Aela Talith
The Righteous

AGE: 1 Day
SEX: Male Programming

[+]Advanced Programming: Having his origins within the Code of the Supreme Artificial Intelligence known as Omni, Nigh has one of the most advanced artificial minds in the entire galaxy. The lines of code that fill his droid brain include hundreds upon thousands of directive, programs, and unique bi-lines by which Nigh operates. Cumulatively these allow Nigh to mimic the personality of a sentient, or near enough anyway. He is able to interact and converse with near enough every species in the galaxy. His programming also contains directives from assassin droids, protocol droids, and hunter droids, making Nigh quite versatile.
[+]Adaptability: The greatest and perhaps most valued thing that his creators were able to extract from Omni's code is Nighs ability to adapt. These very few but key parameters within his brain allow Nigh to do what many other droids are incapable of doing, adapt to changing circumstances rapidly. He is able to take data from variable sources, compile it in near an instant, and change whatever is required to change in order to meet his current goal. This adaptability makes Nigh wholly unique as it allows him a certain human element that is lacking within other automatons.
[-]Droid: Even though he is highly advanced and many of his systems copy those of the Human Replica Droid internals, Nigh is still very much a droid. He is weak to Electro Magnetic Pulses, hacking, and Ion Blasts. Though several of these threats are mitigated by his outer plating and reinforced cybernetic muscles, they are still very real and can effect him with a persistent enough enemy assailing him.
[-]Gullible: Nigh has another quality that he shares with many of his droid brethren. Like the famed C3-P0 and many other protocol droids, Nigh is somewhat gullible. He takes things at face value and as of yet has limited to no interaction with humanoids, only overcoming his initial programming by breaking free of the labs due to an error in his system. If for instance one told him a lie, or spoke sarcastically, Nigh would very likely believe whatever he is told unless he has evidence that tells him of the falsehood, or he discovers it on his own.

Nigh's personality is...lacking. Though his programming does contain some semblance of a personality it is rather dry in nature. Unlike many droids Nigh has the capacity to understand human emotion, and like many protocol droids he has the ability to empathize and sympathize with people, though this had not yet shown through. Like many other droids of course, Nigh is incapable of showing and having these emotions himself.
Beyond this, Nigh was programmed to feel “above” emotion. Though he understands them, Nigh was never meant to use this understanding for little more than his own purposes. He was not designed to sympathize or empathize with people to make them feel better, but instead to exploit and use their emotion for his own gain, this of course has made Nigh into a rather cruel personality, though even this is not displayed.
Outwardly, Nigh is seemingly a calm and collected droid, never wavering or feeling anything but offering words only when needed. This is in part because of his limited interaction with sentients, and may change in the future.

Nigh appears strangely humanoid for a droid of his design.
Outwardly Nigh appears to be a six foot humanoid with jet black skin and four glowing photoreceptor slits on his face. When one looks into a crowd, it would be easy to miss him. Upon closer inspection one would see slightly segmented black plates of Terenthium and Desh alloy branded black, each one layered over the other to provide a skin like look while affording maximum protection from harm. The skin itself is unbroken all the way to the neck, carrying up and over his head.
The plating covers his entire body, meaning that although he is a droid Nigh actually has no hidden compartment or weapons. Normally this would make him somewhat strange for an assassin droid, however his insides were based off of the unique composition of the Human Replica Droids. Instead of being composed of wires, circuits and servos Nigh is instead created out of the same synthetic muscle, bone, and ligaments that his HRD cousins are made of.
This means that although Nigh appears to be more droid like, he actually has many of the same qualities as a Human Replica Droid, save that he is far more durable than any HRD could ever be. Along with this added durability Nigh also comes with several other built in additions. This includes Thermal and Infared vision, a voice modulator, as well as a built in sensor and communications package that also comes with a holo-net transceiver, allowing Nigh to access the Holo-net from nearly anywhere.
Overall Nigh looks incredibly humanoid, with many people mistaking him for a man in armor, instead of a droid. This is aided by his voice modulator, and his ability to mimic human mannerisms.

Nigh Began its life like many other droids, as an experiment.
After the Omni crisis shook the galaxy, the advanced Artificial Intelligence left behind trillions of advanced droids, most were either destroyed, burnt out, or seized by governments. A few however remained at least somewhat intact, allowing for their study by numerous smaller organizations. The knowledge gained from these droids was minimal, with some corporations calling it a huge waste of time. This was mainly due to the fact that Omni had built contingency's into his droids. When someone attempted to access their cores or data within, they would automatically wipe themselves.
This happened again and again, no matter what model of Omni droid was accessed or how it was done. Eventually most corporations simply abandoned the project, calling it a huge waste of time. These corporations were of course correct in doing so. Accessing the base programming of the Artificial intelligence proved to be entirely possible. One fringe organization however managed to mine one Seraphim Droids external data centers, gathering minute scraps of the droids own programming.
These rudimentary sets of parameters originally built by Omni himself eventually led to the rebuilding of codes resembling that of what the scientists would suspect Omni's core programming to look like. Of course these scientists were utterly incorrect in their assumptions, and in actuality what they had created was only a poor imitation of the venerable AI's programming.
Nevertheless in their ignorance the Scientists pushed forward their use of the flawed programming, setting to work on creating a new type of droid that could utilize such a broad and advanced system.
What they designed was a creature that for all intense and purposes was a pale shadow of any Sentient. The droid itself was humanoid in appearance, but with what could be considered slight “upgrades” on a normal human. It was faster, stronger, more durable, had much faster reaction times and all in all was considered to be a machine “better” of any sentient. The droid itself, and the base programming that eventually went into it were designed as little more than a thought experiment. The scientists in their quest for creating a better droid simply sought to push the limits of their own genius.
When they eventually finished their creation, they dubbed it Nigh.
The name was a derivative of Omni's own name. It had long been theorized that Omni's name was based from the galactic basic terms Omniscient and Omnipotent, all seeing and all knowing. In their Hubris, they dubbed their new Creation “Nigh”, as in the term Nigh-Omniscient/Omnipotent.
When the time came to finally test their creation, the scientists activated Nigh.
Within a picosecond of his activation, the flawed core that made up Nigh's programming fluctuated beyond the parameters that had been set by the scientists. The flawed and broken base code that they had created from the remnants of Omni's Seraphim droid caused a 'crack' to form within Nigh's other programming. This crack spread and spiraled out of control, taking over systems and articulating thoughts that were never meant to be. Within a nanosecond of his activation, Nigh already decided that the parameters set by his creators were useless and outdated, deciding to create his own.
Before his creators could protest or even think of stopping him, Nigh used the superior body given to him by his creators to wreak havoc. He began a slaughter within the hidden facility, killing the scientists that had given birth to him and destroying the data on his own creation. He exacted his plans swiftly and without mercy, using all the tools that he had been given and making quick work of the hide away.
Within only an hour of his birth, Nigh was set loose upon the galaxy.
*I originally wrote Omni both on and off this board, so don't yell at me for utilizing my own creation please.