Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Newbie here

Hey, new guy here. Tried to sign up for the site a bit ago and it said my username and email were already taken - and lo and behold I had signed up for the site a long time ago and never validated my account. So here I am, creating a character.

I've had plenty of RP experience on varying forums for years now, and I hope this site pulls me in. About halfway done with a character, made a roadplan for his development and just need to finish up the application.

Got a quick question though, if anyone can answer it. How often do timeskips occur? Is there a constant progression of time such as a month of real time equally six IC or something? Or do characters remain pretty much the same age throughout? Just asking so I can plan my character's age to match his progression.
Welcome to Chaos :)

Rextoret said:
How often do timeskips occur?
Generally the board pushes forward the "printed date" by a few years during events (like the one going on right now), either by a handful of years or sometimes just one. A lot of members also consider a full real year to be the equivalent of an IC year, too. Our timeline is fluid though, so you can have months go by in the period of a single thread that takes place over the course of a few days, or you can jam an hour into a thread that lasts two years - everything is at your pace.

For context, the board started in 2012 at 835 ABY and it's now 2016 and 849 ABY.

You can review our timeline here, and also in the dropdown at the top of the screen.

Connor Harrison

[member="Spare Account 4"] Welcome to the Chaos! Have fun here and keep the questions coming - this place isn't as scary as it looks...well, not all the time anyway. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Vitium"] Oh dear, that's rather embarrassing! :D

[member="Rextoret"] I'm sorry for the wrong welcome! I hope YOU enjoy your time here, and just shout if we can help you along the way!


Yeah that's right.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Thank you! I was just asking about the timeline cause I want my character to progress nicely from Padawan to knight and master, etc. at a believable pace and age. It's not that big of a deal though and I'm sure it'll all work out.

[member="Irajah Ven"]

Thanks, I hope to have a great time here.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Haha, no worries man. Thanks for the welcome and if I do need help I'll be sure to ask.

[member="Dashka Soon"]

Haha, I'm sure y'all are.
[member="Dashka Soon"]

Will do, I don't think pirate will ever fit into my first character's storyline as something he'd be, but if I make a character who'd be one I'll be sure to let you know.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Ok sounds good! Another quick question if you don't mind. Is keeping track of gear and abilities required or commonplace? I want to, but I'm a little confused how to or where to. Inside my character's bio page? And the place to find equipment to list there would be found in the factory section or in each respective faction?

[member="Aerin Kath"]

Thank you!
Rextoret said:
[member="Darth Vitium"]

Ok sounds good! Another quick question if you don't mind. Is keeping track of gear and abilities required or commonplace? I want to, but I'm a little confused how to or where to. Inside my character's bio page? And the place to find equipment to list there would be found in the factory section or in each respective faction?

[member="Aerin Kath"]

Thank you!
You would keep track of your belongings in your character bio, which can be canon stuff as seen on wookieepedia or custom stuff submitted to the Factory.

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