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Faction Next Steps | The Diarchy

Location: The Vaal system, on the border of Empire of the Lost territory.
Tags: Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland , Darth Rellik Darth Rellik

Darth Reign paced along the bridge of the Dominion. He was anxious for Alasdair to arrive. They had finally ironed out the details of the purchase of a number of ships for the start of the Diarchy’s fleet.

The most important among those was an additional Star Destroyer. A Bulwark II to be exact. As well as two heavy frigates and two corvettes.

These ships would be split into two battle groups, commanded by each Diarch. For this purpose, The Dark Lord had invited his brother and fellow Diarch Darth Rellik Darth Rellik to inspect what was to be his ship.

Reign heard the alerts before Captain Vanek spoke.
“Sir, we have a number of ships dropping out of hyperspace. Shall we hail them?’ looking to Rellik and his bodyguard, Reign smiled. “Yes Captain, let us see what our new friends have brought”

As the hail was answered, Darth Reign spoke again “Greetings, this is Darth Reign aboard the DSD-Dominion. A pleasure to finally meet in the flesh”
Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Rellik Darth Rellik

As Alasdair travelled through hyperspace, he reflected on numerous things, including his reinstatement as Commodore in the Empire, returning to head IMPS, and the nature of his clients today, looking more tired than anything. It had been, and was continuing to be, a lot of work to restore the Voland family to the rightful prominence it deserved, and figuring out where their stand on galactic affairs should be. Indeed, today's deal signaled a shift in the family's position. Formerly of the Pallaeonist faction, who had sought peace and cooperation with most of the other powers of the galaxy, they had been shifting to the more "moderate" Imperial position as of late, their former idealism dampened by numerous factors.

Years ago we would have never sold military hardware to some Sith Imperials of this kind, but now? If they take our hardware and end up wreaking havoc on the Jedi or the Alliance, well, so be it, we're all just Imperials in their eyes anyway, so what's the point of trying to act better?

He had become much, much more seasoned during his time in the Outer Rim, although some would seem say jaded and cynical. Of course that tends to happen after one barely survives being killed in an attempted coup, and having to buy one's way back into the Empire that one's family founded. But enough wallowing, he supposed.

This Diarchy, a relatively new player on the galactic stage, although making some moves. Even with what we are giving them, still a relative blip on the radar. But we were once so, were we not? Mocked as not being "true Imperials", laughed out for only having partial control of Lianna and its neighboring systems. But now we are the third largest polity in the galaxy, and growing. One of these days, those who said all those things about us will say nothing. Who knows, maybe one day these upstarts will be a notable power…and remember who helped them get started.

Alasdair himself had only brought along a relatively modest ISFS Stormhawk and two Hastas for himself in addition to the order being turned over to the Diarchy today on the advice of his mother to always appear non-threatening to the Sith, they would also serve as his return vessels to the Empire, just large enough to ward off most pirate activity and if not, the Hastas could be sacrificed to enable the stealth Stormhawk to escape.

For now, however, he stood at the bridge of the Bulwark Mark II Tenacity, soon to be turned over with a variety of escort ships to the Diarchy, as they dropped out of hyperspace at the meeting point. It was a powerful and capable vessel, one of the initial ones used in the founding of the Empire. It would soon be replaced in its service by the upcoming Bulwark Mark IIIs, along with planned retrofitting to the rest of the fleet, hence IMPS and the Empire being fine to offload some of their older hardware, but it should prove its worth to his clients, who had already paid in full ahead of time.

"Greetings," Alasdair replied, standing at attention as his holographic self was projected onto the bridge of the Dominion. "it was a long journey, but we are happy to be here to deliver your order."

