Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Night(mare) Watch

I'm scarier with my mask off.

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Who? | TAG (FOE) : No​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor had been plagued by a dark presence that seemed to follow him wherever he went. It whispered sinister thoughts into his mind, filling him with fear and doubt. Determined to rid himself of this malevolent force, Connel embarked on a quest to seek out the source of his torment.

He searched the lower levels of Coruscant, the bustling city-planet teeming with life and activity. But the dark presence eluded him, slipping through the shadows like a ghost. Connel then ventured into the corridors of the Jedi ship "Prosperity", where he had spent many long hours training and meditating. But still, the darkness persisted, growing stronger with each passing moment.

Connel Vanagor had prided himself on his ability to remain calm and composed in the face of danger. But ever since he had sensed the dark presence that seemed to be following him, his emotions had been in turmoil.

Desperate for answers, Connel traveled to the desolate wasteland of Jakku, where the burning sands seemed to reflect the turmoil within his own soul. The dark presence taunted him, mocking his every move and driving him to the brink of madness. But Connel refused to give in, pressing on in his quest for redemption.

Finally, he found himself in the beautiful mountains of Midvinter, a place of peace and serenity. But even here, the darkness lurked, twisting the once tranquil landscape into a nightmarish hellscape. Connel knew he was running out of time, that he had to confront the source of his torment before it consumed him completely.

Connel Vanagor, Jedi Knight and protector of the galaxy, found himself trapped in a nightmare unlike any he had ever experienced before. The dark presence that had been haunting him for weeks now seemed to have taken on a life of its own, slowly engulfing him in its malevolent grip.

The feeling of unease had first crept up on him during a routine mission to a remote planet on the outer rim. At first, he had dismissed it as nothing more than a figment of his imagination, a trick of the mind brought on by the isolation of the planet. But as the days passed, the feeling grew stronger, more insistent, until it was impossible to ignore.

Connel had tried to meditate, to clear his mind and focus on the light side of the Force, but the darkness seemed to seep into every corner of his being, clouding his thoughts and filling him with a sense of dread.

As he searched for the source of the darkness, Connel could feel his anger growing, his determination to rid himself of this tormentor becoming all-consuming. But no matter how hard he tried, the darkness seemed to always be one step ahead of him, taunting him with its insidious whispers and twisted visions.

As he delved deeper into the shadows, Connel could feel his will being tested like never before. The darkness seemed to seep into every fiber of his being, twisting his thoughts and emotions until he could no longer trust his own instincts.

But still, Connel pressed on, his lightsaber blazing with a fierce determination to overcome this evil that had plagued him for so long. And as he finally confronted the source of the darkness, he knew that he would have to face his greatest fears and darkest desires in order to emerge victorious.

With a primal scream of rage and defiance, Connel unleashed all of his power and skill against the dark presence, determined to banish it from his mind once and for all. And as the darkness finally began to recede, Connel knew that he had faced his greatest challenge yet and emerged stronger than ever before.

But deep down, he knew that the darkness would always be lurking in the shadows, waiting for the moment to strike again. And as he awoke from his nightmare, Connel knew that his battle against the darkness was far from over.

As he traveled from planet to planet, searching for the source of the dark presence, Connel's emotions swung wildly from fear to anger to despair. He could feel the darkness closing in on him, suffocating him, threatening to consume him whole.

But Connel was a Jedi Knight, trained in the ways of the Force, and he refused to let the darkness win. With each passing day, his determination grew stronger, his resolve unshakeable. He would find the source of the dark presence, he would confront it, and he would banish it from his life once and for all.

And so, with his lightsaber at the ready and his heart filled with courage, Connel set out on his most dangerous mission yet, determined to face his fears head-on and emerge victorious. He had to.

And then, on some random planet, some nameless plain, in a moment of chilling realization, Connel came face to face with the dark presence that had haunted him for so long. Standing before him was a large, strong figure clad in the exact same clothes and gear as Connel himself. But this figure said nothing, only faced away from Connel, a silent specter of his own inner demons.

As Connel reached out to touch the figure, it turned to face him, revealing a twisted reflection of his own face, contorted with malice and hatred. The visage was an amalgamation of rage, determination and will, combined with a physical might in the Force. This image of him, this mirror image was three times his size.And in that moment, Connel knew that the dark presence he had been searching for was none other than himself, a manifestation of his own fears and insecurities.

