a pain in her side and her eyes flickered. Light surfaced past her eyelids and she grunted, pushing her palm against the slick floor. Something had happened, something wasn't right. She felt pain lancing her left side, something she'd never felt so acute before.
When she glanced down there was a red ichor flowing from the wound, no more trickling. Hala glanced around, her head awash with static and the situation began to dawn on her all over again. There had been an explosion out front, so massive it had taken out sections of the wall.
Burning speeder bikes out front were knocked over like domino and their spires of smoke rose into the dim night, mixing with the reflections of the dim orange streetlamps. Beggars Row. It was the street they were on and then she remembered it was her bar that had been under attack.
She pulled herself up onto the bar and pulled a scatter gun from beneath the bar top, locking a shell into the breach. There were bodies everywhere, some living and some dead. Some of them wore the Black Vest with the Red Devil on the back, but the ones farther out the door sported a blue spiral.
Vortex. Their oh beloved rivals.
Smoke choked her lungs as she started to pack whatever she could in napkins and cloth into the wound, jamming it deep to staunch the bleeding. When she was satisfied Hala grunted and staggered out the door to survey the damage. Ten of her guys were dead, and about twelve dead of theirs lay in the street.
The walls were pocked with bullet holes and the street littered with debris.
"Grrrrrr Kark it!"
This was a hit. Most likely done by the remnants of the Hutt Cartel on this world. They hadn’t taken kindly to the Red Devils taking the bar.
A body stirred, she glanced down, and raised an eyebrow.
A vortex patched member tried to crawl away.
"Well the Hutt's didn't like us taking the Red Draft and Beggars row eh? Then they definitely wont like like this shit."
Hala pressed the shotgun to his back, growled and pressed the trigger.
She pressed a button on her arm data pad. Comms whirled to life, recalling friends and Chapter Members alike. Before the night was out the Red Devils would exact a terrible vengeance...