His mother had also told him to never lie to a Sith or Force User, so he had chosen his words carefully so that they rang absolutely true. It has been a long journey from Imperial space, but he was happy to deliver the order, as any amount of credits would help the Voland family right now, and because if they ended up using it to eventually cause some havoc to the Empire's enemies or force them to station forces elsewhere to counteract the threat the Diarchy posed, then it would have been worth it to give this to these upstarts to begin with.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Reign Darth Reign
Location: Aboard the Bridge Tower of the DSD-Dominion

Standing omnisciently above the crew Rellik observed his brother pacing pondering if it was excitement or anxiety. If it were anxiety he might need to take the lord on a fight. Something to put him back into the mindset of his power and dominance. No matter the fleet size, no matter the allies, Rellik would insure his brother knew his fate was destined by his own two feet.

The seller of the ships is not someone to be trifled with lightly. Rellik understood the notion but was not one as galactically versed in politics as Reign was.
"Whispering to Darth Reign Darth Reign - Peace is a lie. Steady yourself"

With that Rellik heard the Captain pronounce ships arriving out of hyperspace. The dark Lord searched through the force. Momentarily shutting his eyes to focus in on the leader of these new vessels and search his feelings.

Alasdair spoke in correspondence with Darth Reign. During this brief moment Rellik would access the sellers feelings and thoughts. Careful not to intrude into the mans mind itself and turn the seller away from the Diarchy. Betrayal, wealth, power, and the respect only a leader who fights with his men could have. All of these radiated in the memories of the Imperial.

In a reply to the Imperial hail,
"This is Lord Rellik, co-head of the Diarchy. Pleasure to meet you Commodore. It is an honor to have a man of your status personally deliver these vessels. At your behest we would love to come aboard the Bulwark Mark II Tenacity and introduce ourselves formally.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Darth Reign Darth Reign
Alasdair gave them a polite nod, keeping in mind his mother's advice about how to handle Sith. Do not be too subservient, but do not directly challenge them. Be careful to not tread on their egos. And if they were friendly, it was always for a self-serving sort of reason rather than out of genuine comradery. Best to be welcoming, but like handling a Nexu, always be aware that they could snap at any moment for any reason.

"Of course, my communications officers will give your pilots the correct docking codes. It will be a pleasure to meet you in person." Alasdair replied, tone professional. "I will come to meet you personally in the docking bay."

He kept the communications hologram open rather than close the connection, however, remembering to always let the Sith feel they had the upper hand, and that included being the one to both start and end communications. Meanwhile, he began to wonder about what a suitable "honor guard" would be for them, enough so that their egos would be properly satisfied, but not enough to threaten them and allow for a little bit of preening and a sense of superiority that all Sith loved to have.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Turning to Darth Rellik Darth Rellik , Reing said "Shall we brother?" walking towards the Dominion's hanger bay and his shuttle. The Dark Lord mulled over what force to bring with him. The Diarchy was a small player compared to the Empire of the Lost, but Darth Reign would still project strength and dignity. He knew these imperial types valued strength of arms.

He settled upon his usual escort. Two of his Praetorian Guards their black armor and red capes sending a message of strength. Bringing the party to the two Diarchs, Lord Rellik's personal attendant, two pilots, and the Praetorians. Approaching Darth Reign's personal shuttle, they loaded onboard and proceeded to leave the Dominion's large hanger bay.

As they approached the Bulwark, the pilots advised the Dark Lords
"My Lords, we will be setting down momentarily, please take your seats"
Reign observed their approach to the Bulwark, it was an impressive ship and should serve his brother well in their endeavors.

As the ship landed, Darth Reign walked down the ramp side by side with his brother, The Dark Lord's personal guards trailing somewhat behind.
He wasted no time approaching the tall imperial standing there
"Commodore, I would like to thank you again for delivering these ships to us. They will serve us well, and I can appreciate the apparent discipline of its crew. They are a testament to Imperial training"

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland
Alasdair had decided to bring what he could to the honor guard procession, although since they were turning the ships over to the Diarchy and only had a few small vessels of his own to take the returning crewman back to the Empire sans for the contracted maintenance workers that would serve the Sith it was not particularly large. One company of Storm Commandos, his personal squad of Death Troopers, and an assembly of crewmen not immediately needed for running the ship. He was pleased to see that the Sith had only brought the minimum of what was needed to accompany their egos, only two of their guards and themselves, showing that they intended to respect him, or, at least, were able to control themselves.