With a cry of anguish, Connel fell to his knees, consumed by the darkness that had taken root within his own soul. And as the shadows closed in around him, the beast reached out for him by the shoulders and it was then that Connel knew that he was lost, forever trapped in a nightmare of his own making.


Connel sat up yelling out in shock. A startled “bark” bellowed out of his best friend, the Gallinorese Mountain Aak Dog “Buster”. Connel, drenched in sweat, realized it was a nightmare, a terrible nightmare vividly detailed and intricately dark, yet for some reason, he could remember none of it, only a feeling of “cold”. He could not breathe heavy enough, or so it seemed as he looked around his bedroom. His bedroom, in his quarters, in the Jedi Ship “Prosperity”, Connel slowly calmed down, especially with Buster climbing up to his side, nuzzling and digging his head under the young Jedi Knight’s hand for “pets” and “scratches”. This was of course to try and help comfort his human and calm him down.

Connell could not turn the opportunity down.

It’s okay buddy…. It’s okay… I’m okay… you okay? It’s okay…

Adorable reactions from the puppy who could not get enough of the “rubbies”, especially on his belly. He had a great time staying with Ryana mina and chasing (and being chased by) Pip the Racyon, but Buster’s place was here.

You wanna go for a walk? On cue, the pup’s head popped straight up with a look that could only be described as a tongue draped exclamation point, “Walk” was one of his favorite words. How about we go get a snack? There was another one. The tail was starting to wind up. Connel was starting to grin genuinely, it had been awhile since he did. Maybe bring your ball?

“Wigglebutt Engaged!”

Connel just laughed, lackadaisical fending off Buster’s licking assault on his face.. Alright, go get your leash. As Buster took off to the other room, Connel grabbed his boots and threw a jacket on. This was a good distraction, he needed one…

These nightmares were a nightly thing now.

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Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor
Though the brunt of her care for the minds of the Jedi was focused on those who were directly involved in the ongoing conflict, Ichika knew the younglings that had been spirited away to the safety of the constantly moving Prosperity were affected in a way, and in some cases, would be no less traumatised. The Coruscant temple was all some of them had ever really known as home, and to be shifted to another place that was less - if at all - familiar had to have to manifested itself in the minds, hearts, and behaviour of such young ones.

Her primary reason for going through the process of accessing the Prosperity was this, and was the main focus of her record of the day's observations and recollection of relevant discussions with the carers and Jedi around the vessel, the recording of which she had just concluded. She had just closed down her disconnected and encrypted datapad and stowed it and its typemat securely, when she got the sense that someone, somewhere on the ship, had abruptly awoken in a sharp spike of panicked feeling and adrenaline. Turning but not yet moving from where she stood in her temporary quarters after locking up her work, her head canted as if she were lifting an ear, and she dipped into focus, expanded her 'reach'.

Almost always such awakenings among the younglings would be swiftly followed by the higher pitches of wailing, tears, and distinct fear, but she picked up on no such sounds. Her eyes narrowed as she righted herself, thinking for a moment. Either the subject had only briefly awakened and fallen back into slumber, or it was one of the older Jedi. Some of these Padawans, Knights and Masters were those that had accompanied the younglings in their evacuation, or were sometimes others that had fought and were forwarded here to recover from their injuries and recuperate after the battle, or were here for some other purpose as she was.

But without looking into it, that was only an assumption, and in many cases assumptions were not a great course for a Jedi to follow. As such, Master Masudo clipped the cylinder of her purple-bladed lightsaber back onto her belt and pulled on her cloak, her gaze lingering briefly on the presently napping Haru, her cat who had made the trip with her. The half-Zeltron exited her quarters and engaged the lock, and in doing so, delayed her nightly rituals to go for a stroll and see what she could find, hours after she had performed her evening rounds. Maybe it was nothing, maybe it would resolve itself.

But she wouldn't be doing her duty to the utmost if she left it at that.

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I'm scarier with my mask off.

LOCATION : Prosperity Kitchen | OBJECTIVE : Snacking
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo |​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


As Connel stood in the spacious kitchen of the Jedi ship "Prosperity", he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him. This was primarily due to the presence of Buster. The soft hum of the ship's engines, the gentle sway of the vessel through space, and the comforting presence of his loyal companion, Buster, all combined to create a serene atmosphere, the fact that he was hungry was beside the point.

Connel had always found solace in the act of cooking, something he had gotten from his father. There was something therapeutic about the rhythmic chopping of vegetables, the sizzle of meat on the grill, and the tantalizing aroma of spices filling the air. As he expertly assembled the ingredients for his double Nerf burger with cheese and chopped salad, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of sharing the meal with Buster.

