Now seated in the chair that had once borne the weight of his Aliit Buir, until the possessed vessel of his Ori'vod had taken the man from his life. Despite the clone that still breathed the essence of Gilamar being alive and well - he had still watched the man die, and had given him a funeral worthy of the Manda. Gilamar's legacy was left to Azrael, left for the man to take up the mantle of not one, but three different leadership positions well before the salvager though himself ready. He'd proven it, and continued to do right in that vein, but it was a hard road to haul. Every time he took up residence in this seat, it reminded him of the price that was paid, and what he was responsible for, and that burden came back to rest upon his shoulders. In at least a few things the two men were quite similar; both enjoyed to work with their hands far more than with their words, and neither were engaged in political nonsense. Still, out of respect, Azrael pressed his form into the confines of the chair and leveled his gray eyes upon that of the Senator and her Jedi escort. Digits of both his armored flesh and his bionic implant came to steeple together while the Senator spoke.
Cecily was not someone he knew from any of the other senators; not that he kept appraised of who sat in what chair, but had at least a familiarity with leadership names. The holonet often giving him vague clues as to who was in power. The name of the Prime Minister, that he knew, and the Master Jedi's sister as the Grand Master of the Order - he knew that one as well. This seemingly random senator was a blank slate to him, and currently she was taking the time to introduce her own passion to color his perception of her. Her words were laced with strength and purpose, evident with the tone and cadence of her voice that passion and desire were behind every syllable. These were the kind of speeches that would resound within the Senate building to tug on morality, sympathy, and honor to all that heard them. Though to boil it down to the most simplistic of advances, it was a pitch - the woman was selling an idea, and using her oration skills to emphasize the importance of everything she said. Compelling, well spoken, and poignant; everything a good Senator should be in being the voice for their people. He could respect the position, respect the woman, and even respect the ideal she spoke about, but Azrael had reservations - most of which Taeli well knew from their time together on Vjun.
"Well said Senator." Azrael responded after a few moment's pause, as his hands slid from their position and took up residence on each arm of the chair. The sharpened metallic digits lightly rapped upon the stone and metal curve of the arm rest. "It is an honorable goal to render one's enemies inert and dissolved." In this he agreed, it had always been the Mandalorian way to wipe out resistance, crush it with supreme force and dominate the landscape. They had done it with the great Mythosaurs of old, and countless contingents from there on. Thousands of years of war rested in the ancestors of this great culture, and it all spoke of the power and might the Mandalorians could dish out. With this he had no quarrel. "The Dar'jetti are certainly a thorn in the paw of the Galaxy, and it would be a far safer place without their kind united." Again, there was no disagreement, but this was simply a rehashing of the ideas she put forth to which he would agree, the visible signs of a shift in tone though etched across his face.
"However, you are missing the mark on quite a few points of interest." Azrael took a moment of pause to glance at Taeli and then back to the Senator. "The Master Jedi and I have discussed this previously, and are in agreement. The Sith are a united front. It is unlike them to be so single minded in their focus and their drive. For thousands of years, they were the antithesis to the Jetti, the darkness to their light." The salvager surmised gesturing with his right hand towards Taeli and then laying it again on the arm rest. "A scattered force that was beholden to no one ideal, save their own quest for power. Each an egotist in their own right, and fueled by that damning pride to raze and ruin anything that stood in their path. That scatter-minded mentality was their weakness." Apparently he was in the mood to give a history lesson to the woman, that might have been older than himself (though he couldn't be sure). "The Mando'ade have been at odds with the Republic for generations, we have burned your cities, destroyed your trade routes, killed and even hunted the Jetti." For this Azrael gave no apology, nor did he think it warranted one, it was deep in the past.
"We have even gone so far as to side with the Sith in destroying the previous incarnations of the Republic to cripple them. That however is all in the past. My point though is that the Sith were there at that point, and they are here now. Even a few Galactic years ago, we wiped out the Dar'Jetti's advances in the eastern border of our territory to the fringes of wild space itself. They are a resilient insect that will continue to crop up wherever there is darkness. The Sith cannot be eradicated Senator, it is as impossible as dissolving that of the Mandalorian culture, or even the Jedi. These are ideas - ideas do not die." Another moment of introspective silence passed as Azrael took a measured breath and then look the Senator dead in the eyes.
"Suffice to say that the Sith are united, under either a banner of their enigmatic Lord, or the mere idea of his presence. This is why they have taken every world they have made a claim to, wrestling it out from the Republic's grip time and time again. The Republic is a fractured and broken circuit of people who cannot decide between themselves. The roles have been reversed Senator. So to not belabor my point any longer - I advise you to get your house in order first." His meaning was definite and while it was also blunt, it was a simple concept. The Republic would have to rally and be on the same page, not the squabbling of delegates trying to suss out their own reasons. They had to be united, in this goal before anything could actually be done.
[member="Taeli Raaf"] | [member="Cecily de Demici"]