While you've mentioned the desire to join a 'Major Faction' I do believe that there are those Minor Factions that are just as deserving of your attention.
It is true that the Outer Rim Imperium faction has seen a more lax activity (which I've been hard at work reversing). While the ORI also does not have a dedicated lean towards either towards the Light Side or the Dark Side, it remains somewhat staunchly in the middle, balancing between the two sides.
I have also been contemplating the possible creation of a Force User Organization within the ORI as a means to draw in more Force Users whom may feel left out. This Organization is being thought of much in a similar fashion to the Virtues from the Ultima Series, primarily the beliefs of the Serpent Isle. While this is currently (and obviously a working title) this 'Ophidian Order' would essentially be a somewhat (and for lack of a better term) 'Grey' sided faction, with three branches. The Ophidians of Balance (the Greys), the Ophidians of Chaos (Dark Side) and the Ophidians of Order (Light Side).
If you are interested, I would be willing and would be open to discussing the possibility of having your character being a co-founder of the order and the first Grand Ophidian (just a reminder that this is still a working title and they can be changed).
[member="Vassara Raxis"]