Buster, a Gallinorese Mountain Aak Dog, sat patiently at Connel's feet, his tail wagging eagerly as he watched his human work. Connel knew that Buster would be getting his own extra patty to enjoy, but he also knew that the mischievous pup would likely try to sneak a bite of his burger as well.

As Connel flipped the burgers on the grill, he couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of his father, Jedi Master Caltin Vanagor, and his legendary appetite. Connel had inherited his father's love of good food, and he often found himself eating more than he intended, much to Buster's delight.

But as he plated the burgers and salad, Connel felt a sense of contentment wash over him. The simple act of preparing a meal for himself and his faithful companion was a reminder of the simple joys in life. As he sat down at the table with Buster by his side, he felt grateful for the peace and tranquility of the moment. Connel absentmindedly played with his food, his mind elsewhere as he tried to shake the dark presence that had been lingering nearby for what felt like an eternity.

Buster, ever observant of his friend's distracted nature, tried to lighten the mood. A playful growl and a sniff came about, hoping to distract him from whatever was troubling him, this dog was smart. Connel forced a smile and reached out, scratching Buster behind the ear, but his mind was still consumed by the ominous feeling that had been haunting him. He couldn't shake the sense of foreboding that seemed to hang in the air, like a dark cloud threatening to engulf them both.

As they both dug into their burgers, Connel couldn't help but smile at Buster's enthusiastic enjoyment of his meal. The two of them sat in companionable silence, savoring the flavors of the food and the warmth of each other's company. As they ate in silence, the ship suddenly lurched, causing their plates to clatter on the table. It was nothing more than a course correction, nothing to worry about, but Vanagor did not know that. None of them did, except for those on “Night Watch” and the ship’s crew. Connel's hand instinctively went to his shield, ready for whatever danger may come their way, only it wasn’t there, he didn’t bring it.

Buster looked at him with concern, slowly walking over and nudging the Knight’s leg with his nose. Connel hesitated, unsure of how to explain the unease that had been gnawing at him.

I’m sorry buddy...I just had a bad feeling… it’s okay. You’re a good boy… HEY! Laughing as he was suddenly holding his buddy back and away from his meal, Connel moved Buster back to his own plate. Eat your own.

The calm only lasted a few moments. Connel grimly looked around I can feel it. It's like a shadow that won't go away

As he went about his meal, Connel felt a sense of calm settle over him. The nightmare that had been plaguing him seemed to fade into the background, at least for now, replaced by the simple pleasure of a good meal and the company of his loyal friend.

Foreboding or not, Connel couldn't help but feel grateful for moments like these – moments of peace and contentment in the midst of a chaotic galaxy. And as he settled down for the night, he knew that he would always have Buster by his side, ready to share in the simple joys of life.

I'm scarier with my mask off.

LOCATION : Prosperity Kitchen | OBJECTIVE : Snacking
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo |​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


Connel Vanagor, a Jedi Knight of skill and unwavering dedication, sat in the quiet kitchen of the Jedi ship "Prosperity," a serene energy enveloping him at least at the moment. His deep blue eyes, usually alight with the essence of the Force, were shadowed with an unexplained sense of foreboding. The hum of the ship's engines provided a steady background noise as he rested, his mind open and receptive. Buster was sound asleep at his feet, “fat and happy” from his midnight snack. Without warning, a dark and malevolent presence slithered into his consciousness. Only this time, there was a voice,a voice like cold tendrils of dread speaking directly to him, challenging his very being.

In the vastness of space, aboard the Prosperity, the once calm and steady heartbeat of the ship seemed to quicken in response to the sudden intrusion. Connel felt a surge of unease as he realized the gravity of the darkness that now coiled around his thoughts. With a heart weighted by the looming threat, he straightened from his seat, his Jedi instincts urging him to confront this insidious force that dared to taunt him. The familiar whispers of the Force guided him, a steady hand in the swirling maelstrom of fear that threatened to cloud his focus.

~”My boy, you are mistaken if you think you will hold me off.”~

The malevolent presence, now a palpable entity that cast a shadow over the very essence of the ship, in his mind, surged with newfound power. Connel found himself locked in a battle of wills, his own strength tested against the overwhelming force that sought to consume him. As the darkness closed in, suffocating and relentless, he stood alone, a solitary figure in the heart of the encroaching storm. And in a moment of despair, he faltered, his resolve shaken to its core as he grappled with the realization of his own vulnerability in the face of such darkness.

