Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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New to the Cantina: Send Help

Carson X

Semi-Functioning Savage.
H'chu apenkee!

So I've been lurking around the forums for a while now; been dabbling in thoughts of writing but never really decided to commit until now. Here goes nothing!

Oh, and while not meaning to throw shade on the new Disney movies (I liked Rogue One, really!) or fans thereof, I find myself more of a fan of the old EU - grew up with it, really. Played the old KOTOR games, dabbled in SWTOR, and of course the immortal Republic Commando and Jedi Knight series back in the day, besides the books. This is not to say of course that I'm not open to new things.

I can't think of anything else to write at this point, except that I'm pssyyyyyyched to be here and looking forward to meeting you all. I've written RP's for Warhammer, Star Trek, Dune and hell even Starship Troopers, but nothing's ever come close to capturing my imagination and reviving the child in me quite like Star Wars. I am sure you all understand.

I'll be putting up a character or two to get some writing going over the weekend. So yeah, see you around and boska!

* I can't promise my Huttese will be consistent.

Fiolette Fortan

[member="Misha Gren"]

Welcome! If you have any questions feel free to ask, and enjoy your stay! :D

Zeke Tune

Your Secret Dark Obsession
Welcome. If you need anything just let us know. We got your back. Most of us are similar to you, it's why we are here. Looking forward to what you create. If you need a place to call home, just ask. We have a lot of awesome factions.

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