Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Next Character: Name and Force powers.

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
I have deaths planned for multiple characters. This will free me up for one new character. So here is the pitch. Give me one name and three force powers. The more obsure the better. The name can be anything as long as it follows board rules.

Primary power:
Secondary power:
Tertiary power:

Don't be scared to make a fool of me...I like it.


Name: Naron Bashor
Primary power: Force Rage
Secondary power: Spirit Ichor
Tertiary power: Force Push

And as an added bonus, he needs to carry around an alchemic item called Naron's Claw.


Name: A Pimp Named Wheelie
Primary power: None, because he's an electrum-plated Droideka
Secondary power: With flamethrower arms
Tertiary power: And claw hands for teaching those Twi'Leks a lesson
(who is programmed to sound like Kat Williams)

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