~”If you think you can get me to join the Dark Side, or worse, run and hide, you have no idea about me or who I am. I may not be my father, but I am a Vanagor. I am a Jedi. I am a son. I am a friend. I am a protector. I am a role model. I am the hand of the Light Side, and the boot that will kick you down the hole you crawled out of!~

True, he felt a little silly borrowing and paraphrasing a quote from his father when facing the forces of the Bryn’adul so many years ago, but it’s not like he had a script. Surrounded by the lurking shadows that seemed to pulse with a life of their own, Connel fought with every fiber of his being, a lightsaber, a shimmering blue blade. a flickering beacon of resistance in the engulfing blackness ignited. The taunting voice, a cruel echo in the void, goaded him, feeding on his fears and weaknesses.

~’So predictable. So short sighted. You have no idea who or what I am. You see me and you think “Sith”. I am so much more, you’ll see soon enough.’~

In a flash of realization, Connel understood the depths of his peril, the looming threat not just to himself but to the very fabric of the galaxy. Time was slipping through his fingers like grains of sand, each moment a precious commodity in the race against an enemy that seemed inexorable.

As the malevolence exerted its suffocating hold on Connel, a relentless siege that gnawed away at his resolve, he found himself teetering on the edge of defeat. The darkness pressed in from all sides, a weight that threatened to crush him beneath its unrelenting force. It was in this moment of despair that Connel experienced a revelation, a glimmer of clarity amidst the encroaching shadows. He saw with a newfound perspective the true nature of the enemy he faced, a realization that ignited a spark of defiance in his weary heart.

~If that’s so, then face me. Show yourself and show me your true power.~

Drawn from the wellspring of his own inner strength, Connel forged a resolve as unbreakable as the bonds of the Force that bound the galaxy together. With a determination honed by his trials and tempered by his unwavering belief in the righteousness of his cause, he marshaled his allies and laid the groundwork for a final, decisive confrontation. The ship seemed to thrum with anticipation, a living pulse that echoed the steady beat of Connel's resolute heart as he steeled himself to face the darkness that sought to engulf him. He had eyes on a lightsaber, one he had not seen before. Yet it seemed familiar.

Connel then grabbed and activated it.

~’Good! Maybe that fool Darth Kizash Darth Kizash hadn’t totally wrecked you after all. This is good’

With his lightsaber aglow with the brilliance of a thousand stars, he stood ready to embrace his destiny, to wrest victory from the very jaws of defeat. And as the final battle He snapped out of the sleep induced trance of another nightmare he was in. Connel was still in the kitchens, Buster asleep at his feet. Luckily he didn’t squash his sandwich.

Taking his meal, and Busted into his arms, he slowly walked back to his quarters.

As Connel finished setting his best friend down on his bed, sat down on his own and finished his sandwich, he actually laughed as when he went to settle in, Buster was already in a prime spot . Settling down anyway, giving the puppy room, he drifted into a deep slumber, a vision unlike any other unfolded in the recesses of his mind. He found himself standing before the Wellspring of Life, a mystical source of energy and balance in the galaxy. In the shimmering waters, he beheld a monstrous creature writhing in agony, its roars of anger echoing through the night. A sense of foreboding gripped his heart as he realized the creature's true identity - it was a dark reflection of himself, a manifestation of his inner struggles and doubts.


With a jolt, Connel awoke, his heart pounding with a mixture of fear and determination, the remnants of the vision lingering like a dark cloud over his thoughts. Despite the clarity of his vision, Connel's spirit trembled at the daunting task ahead. The monstrous presence that was always nearby seemed to grow stronger with each passing day. Its dark influence seeping into his thoughts and actions. No matter how fiercely he trained or meditated, he could not shake the shadow that loomed over his soul. The once confident and decisive Jedi Knight found himself hesitating in battle, blacking out, even. His movements faltered as the enemy closed in for the kill. Doubt gnawed at the edges of his mind, threatening to consume him in a maelstrom of fear and uncertainty, creating a palpable tension that set the stage for the ultimate inner struggle.

The walls closed in on Connel, and he found himself trapped in a web of deception and betrayal. He was betrayed in the manner that no one seemed to believe he knew someone was there, thinking he was crazy, insane even. his allies scattered at this and his spirit shattered. Whoever was behind this held all the aces, his powers pushing Connel to the brink of despair, testing the limits of his strength and willpower in a battle of wits and endurance that seemed increasingly one-sided.

