Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nice teeth

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

Her journey brought her to commenor, this was maybe the 5 planet she visited? She didn't know she had simply been roaming around the universe after leaving zeltros.

She heard this planet was a great place for its tea not only that it had a good living standards, so she was more then inclined to go to the bars just acting normal like she did

So he she was some high end bar setting down and ordering one of the local wines as she sat and looked out among the crowd seeing a host of humans and aliens all drinking, eating, and chatting with one another

She'd likely stay around listen see if anything caught her ear then go out and explore the place see the sights...if she didn't meet anyone of course
With as much work as she had been pushing upon herself, the woman had found it reasonable - as well as the time - to provide herself with a night to relax. She had been serving and working within the boundaries of the Commenor Systems Alliance for so long that she hadn't a chance to even explore the world or what it had to offer. This she was quietly sitting at the far end of the bar, a black skin tight gown that looked like it wouldn't be out of place in a Zeltron's closet, graced her figure. While she often drank a different variety of drink, that might she was gently nursing a Corellian Wine, her golden hues dancing upon the faces of the other patrons.

Her attention thus fell upon her, the Zeltron woman on the other side of the bar - which brought a small smirk upon her lips - as she admired the pink skinned beauty. Taking another soft sip of her drink, she leaned back slightly, her legs crossed as she ignored the fifth or sixth - she had lost count - attempt suitor chatting her up.

With a soft sigh, she looked to the individual, baring her fangs for just a moment to scare them off. The light glinting upon them just long enough before she returned to her drink.

[member="nisa luma"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

You know that feeling you get when you can tell just one person is looking you over? A common Thu g everyone actually had evem without the force people could tell it something of a third sense many would say. Well nisa could truly feel this person, she glanced around the place till her eyes came into a...honestly eye catching woman in a skin tight gown....looked like something she would see on zeltros with one of the dancer on the planet....or simo my what they would call a casual outfit

She glanced away maybe she was staring past her....bope she still got that feeling, she turned just in time to catch those fangs shining on the light as she blinked then gave a smirk, alright she was curious and she had to find out just who this woman was. Getting up ahe sauntered on over to the woman as she smiled

is this seat taken? I would guess not with the amount of men you've turned away

She said smirking as we sat her drink down on the table so she wouldn't be just holding it as she flashed a smile and her eyes took a look over her
"The seat is taken in a way..."

Amelia said, though she did not look at her new guest just yet, her attention upon her own drink as she brought the glass up. Permitting the liquid to slip across her lips, her golden hues didn't peer up until she slowly brought the glass away from her lips. Setting it down on the table close to the just added glass that the woman had placed down. With her legs crossed one over the other, the woman leaned back just slightly, her attention slipping along the other woman's figure.

"If you feel you're worthy or interesting enough to claim the seat."

The woman said as she flashed a small smirk, the hint of her fang showing once more as her other arm was held extended out. Her hand motioning towards the chair, offering it for the Zeltros woman to take a seat.

"Then again your kind is often single minded or otherwise stereotyped as the lustful begins of the galaxy. Perhaps it would be in my best interested to not get involved with such a... reputation."

[member="nisa luma"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

I won't say your wrong there, my kind is a lustful type and often singleminded. I blame the pheromones however, once you leave your head clears a bit

She said and slid the chair out taking a seat in it relaxing back into it as her eyes went over this already interesting woman, fang like teeth, pale skin, and yet she still looked better then most...but it wasn't just looks it was curiosity that was bringing her to this woman

however I do not think I'm worthy if we go by species or story of oneself, I'm simply a wanderer. One who wanted to escape a life of constant repeating, now I'm here wishing to explore this universe and meet interesting people and if I may not lie you've my interest
"I was recently in the presence of your kind not too long ago... or rather..."

She trailed off in her thought as she smirked softly, her hand lifting her glass to her lips before taking a soft sip. Closing her eyes, she remembered the recent time on Zeltron and the dealing she had with the Aishul Bloodline on the world. With a soft smirk, her golden hues opened once more, falling upon the woman before her as she set her glass down.

"Interesting people..."

She mused for a moment on the thought, her own hand lightly tapping along the table to keep herself entertained while also listening to the woman. One that had no place really, though perhaps it was a need to provide one that brought up the thought.

"I may have need of you... in some manner."

[member="nisa luma"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

She adjusted herself at the woman's words, a possibly need for her? Last time she heard met two ended up dead and a lot of blood was everywhere...but she supposed times changed, she took a drink before she considered her words and sat the drink down

Alright now you've really my interest, tell me what you need me for....if it means anything for credits, food, or a warm place to sleep I'm not shy about doing anything

She said with a smile hoping this meant well maybe she could stop wandering around, a place to finally make her life and make something if herself besides being some zeltron among the stars doing nothing
"It is nothing like that if that is where your mind went... though..."

She trailed off before taking a sip from the glass, setting the empty glass upside down to show that she was done and would require no further refills. Leaning back in her seat, she motioned with her hand slightly, her golden hues upon the young woman before her. A soft smirk growing still, as her attention remained upon her.

"If you feel additional services after work are required I am not one to turn them down."

Clasping her hands together, she pulled herself up, standing at the table now. She motioned with her hand again, though more in a beckoning matter as she moved towards the rear of the bar. Stopping at the doorway, she looked over her shoulder, preferring the next part to handled in private away from prying eyes and ears of the galaxy.

[member="nisa luma"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

She raised a eye brow, she hadn't exactly meant the same time however she had thought of that certainly it was a option however she felt it was up to her new...employer, if she could called her that

certainly I'll leave that to your decision ma'am...

She sat her her stand and did the same watching her move towards the rear of the bar with a beckoning hand, nisa chuckled lightly and started following her towards the rear of the bar. Seemed she found a job though what it entailed was a thought she had on her mind but certainly was eager to find out...eithwr way things were looking up
The woman would quietly slip down the back hall, her hand lightly pressing a door open to a private room before stepping inside. Slipping down into the large chair behind a desk, she leaned back slightly. One leg crossed over the other again, and once the woman stepped into the room, her hand came up, snapping her finger. The door would close behind her new guest, the lights dim enough to provide ample lighting for the two of them to see one another.

"The offer I provide for you is this..."

Amelia spoke as she pulled out a small case, setting it down on the large desk and pushing it forward. Within the case was a single vile of sanguine liquid, the cushion it sat upon was cool to the touch, keeping the item at the perfect temperature. Leaning forward, she placed both of her arms on the desk, bringing her hands up as her Golden hues fell upon the woman before her.

"I offer you eternity and all I ask in return is that you remain at my side..."

[member="nisa luma"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

She followed her, down the hall quietly as the other patrons battered on or simple talked with one another about current events, nisa entered the room slowly wirh her looking around the place seeing it so fun as the door shut. She jumped a bit and then looked towards the plan as she pulled a case out and is it towards her. She carefully ipened it and looked inside as she inspected the vile carefully before her ears caught those words as she looked up...seemed easy but there had to to a catch

this offer is generous no doubt my new friend but...what does this vile do? And what does remaining by your side entail?

She wasn't denying the offer but she wasn't gonna jump on it quickly....but eternal life? And remaining at the side if such a lovely lady? It was all so much tempting for the desperate zeltron

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