Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Moderator sign up

OK so with Julius stepping down we have an open position in the staff.

Applicant should be...

  1. Self starter
  2. Looking to create lore and awesomess with ORC
  3. Good with animals such as Wampas
  4. Active with a muse hungry for creative writing
  5. Open minded and able to play well with other
  6. The ability to laugh at my jokes even the bad ones.
OK well that last one was more of a wish then at actual requirement. Basically this is a free form open ad. Tell us why you want the job and what you feel you can bring to the table to make ORC better.
A month late - Check
Self Starter- Check
Looking to create lore and awesomess with ORC​- Absolutely. Check.
Good with animals such as Wampas- Well maybe. Check.
Active with a muse hungry for creative writing- I can make anything more exciting. (I turned a simple auction into a heist here.) Check.
Open minded and able to play well with others- Absolutely, just ask the ladies. Check. ;)
The ability to laugh at my jokes even the bad ones- I'm easily amused. Check.

What do I bring to the table? A fresh new face in the Chaos community, Active in the community, all around great guy. Look, Boss, In a leadership position, I'll give the ORC a fresh set of eyes. give me a week and I'll prove to you that I deserve this job. :D

Thanks for your time boss-man,

Jim Pehico
[member="Jim Pehico"] | [member="Leo Vandermolen"] | [member="John Shepherd"]

So been talking with the staff, you three have all expressed interest in taking on a more active role with ORC. Instead of picking just one of ya the staff would like to bring all three of you on as Jr Moderators.

Duties would entail...

  • Actively joining in all faction Threads. Basically a lead by example approach by posting in all faction events, doms, and invasions
  • Being an ambassador for ORC, setting a good example OOC and writing fairly IC
  • Helping where you can with writer questions and if not able bring things to the staffs attention so we can help
  • Idea men, let your voice be heard whenever possible and openly share thoughts when we have brain storming sessions for doms and such.
Let me know how interested you are all in the above and we can go from there. Additional duties will follow in time but them is the basics.
I'm truly Estatic, thanks for the opportunity sir :D [member="Bryce Bantam"]


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