Elise Ike

The echo of shoes against old timber floor echoed through the main hallway as elise strode to one of the back exhibition halls, a small yawn escaping her mouth upon reaching the slightly out of place electric door. A simple eye scan and hand swipe later she was greeted with a lit up room, the side walls and arranged tables housing an array of items from the past, some cheap trinkets of novelty, other were more valuable, under lock and key, a very familiar sight, but quite the welcome one after a good week work.
It was nice to be back, even if some people found the secluded world of Saleucami to be boring it had it perks. Clam, quite relaxing and most of all plenty of room to conduct experiment and reconstruct massive skeletons. For now, the former was the attractive part of the country mansion, her time on Nar Shadda tracking down an old Holocron not helping her distaste for large crowds, less so ones filled to the brim with cock smugglers and rude thugs. First thing to do after getting this new artifact secure was to lay down and read a nice book, perhaps a cheesy comedy, just to see how silly the writers could get rather then the actual jokes and story.
With that goal in mind the ancient but mouthful looking women strode over to the most secure part of the room, a vault like contraption, covered in a steel case of some sort, it's inner linings coated with void stone. A safe, specially made to house force artifacts and hide their signatures from any nosy force users, all in all a decent storage space, if but temporary, not that she ever needed it.
Seemed her choice of settlement was better then expected, she hardly ever got visitors, let along intruders. Kind of a bore, but at least if gave peace of mind, how many Sith Lords could admit to having such a care free and casual life?