Adele Adonai
There is only the Force
What are some ideas people have for the T3 for August?
Options to make ourselves fat... cause we are kinda all tentacley. Feel free to toss up other suggestions, these are just the ones that stood out.
North West
Pendari or Bomis Koori -- honestly any one of those planets nets us a nice little cloud and 8 planets.
Should we focus way north?
- 7 planets: Can work with the Herglic Trade Guild
Atrisia Hex
- 10 planets in total - lots of things for forward operating bases to fight against the sith
Options to make ourselves fat... cause we are kinda all tentacley. Feel free to toss up other suggestions, these are just the ones that stood out.
- Athos IV or Xagobah - allow us to fill int just south of sullust. Net gain 3 planets
- Keres I -- that is the only planet on that hex we don't have. LOL, it will allow us to shadow the entire sluis sector. Net gain 1 but shadows the entire hex so it isn't a tentacle maybe work with the Kathol Outback to set up space western outposts?
North West
Pendari or Bomis Koori -- honestly any one of those planets nets us a nice little cloud and 8 planets.
Should we focus way north?
Giju Hex- 7 planets: Can work with the Herglic Trade Guild
Atrisia Hex
- 10 planets in total - lots of things for forward operating bases to fight against the sith