Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jennifer Blanchard

No one ever told her that starting this sort of gig with [member="Emerald Sage"] was going to yield that the agent of Tion and new Techno Union Obsidian Order member was going to have to make business deals. Wasn’t that Marek’s job? Really? Well, with him doing his thing with the Techno Union because that was going full bore, and stepping up Token to help run Bright Star, she figured that it was up to her to represent his interest in this new shindig. It wasn’t really something she knew much about, aside from that there was going to be a lot of work, and Em was probably going to be taking the forefront.

The blonde did know a lot more about textiles, or at least Jenn made that assumption.

But she and Emerald were out on one of the Bright Star liners, catching a trip back towards Lianna, through Tatooine, and hoping to meet up with the one and only Trade Queen herself, [member="Danger Arceneau"]. The faux-redhead slicer girl was dressed comfortably and was poking around on her datapad outside the bank of suites she and Emerald were in. Jenn enjoyed people watching, maybe too much. She was waiting for her partner to get out here, that way they could go to the meeting together.

Jenn wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t terrified of Danger, but she wasn’t exactly on the best terms.

Why couldn’t Marek not be a boring character?

Emerald Sage

Belladonna; The Deadly Nightshade
Emerald came out of the room with a smile on her face. She was wearing her standard garb of not enough clothing. That was always how she acted when she wasn’t trying to fight someone or getting into trouble. Besides, “Come on,” Emerald said stepping forward. “I told [member="Danger Arceneau"] to meet us at the pool.” What? Emerald wasn’t a business woman per say… she was really just the messenger in this deal.

Out at the pool Emerald submerged herself in a lightly bubbling pool of water adjacent to a bar. “Good,” Emerald said stretching this way and that. “Come on in [member="Jennifer Blanchard"].” Emerald looked over a waterproof pad she had. Yes, this was good. “So we have all the information on the business deal here. We already did most of the work in procuring the Bantha Ranches and genetically engineering the Banthas. Now we only need some funding. We’ve already done the leg work, we just need a few more investors….”
[member="Emerald Sage"] [member="Jennifer Blanchard"]

Find Danger they will.

At least, eventually. The Queen of Trade was actually on the same cruise herself, only her focus was on overseeing the profits coming in from the Brightstar Casinos. She provided as much of the stock in supplies for the mega cruise liners, and every once in a while, she was apt to take a ride in one herself and check the goods.

No one knew she was there as of yet, but a bit of an investigation could potentially reveal that tidbit with a bit of digging.

Jennifer Blanchard

And of course Emerald was dressed in really nothing. What was with that girl? Jenn really didn’t mind. Well, the thing was… Jenn kind of liked it. Was that bad? Em was her fething partner for Tion missions. That sort of thought would just confuse it. Not that Jenn had those thoughts very often, but still… Right, that was confusing. “Is Miss Arceneau…” Yes, she called her that, Marek told her to. “On this cruise?” Jenn pulled her datapad up a bit and tried to slice the admin passwords. It wouldn’t take much, she knew the way the code was written, she helped write it, after all.

While she was working on that. Jenn looked at [member="Emerald Sage"] and shrugged. “But…” Really she was pale, she’d not look nearly as good as Em did. And she lifted her datapad to give that as her reason for not getting into the water. Plus well, self conscious a bit. Jenn was a tiny little thing. And it bothered her a bit. Scrolling through the list, she wondered if Danger even listed herself as [member="Danger Arceneau"].

Why couldn’t they just have a Tion signal?

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