Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New Signature Request

So I've had this signature and the previous one a while now.

Anyone want to do me a new one?

Playby: Liam Neeson, specifically in his Batman Begins role as Henri Ducard.
Quote: "There are many paths to tread."

Special points for including a Twi'lek...depending on how tasteful/tasteless it is. But don't put it in unless it looks right.
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]


I hope this pleases mi'lord Nantaris. It's younger Ducard from Dark Knight Rises plus one. :)

Of course, I'm willing to take it back and toy with it, iffen you prefer.


Left RP on the site, now I'm onto Graphics.
Others could probably do way better than me, I'm trying to get better.

If this isn't what you expected, or if it isn't perfect or great for you, then tell me how I could improve. I thought Linen would suit you better rather than carbon.

Twi'lek Edition​
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

Take(n) 2. I know the first one was "scruffy lookin' " to say the least.


...Oh. I forgot to change the size. Let me know if you're interested enough for me to throw it in Photoshop to change the dimensions. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

I mean, it's more for the summer months, but Valiens needs time off sometimes, right?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

What about the picture would you like fixed? The picture dimensions are good enough to use, so are you wanting me to polish it some more? Push the 214 height to 250 evenly with the width?

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