Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Nexar Vayne

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  • Intent: To create a recurring villain for a storyline taking place on the outskirts of GA space.
  • Image Credit: Created by me on
  • Role: Psychologist turned terrorist.
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: The origin of his story is within this thread: The Wicked Rule The Wicked
  • Age: 72
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Palliduvan
  • Appearance:
Like most of his species, he is lanky, with longer than human fingers, and nails that he often keeps trimmed down so as to draw less attention. He has no hair, and his body is adorned with a series of ritualistic cuts that have healed in such a manner that they leave visual fissures in his chalk-white skin. His red eyes are so dark that unless you get close you almost can't even tell they're red. Additionally, below both eyes is a square piece of red kyber crystal, mostly for decoration, but he also uses it as a focus when he's utilizing his powers on people.​
In terms of clothing he'd normally wear a suit, something moderately fashionable, but not so high fashion that people might consider him rich. It's his general goal to blend in with the masses around him and so he aims for the appearance of a middle class person, which is why the two red kyber pieces are the only form of jewelry he would have.​
  • Name: Nexar Vayne
  • Loyalties: Himself
  • Wealth: Moderately wealthy from his time spent as a psychotherapist, but not exorbitant. He could travel by private transport, and often does, but he doesn't actually own his own transport. Doing so would draw more attention than he wants.
  • Notable Possessions: Nothing out of the ordinary, really. It's easier to blend in with society when you don't own things that stand out.
  • Skills:
    • Psychotherapist: He's a trained psychologist and before becoming radicalized, he used his skills in the Force and his schooling to help people.
    • Chemist: While psychology is the mental side of study, some treatment also requires a physical component. He studied both psychology and chemistry and is adept at creating a wide variety of medicines and other compounds.
    • The Force: Nexar is predominately gifted in the use of illusion and manipulation.
  • Languages: Basic, Huttese, and Bocce
  • Personality:
It used to be that he would have been described as one of the nicest people ever met. He genuinely cared for his patients and did everything he could to help them. Most of the time they did end up healed from whatever was troubling them. But overtime that began to change. The more people he treated that were victims of war, the more he saw the things they had seen when he probed their minds, the more twisted his own mind became. Over time he's become convinced that war is the natural state of the galaxy, and that no matter how much treatment he can distribute, people will just create worse and more cases. This has warped his mind to the point he no longer wants to help people, but wants to destroy the galactic powers by destroying the people that comprise them.​
  • Weapon of Choice: He carries a small, ritualistic knife.
  • Combat Function: Spellcaster - He excels at using his abilities from range and isn't very skilled at close combat.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):
  • Knowledge: He's extremely knowledgeable about the mind and how to affect it through both the Force, speech, and chemistry.
  • Resourceful: He can find ways to use almost anything around him to meet his ends without ever having to dirty his own hands.
  • Close Combat: He's not suited for this and would rather run away.
  • Paranoia: With a mental break comes paranoia, and he's now paranoid about almost everything, which is why he tries not to do anything himself if he can avoid it.
Born on Coruscant, Nexar had an average upbringing that lead him into schooling. He was never destined to be a soldier or a politician, not with his middle-class status. Instead he entered university and studied Psychology and Chemistry. His primary interest was in pharmaceuticals and he intended, originally, to go into the development of such. However, after spending time working in the labs in school, he found that the process was not as engaging as he wanted and he didn't want to spend his whole life watching titrations. Instead, he decided to focus more on being a psychologist with a background in chemistry, and in that way he could learn how to help people the best, and prescribe the right medications to the right people.

This worked for quite a while. He established his own practice after leaving school, and served his community faithfully. Thousands of patients came in and out of his practice through the years. Gradually he began to notice that despite his affinity towards reading through people's minds, the things they were coming to him for were getting worse and worse. Violent crime. Murder. PTSD cases among soldiers. PTSD cases among civilians who'd witnessed things. The worst was the people who had been injured in battle that weren't even involved and were struggling to reconcile what had happened to them with their current state. Children missing limbs. People missing family members. Burn victims. It got to be so bad that he spent his nights crying in his home.

Until he resolved himself to do something to end war.

But the realization that war was everywhere, ever present, always occurring drove him into madness. No matter what plan he came up with for resolving things, they all quickly failed his detailed analysis of their application. He started to feel hate. Hate towards government. Hate towards soldiers. Hate towards almost everyone. That hate manifested itself in the Force and he felt a calling, leaving Coruscant to head into the outer rim, to seek training for his abilities. He spent several years in the training of a rogue Sith master until he felt he could learn no more from him, and then he returned to Coruscant only to find the Alliance again embroiled in wars.

He began to formulate a plan. A plan to end war. A radical plan. A plan to end all life in the galaxy in order to bring an end to the pain and suffering the galaxy created. He has begun with manipulation and experimentation on worlds outside of Alliance space, and he will continue until he succeeds, or until he's stopped.
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