~’You’re going to do the right thing, whether you want to do it or not. You don’t have a choice. “Vanagor.”’~

Torn asunder by the unrelenting assault on his mind and heart, Connel reached a nadir of despair unlike any he had faced before. The monster reared its ugly head, its grip on his soul tightening with each passing moment. In the depths of his suffering, Connel teetered on the brink of internal annihilation, his vision clouded by the suffocating weight of his own inner turmoil. It seemed as though there was no light left in the galaxy, no hope for redemption in the face of such overwhelming darkness. The once proud and determined Jedi Knight lay broken and defeated, a mere shadow of his former self, the embers of his courage flickering weakly against the encroaching night.

Yet, in the midst of his despair, a spark of defiance flared to life within Connel's shattered heart. Drawing on the wisdom of his mentors and the bonds forged in trials past, he found within himself a reserve of strength and resilience that he had long since forgotten. It was not the external battles that defined him, but the internal ones - the struggle to confront and conquer the raging monster that threatened to consume him whole. With newfound clarity and purpose, Connel steeled himself for the ultimate showdown, a battle not just for the fate of the galaxy, but for the salvation of his own soul, a realization that paved the way for his final transformation.

~’I don’t care who you are, I don’t care where you came from. If you want me, you’re going to have to take me the hard way. It’s going to take everything you have, and just a little bit more.’~

And so, in a climactic clash of wills and powers that shook the very foundations of the world of his mind, Connel faced this inner demon with unwavering resolve. Drawing on the teachings of the Jedi, he embraced the darkness within him, not as a master, but as a friend in need of redemption. Through the crucible of battle, Connel vanquished his own inner turmoil, emerging from the crucible of his own making as a reborn warrior, tempered by the fires of self-discovery and renewal. The monster that had threatened to consume him lay vanquished at his feet, its roar of defiance silenced at last.

Until he saw his reflection. In that reflection he saw a much darker, angrier, meaner reflection of himself. Much larger in comparison, a truly angry smile on his face he held up an index finger to his lips. Shhhhhh.

Again, Connel snapped to life, awake from yet another nightmare he could not recall, asleep at the counter of the kitchens on the Jedi Ship “Prosperity”. What was going on?

I'm scarier with my mask off.

LOCATION : Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Kitchen
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Not again…

Connel found himself, no doubt in a dream, standing in front of a crowd of would-be rioters. All afraid of what was happening to the Galactic Alliance, having been attacked by the Mandalorians on more than one front. He saw himself standing tall, commanding the crowd to calm themselves. It was an inspiring sight to him, telling him that he was doing the right thing.

What a day this was, so inspiring, so wide-eyed and hopeful for the future. That was an ironically good day.

That familiar voice was becoming less and less garbled and more resonant. That was not the scary part, the voice agreed with him completely. The source of this dark voice is a sinister and malevolent entity no doubt, with a voice that resonates with power and malice. It is a force to be reckoned with, its presence instilling fear and dread in all who hear it. Whoever this is, is a master manipulator, able to twist the minds of those it encounters to serve their own dark purposes.

Relentless in its pursuit of Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor, seeking to corrupt and destroy him at every turn. It is a constant presence in Connel's mind and vicinity, whispering dark thoughts and tempting him with promises of power and control. Despite Connel's best efforts to resist its influence, This dark voice continues to chip away at his resolve, slowly but surely turning him towards the path of darkness. The young Jedi Knight was not going to let his guard down though, he knew that this was an effort to set up a terrible ambush.

Cunning and deceptive, able to disguise its true intentions behind a facade of charm and charisma, whoever this was, they wanted to prey on the weaknesses and insecurities of others, using their fears and doubts against them to further its own agenda. Reveling in chaos and destruction, delighting in the suffering it causes.

As the source of this evil grew more and more familiar with Connel, its hold on him tightens, drawing him deeper into its web of darkness. A formidable foe, a relentless adversary that will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. Connel must tread carefully, for the influence of this dark voice and the being behind it threatens to consume him completely.

It makes one wonder why you really want to be the Jedi you think you will be. Why? You don’t have it in you and you know it? If only you knew what was going to happen to you…

As the dark, frightening voice continued to speak, the protagonist's heart raced with fear. The voice seemed to know things about him that no one else could possibly know. It whispered details of his past that he had buried deep within his subconscious. However, just as it was possible that Connel might succumb to the terror of the voice, a sudden realization struck him. The voice wasn't a stranger at all. It was his own voice, distorted and twisted by some unknown force.

