Mantic Dorn
Old school...
Republic news update!
Greetings one and all,
As usual there is lots of plots floating about!
I wish everyone had time to keep track of everything and if I missed anything faction oriented here I appologize in advance. But really, keeping track of everything going on in the Galactic Republic is like like trying to count bullets fired by a machine gun...
The creativity in this faction is truly humbling!
Onward with the Main events!
I will start with the invasion of alderaan that has come to the end date where the OOC decission about which side won has been initiated. The backstage staff-talks are ongoing but as soon as we have a result we will be sure to let everyone know it.
Note, for everyone that are Role Playing in the invasion there is no need to stop doing so. The Role Play can continue for as long as you wish. But its the post before the 20th that are used to determine the map game outcome. Good job and I hope everyone had a good time!
We have approached new dominions carefully and no new ones has been started for a month to give everyone time to focus on more relaxed Role Play and pursue character development. New Dominions will begin in the near future though, hope you have time to give them some love
- The faction has also started a social thread, a magic show for every pro-Republic character to attend. You can find it here.
- A reminder that even though we have not focused on it we still have an active dominion to finish, go here and make a post if you want to help
- [member="Willam Forlon"] - our new Supreme Commander - is leading a Republic military campaign on Kashyyk in this thread. Sign up in the OOC thread here, and read about it IC here.
- The trial of [member="Ali Hadrix"] has begun and can be followed in this thread. LINK
- After the original jedi order left the Republic we have organized our force users in two categories, Republic Jedi Knights (the traditional jedi) and the Republic Force students, force users that are trained in the force but does not serve as official Jedi. You can read and discuss more about the Republic force enclave here.