Alexandra Feanor
The Lady in Silver/Grey Historian

The New Republic responded to the threat of War simply. And with the battle on Anaxes having been fought for years, it was time for the final strike on the imperial held world. But the Imperials there decided to find a new ally in the form of a known mass murderer, one who's government supported the ideals of a man who had brought genocide and suffering to a galaxy that had been held under the Iron Fist of an imperialistic and autocratic system for decades after the fall of the Original Galactic Republic.Chancellor Fati has authorized the movement of the Republic Navy into a full mobilization and strike on the Imperial positions, to wipe the Imperials from their outposts, and seize the planet's orbital defenses for itself. Civilians, as usual will be given full protection and defense, populated areas avoided, and all who seek to escape the battle will be escorted by Republic soldiers to the best of their Ability.
And So, the stage is set, and the long overdue invasion of Anaxes has begun.
CIC Allies:
NR Allies:
Sup, this was suppose to happen a month ago, but we promised to give the CIC one month to set up before we went through with the invasion.
For all questions, please do contact myself, [member="Noah Corek"], or @Gregor Yorr
For joining the CIC, please contact [member="Tanomas Graf"] and his team.
Down below is a link into New Republic Chat were planning is open for the Invasion, and we will be adding a channel to our planning area as we always do with invasions.
Good luck, have fun, and kick an imperial in the face.
You have a 1 week till the start.