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Ready For Judge New Mandalore | Rakata Secundus

Shadow Leader



  • Planet Name: New Mandalore | Rakata Secundus
  • Demonym: Mandalorian
  • Region: Unknown Regions
  • System Name: Uncharted System | Rakata Secundus System
  • System Features:
    • Mineral-rich asteroids
    • Young, vibrant sun
  • Location: x
  • Major Imports:
    • High Technology
  • Major Exports:
  • Unexploited Resources:
    • Minerals
    • Precious gems
  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Terrestrial
  • Primary Terrain:
    • Jungles
    • Oceanic
  • Atmosphere: Type I
  • Capital City: New Keldabe
  • Planetary Features:
    • Rakatan Ruins
    • Diverse Biomes: Tundras, Deserts, Tropics, primarily Jungle and Oceanic.
    • Mountain Ranges
  • Major Locations:
    • New Keldabe
      • Unofficial Capital of New Mandalore and home of the Death Watch. It is a fledgling city with much potential, it’s walls are thick protecting it from the wilds of New Mandalore. The city greatly resembles Iziz from the days of the Old Republic albeit on a much much smaller scale.
    • Kandaasa
      • The largest settlement of Clan Keldau, this village rests along the frontier and serves as the main point-of-contact between the Death Watch and their Taung vode.

  • Government:
    • Death Watch
      • Settlers from the feared Death Watch Crusde led to the uncharted world of Rakata Secundus after the Rebellion of Mandalore. Establishing the city of New Keldabe as their capital, the Mandalorians of New Mandalore sought to build a new life in the image of their ancestors and leave the graveyard of Mandalore behind. While many have abandoned New Keldabe, returning to the galaxy at large a significant portion of Mandalorians thrive here embodying the ideas of the warrior spirit.
    • Clan Keldau
      • Clan Keldau was an ancient Mandalorian clan that existed during the time of the Mandalorian Crusades where it earned great renown in for the many combat trainers that emerged from its ranks and it's iconic use of the mythosaur skull as it's clan sigil. As time passed, Clan Keldau eventually all but died out, greatly remembered by the Mandalorian Clans for it's glory, it wasn't until Death Watch arrived planetside that they discovered that an aspect of that mighty lineage still existed, having survived after relocating to Rakata Secundus in ancient days. The Taung warriors embody the Old Ways, often sparking differential tensions between themselves and their 'New' warrior brethren. A mutual understanding and respect has been forged between Death Watch and their Taung neighbors who dwell in scattered settlements on the frontier beyond New Keldabe.
  • Affiliation: N/A
  • Wealth: N/A
    • Bartering
      • New Keldabe and the surrounding Keldau settlements utilize a system of bartering goods and services between one another, being so far from the Core Worlds and civilization renders the use of credits as pointless.
  • Stability: High
  • Freedom & Oppression:
    • Every man, woman, and child is born free. They follow the Way of the Mandalore and listen to the wisdom of their Alor, it is one's actions and one's honor that determine the place of an individual in society. Dar'Manda and Sith-Imperials are unwelcome, the scars of Moridinae are still fresh in their memory as is their hatred for anything that goes against their creed.
  • Military:
    • The Death Watch are descendants of the Mandalorian Warrior Faith once known to all of their creed. Their ancestors were Neo-Crusaders, conquerors, and martial commanders the likes the galaxy had never seen. Each member of the Death Watch is a Mandalorian Warrior and thus a more than capable combatant able to wrestle with the best the galaxy has to offer. Though numbered since the dissolution of the Crusade, they are more than capable of rebelling any attackers short of a large invasion force.
    • The Taung of Clan Keldau are master beast riders, skilled trainers, and unrivaled warriors. Left alone to tame the savage wilds of New Mandalore, the Mandalorians of Clan Keldau will fight to the death maintaining the old Mandalorian ways to their last breath.
  • Technology: Galactic Standard
    • While the Death Watch remain up to date with the rest of the galaxy, even innovating their own advances on the uncharted world, the Taung of Clan Keldau are far behind living in the days of ancient Mandalorian past. Their methods are primitive in comparison but are slowly becoming more and more updated as they barter and build on their relationship with the Death Watch.

The Mandalore-that-was is gone. A truth preached by the Death Watch and their crusade. The planet has suffered countless indignities, numerous wars, plundered cities, and despoiled quarries once bountiful, now bare. The irradiated wasteland of Mandalore may have had the final hammer blow delivered by the Sith Empire but it had been the misrule of it’s own people that led it to be so.

The Death Watch refused to continue on the graveyard of their people, they walked in their Taung ancestors’ footsteps and after taking their revenge on the Sith in the Rebellion of Mandalore moved enmasse into the Unknown Regions. These Crusaders sought a fresh start, a return to their glorious warrior past. Their lengthy exodus moved from system to system, dealing with pirates and alien dangers. It was when they accidentally stumbled upon Rakata Secundus that they realized they’d found a worthy home.

Surrounded by mineral rich asteroids, the lush world was seemingly untouched, bearing only the remnants of ancient Rakatan ruins and undisturbed land. The Mandalorians settled amidst the jungles of New Mandalore where they established their first and greatest city, New Keldabe, named in reminiscence of the once-proud city back on their homeworld.

Taming the jungles and wild life of New Mandalore was a challenge worthy of their predecessors who took the Demon Moon of Dxun as their own. The hostile predators of this world were massive, resembling the great Mythosaurs of old. It was on this mighty frontier that the Mandalorians discovered the survival of the Taung, the continued existence of Clan Keldau. At first hostile relations between the two sects of Mandalorians ensued but as time passed a begrudging respect developed along with a budding relationship built on trade and trust. With this newfound relationship the greatest prize was revealed by their Taung neighbors, the existence of Beskar.

The Crusade may have dissolved, but the people remain. This bastion of Mandalorians had continued to exist untouched for nearly six years, until Death’s Hand came. Until Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze had come.

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