Never thought I would be talking to myself.

Not just you, the ”you” that you are meant to be.

Visions are only possible futures. Best not to dw*...

Oh, BLAH BLAH… this is not some platitude. I’m talking about how you are following the wrong path.

I don’t know who you really are, but you are not going to corrupt me.

As the truth dawned on him, Connel's fear turned to confusion. How could he be speaking to himself in such a sinister manner? And why was he revealing secrets that he had long forgotten? As he struggled to make sense of the situation, a chilling thought crept into his mind. What if the voice was a manifestation of his own darkest desires and fears, a part of himself that he had tried to suppress for so long?

Laughing Why would you think I am trying to corrupt you? Maybe because I am telling you the hard truths you want to run away from? I have not lied to you or twisted anything once, and you know it.

I don’t know anything…

Truer words have never been spoken.

With a sinking feeling in his gut, the protagonist realized that the true enemy was not some external force, but the darkness that lurked within his own soul. And as the voice continued to taunt him with its twisted truths, he knew that he would have to confront his inner demons if he ever hoped to escape the nightmare that had consumed him.

In a shocking twist, Connel's battle for survival turned inward, as he fought to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume him from within. And as he delved deeper into the depths of his own psyche, he discovered that the true horror was not in the voice itself, but in the realization of what he was truly capable of.

You won’t win this…

I’m not looking to “win” anything. I’m looking to make you the Jedi you are supposed to be, but if you must continue to refuse to admit it… I’ve already “won”.

Suddenly the ether changed and Connel was watching his own methodical, humiliating destruction at the hands of @Darth Kizash… and then his slow descent into aggressive anger on Coruscant, hunting down Sith Soldiers and Acolytes. Connel stood on the battlefield, lightsaber in hand, surrounded by the chaos of war. The sounds of blaster fire and the clash of lightsabers filled the air as he fought against the enemy forces. With each strike, he felt a surge of adrenaline, a rush of power that fueled his every move.

See? You’re too into this. This is the sign of someone with no control. Are Jedi not about “Control”?

Stop it! Even Jedi get angry!

Not like this. Even Caltin didn’t.

Leave his name out of your mouth.

Okay, “Father”. He had never gone this far because he was doing what he was supposed to. You are trying too hard. Can’t you see it?


Fine, continue to watch. You’ll see, even if you don’t want to.

As the battles raged on, morphing in and out, Connel began to notice something strange. Memories of past combat experiences began to flood his mind, memories of battles fought and enemies defeated. And with each memory, he felt himself fighting more and more aggressively, more ruthlessly than he ever had before.

At first, Connel brushed off the strange sensation, chalking it up to the heat of battle. But as the fighting continued, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. He was enjoying this more than he should, reveling in the thrill of combat in a way that made him uneasy.

As he cut down another enemy soldier, Connel paused, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He closed his eyes, trying to push away the memories that threatened to overwhelm him. But they persisted, haunting him with their vivid images of violence and bloodshed.

It was then that Connel realized the truth. He was becoming addicted to the rush of battle, to the thrill of fighting and winning. And it scared him, to know that he was losing himself to this dark side of his nature.

With a heavy heart, Connel made a decision. He would no longer allow himself to be consumed by the violence of war, by the thrill of combat. He would fight for peace, for justice, but he would never again let himself be seduced by the darkness that lurked within him.

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, Connel Vanagor continued to fight, but now with a newfound determination to resist the temptations of his past. He would be a Jedi Knight, a warrior of light, and he would never again allow himself to be swayed by the darkness that threatened to consume him.

I’m done fighting. I’m not doing this anymore…

Again, you run away from the truth. You’re not done. You’re just not the Jedi you are supposed to be… and I am going to get you there even if I have to drag you kicking and screaming.

I need to report this.

Laughing again Yes, report this. Go ahead and report this, and be remanded to the Temples, to the Properity. Be under constant watch. All because you opened up to people who are not out to truly help you.

There's rumored to be a Counselor on board. I can talk to her.

Who do you think is going to report you? If you don't want to believe me, talk to Father. Ask him. Ask him about what he went through...

He'll tell me...

He'll tell you that "speaking as your father" you should report it. He will clarify that "Speaking as a Jedi... don't trust anyone with your future but yourself, not even him."

