Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Work In Progress Neyara | Serpent of Dathomir

The Dark Sorcerer of Dathomir

  • Age: Unknown (Around 400)
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Dead
  • Species: Burc'ya
  • Appearance: Neyara was an ginormous figure, able to destroy ships with near ease and decimate armies in seconds. She had Gray-Blue skin along with pockets in her skin which held mini ecosystems, and an organ which acted as a repulsed lift giving her the ability to fly.
  • Name: Neyara, Serpent of Dathomir
  • Loyalties: Ami Dracov, Brotherhood of the Maw
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Personality: Neyara is onmly friendly to familiars, acting hostile to outsiders. She can also be quite lazy, costing time to get her to do tasks. Overall though she is very obedient.
  • Training: Neyara has been trained to obey every command given by Ami, and only Ami.
  • Combat Function: Neyara is an incredibly powerful beast, they would be good at AoE combat and destroying large objects, while they may be a liability when facing small groups of enemies in close quarters as her size would cause the structure to suffer damage.
  • Size
  • Force-dead
  • Size
  • Lazy


Neyara was noticeably smaller when Ami discovered her then she was now. Ami had been on an expedition in deep space when she discovered Neyara battling a group of hunters, she was hurt, and so Ami assisted her and destroyed the hunters ships. She and Neyara had made a connection, and she took the beast in. Discovering it was force dead, she decided to train it and make Neyara her war mount, though the lazy beast was difficult to train, it eventually happened and Neyara became a feared beast across the Galaxy.
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