Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Newbie here!

Hi! I'm new to the idea of forum roleplay, so I'll try to do my best to learn. I do already have ideas as of what I want to make for my character and do (went over the character template and such before posting this), but I have two major questions.

A. Are non-canonical crystals, and other things allowed to be used? I had plans to use a Dantooine crystal (super long story, but apparently it was covered in comics. Its harvested from rare animal eggs, so it signifies intelligence and power due to the fact the animals can be seen as highly dangerous. If need be, I'll go over it more.)

B. How exactly do you GET into a faction? Are you allowed to be in at the get go? Do you have to join over the course of roleplay? Etc. (I was personally interested in joining the current Jedi Order IRP so I was hoping for some clarification.)

Other than that, I'm super hyped. Can't wait to get started! =D

Runi Verin

Two pounds shy of a bomb.

Hey there! Welcome to Chaos. To answer your questions in order:

A ) That is completely fine. Dantari (or Dantooine) crystals and other items found in the EU are completely acceptable on the site. As you'll quickly notice, we're actually a mix of both NuCanon and the Expanded Universe. You're also free to create your own content via the Codex & Factory.

B ) Answer differs depending on the faction, but most (if not all) Major factions have an open recruitment policy and are completely fine with you signing up from the get go. As a side note, there are actually multiple Jedi Order's on the site, so I fully recommend shopping around a little to find the one that suits you best. Definitely some strong candidates around depending on what vibe you want for your character.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask them here on in our discord server.
[member="Dat1CanadianGuy"] Welcome to Chaos!

As a fellow Canadian I can assure you that this is a place with friendliness worthy of our currently snow-covered land. (I'm from Toronto btw and it's crazy that we have snow in November)

Joining a faction is really easy! To sign up OOC, you can just head to the faction page and hit the big "Join Faction" button (should be in the top right corner IIRC). You should probably just join with the character that you want to have in that faction to reduce clutter on other accounts. For most factions, as soon as you hit the button you're in, but for some you might have to wait a bit for one of the faction staff to verify you and let you in, which I believe is the case for the Silver Jedi Order.

The Jedi Order right now has a ton of different parts and individual factions, and just about every major faction (barring the Sith Empire) accepts Jedi into their Force-sensitive branch or armed forces. The Corellian Confederation has the Green Jedi, the SJO is all Jedi, the Confederacy of Independent Systems has the Knights Obsidian, and the ORC has their own branch of Jedi stuff going on in their space. All of them are great places to be for your Jedi character! Speaking of which, I have a Jedi character myself, and I'd be happy to write with you sometime in the future!

If you need any kind of help or have more questions, feel free to tag/message me and ask! There are lots of people around here who would be happy to help.

All the best!

Always good to see a new face jumping in on the action around here. Also very good questions, that appear to have been answered but I just thought I'd add that if you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask around. We have a really good community here and you'll find people are more-often-than-not eager to help get you situated! As Runi has linked above, the Discord server is also an asset in this regard!

Otherwise, be sure to enjoy yourself and welcome to SWRP: Chaos :)

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