The thought entered his mind. It sounded like Caltin, like what he would do, according to the history books.

I need help though...

With what? There is nothing wrong with you that choosing the right path cannot fix. You just chose the wrong path, I am going to put you on the new one! Whether you want me to or not!

With a start, Connel woke again, he was still in the kitchens.

X-wing, Combat Shield, Upgraded Shield, Lightblaster, "Brad"

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
I'm scarier with my mask off.

LOCATION : Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Kitchen
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

X-wing, Combat Shield, Upgraded Shield, Lightblaster, "Brad"

Not again…

The darkness enveloped Connel Vanagor as he stood at the fork in the road, his heart pounding in his chest. Ether and shadows danced around him, whispering sinister promises of power and control. But Connel knew better than to listen to their seductive lies. He was a Jedi Knight, sworn to uphold the light and protect the innocent. Yet, a part of him, a darker part, whispered in his ear, urging him to embrace the shadows and unlock his true potential. It was a constant battle within him, a struggle between duty and desire. Or truth and stubbornness, depending on the point of view. That part of him making Connel realize that the truth about a Jedi Shadow is that they are a specialized type of Jedi within the Jedi Order who focuses on stealth, espionage, and reconnaissance missions. They are skilled in using the Force to manipulate their surroundings, blend in with their environment, and gather information without being detected. This would give him an advantage, he was on the "Guardian" side of it, he knew what to look for.

Jedi Shadows are known for their ability to move unseen and unheard, using their training in stealth and infiltration techniques to gather intelligence, sabotage enemy operations, and carry out covert missions. They are often called upon to gather information on potential threats to the Republic, track down dangerous individuals, or infiltrate enemy strongholds. In addition to their skills in stealth and espionage, Jedi Shadows are also highly trained in combat, able to use their lightsaber and Force abilities to defend themselves and complete their missions. They are adept at using the Force to enhance their physical abilities, such as speed and agility, making them formidable opponents in battle.

It took this realization to make Connel understand that overall, a Jedi Shadow is a vital asset to the Jedi Order and the Republic, using their unique skills and abilities to protect the galaxy from threats both seen and unseen. They embody the Jedi Code by using their powers for the greater good and upholding peace and justice throughout the galaxy. As he stood there, the sinister voice grew louder, its words twisting and warping in his mind. It argued that he was meant for more than just being a Guardian, that his true destiny lay in the shadows. Connel shook his head, trying to block out the voice, but it persisted, taunting him with visions of power and dominance. But Connel knew that the path of the Jedi Shadow was a dangerous one, filled with temptation and corruption. He had seen too many fall to the dark side, consumed by their own desires and read about even more. He couldn't let that happen to him.

Yet, as he stood there, paralyzed by indecision, a part of him wondered if maybe the voice was right. Maybe he was meant for more than just being a Guardian. Maybe he was meant to walk a different path, one that would lead him to his true destiny. With a heavy heart, Connel made his decision. He turned away from the path of the Guardian and stepped onto the path of the Shadow. The shadows embraced him, whispering their dark secrets in his ear. And as he walked into the darkness, he knew that his life would never be the same again.

The battle within him raged on, the light and the dark warring for control of his soul. But Connel was determined to stay true to his beliefs, to resist the temptations of the shadows. He would prove that he was strong enough to walk this dangerous path and emerge unscathed.

Connel is a seasoned warrior who has spent years honing his skills as a Jedi Guardian. With a strong sense of duty and a deep connection to the Force, Connel has always been a steadfast defender of peace and justice in the galaxy. However, after a series of events that shook his faith in the Jedi Order, Connel has decided to take a different path and transition into the world of the Jedi Shadow. This decision was not made lightly, but Connel believes that by embracing the shadows, he can better serve the greater good and protect those in need.

And so, with a steely resolve, Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor embarked on his new journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The shadows may have claimed him for now, but he would not let them consume him. He was a Jedi, and he would always fight for the light.

Tall and imposing, Connel cuts a striking figure with his dark robes and piercing gaze. His years of training have given him a formidable presence on the battlefield, and his mastery of lightsaber combat is unmatched. But beneath his stoic exterior lies a deep well of compassion and empathy, traits that have always set him apart from his fellow Jedi.

As he embarks on this new chapter in his journey, Connel is determined to use his skills and abilities to bring balance to the Force and confront the darkness that threatens to consume the galaxy. With his unwavering dedication and unwavering resolve, Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a force to be reckoned with in the world of the Jedi Shadow.