He gave them a welcoming short nod and replied.

"It is our pleasure. I am certain you will find everything up to your standards, the Tenacity has served us well in several engagements and has always held the line. May I offer you any refreshments? Perhaps you would like a tour of the vessel and its essential features?"

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Acknowledging the Commodore, the Dark Lord replied "Refreshments would be much appreciated, and I feel I speak for my brother as well when I say, we are quite impressed with what we have seen so far. A tour of the vessel is quite necessary. Thank you."

Looking around the hanger, Darth Reign had plans and visions dancing in his mind, already putting these ships to use in their Grand Plan.
These additional forces, while older, will be quite a boon to the Diarchy and their steps towards becoming galactic players.

He would additionally, like to establish a proper working relationship with the Imperial in front of him, knowing they would likely come into contact again. The Dark Lord would prefer it as an ally as opposed to on the other side of a blaster or blade.

"Tell me Commodore, what is the most impressive feature of this ship to you personally? From a command standpoint, and for your personal feel" Reign hoped the question was proper to ask the imperial, he did not want to cause him discomfort with something too personal.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Lord Rellik had always had a fascination for the Imperials. his Idol Sidious brought forth the empire. It would be a pleasure to finally meet a high ranking official within their ranks. Especially one as revered as Alasdair.

An overall sense of excitement flooded through Rellik as they gathered to move to the hanger bay. Reign gathering his personal Praetorians and Rellik bringing his attendant. Who, all though was in a uniform fitting a high officer of the Diarchy, was not a member of their divisions but instead a personal Hunter for the Dark Lord.

As they landed the brothers were greeted graciously by the Commodore. A fascinating man with very distinct characteristics. What had caught Relliks attention though were the Dark troopers behind him. "Amazing!" Rellik had thought to himself. Such an iconic Relic of a time long gone, still valued and used to this day. Similar to the Bulwark itself.

The Commodore and Darth Reign moved between pleasantries while Rellik was caught in his thoughts. Catching himself at the mention of touring the ship he brought himself back to the conversation in front of him.

"A tour would be greatly appreciated, a chance to hear from an expert would give us great insight into our combat in the future. Thank you for your time Commodore." Rellik than gave a bow as a show of respect to the man.

Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland Darth Reign Darth Reign
About as I expected, which bodes well, thank you Mother.

"Thank you for the compliments, Lord Reign, Lord Rellik. We do our best in the Imperial Navy to keep standards and set new ones. It is, in major part, the reason for our success in the Outer Rim."

Alasdair waved for the refreshments, already prepared, to be brought in, delicious Citros Snow Cake, Pikatta Pie, Synthsteak sliders, along with Vasarian brandy, and in short order a few orderlies with trays arrived and offered them to the two Sith. Safe favorites since very few beings in the galaxy had allergic reactions to them, and the last thing he needed was one of them having such an episode.

He thought for a moment about the question that the first Sith, Darth Reign from the few NISB reports on him, asked, scratching his beard and his brow furrowing in thought. Then, he nodded, deciding to give a carefully calculated truthful response.

"I would say, in my opinion, it is the sheer durability of the ship which is a result of numerous features which you will see on your tour today. They were designed in a period where the Empire was much smaller and each Star Destroyer and its crew was a steep investment whose loss was felt deeply, so the engineering was designed to ensure both would be protected and recoverable even after damage that would cause most similar vessels and their crew to be considered a loss. I believe it will serve your interests perfectly, and that will help foster a warm relationship between the Diarchy and the Empire."

Left unsaid was that was if the Diarchy survived, but this purchase, rather, more a gift at the price at that it was offered at, would certainly help in that endeavor, and besides, even if their ambitious project towards becoming a galactic power failed, they might seek refuge and serve in the Empire that had been friendly towards them in their infancy.

