Tide Bringer (Protector of Mon Cala)
Tyluko and [member="Iris Issey"] left the humble home and stepped out into the bustling surroundings of the Coruscant streets. Tyluko was quickly taken aback, he had never seen so many machines, so many lights, so much noise. His head started to swirl, and his sensitive tentacles recoiled. This planet was much different from the calm serene waters of Mon Cala. Air speeders of all shapes and sizes sped through the skylines; lights flashing, horns honking. Beings of several species and droids of all makes and models, walked along the streets in huge crowds. Off to his right an Ithorian bartered with a Selkath shop keeper, and to his left a Twi'lek conversed with a Bith and Trandoshan. In front of him a green protocol droid bickered with a purple R2 series astromech droid, who replied to the protocol droid with a series of beeps and whistles. It was all so much for Tyluko to take, he dropped to a knee next to Iris's wheel chair.