With a start, Connel woke again, he was still in the kitchens.

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant
I'm scarier with my mask off.

LOCATION : Prosperity | OBJECTIVE : Kitchen
TAG (FRIENDLY) : Ichika Masudo Ichika Masudo



"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"

Not again…

Connel Vanagor stared at his reflection in the mirror, his heart pounding in his chest. The nightmare still lingered in his mind, the dark voice echoing in his ears. He couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had consumed him during the dream.

You cannot escape your destiny, Connel," the voice whispered in his mind, sending shivers down his spine.

Connel clenched his fists, setting his jaw. I will not succumb to the darkness. I am a Jedi, and I will always fight for the lightside and everything that it entails.

The voice chuckled, a sinister sound that made Connel's blood run cold. You may think you are strong, but you are only human. Your emotions will be your downfall, Jedi.

Connel gritted his teeth, his eyes blazing with defiance. I do not let fear control me. You cannot win this.

The voice grew louder, more insistent. But what if I am not your enemy, Connel? What if I am trying to guide you towards your true purpose?

Connel shook his head, his hands trembling with anger. Word of a Sith. Your lies may work with others, but I know who I am, and I will not be swayed by your temptation. I am a Vanagor, you couldn’t sway me if you tried.

The voice laughed, a cruel sound that sent a chill down Connel's spine. You still do not get it, do you. You may think you are strong, Jedi, but you are only human. You cannot resist the darkness forever.

Connel closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm his racing heart. When he opened them again, he saw a figure standing behind him in the mirror. It was a shadowy silhouette, its features obscured by darkness.

Who are you? Connel demanded, his voice steady despite the fear that gripped his heart.

The figure stepped closer, its presence filling the room with a sense of foreboding. You don’t recognize me? I am your true self, Connel. I am the darkness that lies within you, waiting to be unleashed.

Connel's hands clenched into fists, his resolve hardening. You made the mistake of showing yourself, or whatever you think I will believe you to be. Now you have no chance.

The figure laughed, a chilling sound that echoed in the empty room. {COLOR=DARKRED]Connel, Connel, Connel…you may think you are strong, and you are, but you are only human. You cannot deny who you truly are.[/COLOR]

Connel met the figure's gaze in the mirror, his eyes filled with determination. I will not be swayed by temptation. I will not give in to the darkness.

I have never asked you to.

And with that, the figure vanished, leaving Connel alone in the silence of his room. He knew that the battle was far from over, but he also knew that as long as he held onto his beliefs and stayed true to himself, he would always be able to resist the darkness that threatened to consume him. And with that thought in mind, Connel stood tall, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on his path as a Jedi Knight.

As Connel sat alone in his quarters, contemplating his place in the Jedi Order, a dark and sinister voice suddenly filled the room. You have always been meant to be a Jedi, Connel, the voice whispered, sending shivers down his spine. Just not the one you think you are.

Confused and intrigued, Connel listened as the voice continued to speak, weaving a tale of destiny and betrayal that shook him to his core. You are not the chosen one, Connel, the voice hissed. You are the one who will bring about the downfall of the Jedi Order.

Shocked and horrified, Connel tried to push the voice out of his mind, but it persisted, planting seeds of doubt and fear in his heart. As the days passed, Connel found himself questioning everything he thought he knew about himself and his place in the galaxy. The dark and sinister voice whispered to him in his dreams, urging him to embrace his true destiny and fulfill the prophecy that had been foretold centuries ago.

In a moment of weakness, Connel succumbed to the voice's temptations, slowly beginning to turn his back on the Jedi Order and embracing the darkness that had always lurked within him.
And as he stood on the precipice of his new life, ready to unleash chaos and destruction upon the galaxy, Connel realized that the true plot twist was not in the voice's words, but in his own choices and actions.

For he had always been meant to be a Jedi, just not the one he thought he was. And now, as he stared into the abyss of his own darkness, Connel Vanagor knew that his true destiny lay not in the light, but in the shadows. He embraced the power within him, knowing that he had the strength and courage to conquer the darkness. He embraced the shadows, knowing that they would lead him to his destiny. He stepped into the darkness, confident in his path.

Then with a start, he woke in the kitchen, yet again. Oh come on!

Only this time, he heard the voice in his head. You finally get it… congratulations.

X-wing, Combat Shield, Upgraded Shield, Lightblaster, "Brad"

Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

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