He gave a brief, respectful towards Darth Rellik.

"We can begin as soon as you are ready."

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Reign Darth Reign
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Darth Reign took a moment to mull over the Commodore's response. Finding striking similarities, between the use of the Bulwark Star Destroyer in the Empire's infancy and the use the Diarchy had for it now. "I see, we find ourselves in a similar place, man power and equipment is a steep cost for us at this time, I do hope this ship will serve us much the same as it has served the Empire."

Taking the Vasarian Brandy, Darth Reign lifted his glass in a small toast to their host "I too hope that this is the beginning of a long and fruitful relationship between our peoples. I would very much like to learn more about the Empire, should the occasion arise. Having grown up the way we did, we were isolated from much of Galactic affairs until we were ready"

Looking to his brother, he could see the eagerness in Darth Rellik Darth Rellik , the history of the Empire and the icons of the past around him must have piqued his interest. Looking again to their host, the Dark Lord said "We are ready at your leisure Commodore. Thank you"

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland
Alasdair nodded at Reign's words, showing a little bit of a genuine sympathy for the two Sith and their ambitions, although he would never admit it. In many aspects they were indeed like the early Empire, out in the fringes away from major powers, likely mocked behind their backs as minor players who would never truly do anything. But those who are on the edge often come to control the center with time, and perhaps the Diarchy, who he should truly read more about, could achieve that, with a little help and support here and there, and maybe remember who helped them in their infancy and who spat at them. The Empire certainly did.

"I would be glad to tell you about our Empire when we have time, but we should begin our tour now. We have much to cover."

Gesturing for the two Sith to come with him in a polite, deferential way, he began to explain to them the features of the Bulwark II as they passed by various sections of the ship.

"Unlike many Imperial or Sith vessels, or indeed even those used by the Alliance, the Bulwark series was designed from the ground up to ensure crew survivability and the protection of precious cargo. All crew berthings are equipped with internal shield generators that activate automatically in the case of a hull breach, preventing sleeping or relaxing soldiers from harm during battle. In addition, the cargo holds feature a similar system, providing additional protection from harm should the external shielding and armor fail to mitigate a threat. If you are to look towards your right, you can see the outlines of the heavily reinforced bulkheads, which help to bolster the overall structure of the ship and enable excellent damage control during battle…"

So on and so forth went the tour, with Alasdair pointing out various critical features of the ship, pausing occasionally to see if the two Sith had any questions.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik Darth Reign Darth Reign
Having taking a sip of the Brandy and than handing it to his personal attendant Rellik was eager to begin the tour. Enjoying his snow cake as the Commodore and Reign began the proceedings.

Alasdair was obviously a man of great intellect and knew what he was talking about. Reign the ever diplomatic one of the Diarchy performed his role well in these matters. Rellik on the other hand was observing as he had a bad habit of doing. Drifting into thought upon all of the ways the ship could be used well for their purposes.

In a response to Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland comments on the integrity of the Bulwark Rellik chimed in
"I do have a bad habit of taking some of my precious cargo with me on adventures and bringing dangerous creatures and artifacts back with me. The holding area will be a boon." he said with a light chuckle. Almost looking like a child enjoying his cake and new toy. "In all truthfulness though this pleases me greatly. I see the Dominion as our flagship and am happy to know if the Bulwark is to go down in defense of the main cruiser we will be able to apply maintenance and get it running again."

The Dark Lord was pleased with this ship to the fullest and was already planning ways to get in touch with the Commodore afterwards as a show of appreciation.

"I wish to thank you Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland your demeanor today will not be forgotten. Now, I offer a sign of respect. Do you have a personal banner? I will raise it along the Diarchy banners in the Hanger. Beyond that I wish to say I am impressed and pleased."

Respectfully he handed the remainder of the snacks to his attendant who, although trying to be cordial and in full Diarchy uniform had already finished the brandy and was soon to do the same to the cake. As if he did not fully fit the position he was currently standing at.

Darth Reign Darth Reign Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

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