It’s not everyday that I got a chance to take a full night break, especially after the attack on Coruscant. While the prospect of such time off should be invaluable, in reality, it was so abrupt I was utterly clueless on what I should be doing on such occasions, tonight just happened to be one of those nights.
Even scrolling some numbers on my social holopad doesn’t make a difference, there’s just so few numbers in there, with past hookups making up the majority of it. That’s really the price I paid for being one of the best in my class and joining the SIA. Maintaining a long-term relationship, romantic or platonic, can be a tricky thing when you know from the start you either have to hide things or straight up lie to them.
Not feeling just calling someone for something so hollow, I opted to go to a trendy bar in Fondor. Perhaps I could strike some interesting one-time conversations and leave the night feeling like an actual person instead of just a cog in the machine, or a pleasure machine.
Going straight to the bar, I ordered whiskey on the rock before starting to scan the establishment for any captivating faces to strike a conversation with. A couple of young finance guys, group of late teens, and some middle-aged singles trying to struck their luck. But one face specifically calls to me, a familiar face I haven’t seen in a long-time.
“Zane, that you?” I approached the tall and built man with whiskey in my hand, hoping not to call the wrong person and name on such a busy night.