Hi guys I'm sorta new here so I thought I would say Hello
Boethiah Dark Messiah Character Bio Jul 2, 2015 #2 [member="ZephyrTG"] Welcome to the forum! Let me know if you have any questions.
Connor Harrison Guest C Jul 2, 2015 #3 [member="ZephyrTG"] Welcome to the Chaos! Just shout if you have any questions at all, and be sure to have fun here!
[member="ZephyrTG"] Welcome to the Chaos! Just shout if you have any questions at all, and be sure to have fun here!
ZephyrTG New Member Z Jul 2, 2015 #4 Yeah I was wondering about the Avatar portion of the Character creation.... where would I find something for that? should I make my own?
Yeah I was wondering about the Avatar portion of the Character creation.... where would I find something for that? should I make my own?
Sempra the Hutt A very hutty hutt! Character Bio Jul 2, 2015 #5 [member="ZephyrTG"] Welcome to chaos! Hit google images for starters.
Nikolas Faselli wild Character Bio Jul 2, 2015 #6 [member="ZephyrTG"] Hi and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy it here! About the avatar, you can make one your own or request for somebody to make you one (as long as you provide them with images).
[member="ZephyrTG"] Hi and welcome to Chaos! Hope you enjoy it here! About the avatar, you can make one your own or request for somebody to make you one (as long as you provide them with images).
Corvus Raaf Adieu... C Character Bio Jul 3, 2015 #10 [member="ZephyrTG"] Welcome. Have fun and never forget, we were all sort of new once