The Returned One
Location: Courscant - Jedi Temple
Briana Sal-Soren
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber

Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Caden hadn't intended to still be on Courscant.
It had been a busy few weeks. First the incident on Mortis had occured, where he'd ended up fighting with

A fair few tasks in a short space of time.
Exhausted wasn't even the word. Caden hadn't been as tired as he was currently since he was in his late teens. He remembered vaguely a week where he took part in three battles in one week, with barely any rest between each one. That had been a tiring week, and while the last few weeks hadn't quite been on that level they were pretty close. The young Jedi Knight was barely managing to keep his eyes open. He was just stumbling through life.
The young man had promised his droid they would go back to whatever they were doing at some point and he had meant that. However, he knew he needed to take some downtime first before he left Courscant. He needed to switch off, meditate on the Force and do some basic self-care. He wanted to just watch some trashy holo-television and find a shady cantina somewhere. Not typical Jedi things but every Jedi needed some form of outlet.
Slowly, he walked through the halls of the Courscant Jedi Temple.
He hadn't ever been a smoker, but he'd been tempted a few times. Especially after weeks of stress. He wouldn't, he was worried his lungs would explode on the first drag, but he was definitely tempted. He shook his head, offering himself a small smile. At least no-one would ever be able to take his sense of humour. It was probably the only thing he had to offer the galaxy and if he ever lost that, he didn't even know who he would be.
Then he paused.
Why could he feel something, a presence he hadn't felt in so long? Why was it so close? It was something he hadn't felt in years. He tried to remember specifics, but they weren't coming to him in that moment. It was definitely a presence he remembered though. It had peaked the young Jedi's interest whatever it was, and he wanted to find out.
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