Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Night Play

Rekha laughed, "I ain't afraid of the dark." She smiled, not anymore she thought. She looked at Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers "Yep top floor, figured if I was going to have the bar I wanted a place to live so...the old owner worked out a deal and when he died. He left the whole thing to me. I've been here ever since."

The door to the apartment slid open t
here just by the couch sat a pair of fuzzy slipper. Ewok Slippers, something a child would wear. Then sitting prominently on the couch was a stuffed ewok it looked a rough and frayed, the eyes a bit more dull from years of hugs and tears. But there he was.

Across the room windows to look out to the City framed with blue green curtains, Rekha's favorite colors.

Rekha looked at Jessica, "Welcome to ...solitude...since I know you eat and you've drank....I can offer movie before bed or, I can say...over there" She pointed is the spare room. "You can sleep..."

Just then
R3 decided to make an entrance...trilling at Rekha and lighting up like he had a lot to say.."Ok..ok.. R3 this is Jessica. He's security for the apartment."
''Oh, you sure then? Because the old owner might be lurking around here, you know...'' she said while stepping out of the elevator and took a glance around. Clearly pulling Rekha's leg after she told her about how she aquired the fancy roof-top flat.

Fancy, yet with a personal touch too it. Like with those fuzzy slippers and also a stuffed ewok teddy bear, showing quite the lot of wear and tear. Jessica turned to Rekha with a raised eyebrow and curious look.

''A piece of your childhood?''

None of them was that drunk yet, but it was a rather direct and intimate question. One without the intent of being harmful, that is.

''I mean, it's beautiful! I like ewoks. Never met one in real life, though.''

That was when Rekha's astromech droid made an enterance, chirping and beeping like it had not seen its master in a long time. Jessica chuckled and smiled heartly at the droid, before she knelt down to greet it.

''Hey there, little one! Nice to meet you! I'm a cop, so I guess we'll make this flat to a fortress tonight!'' she said and hoped she would get the droids approval to crash at the place. Some models of astromechs could be a little excentric and suspicious.

''Frankly, Rekha...'' she continued and stood up, glancing at the other woman. ''I'd rather just crash... It's been a fun night! More fun than I've had in a long time, actually! Maybe we can do something tomorrow? I'm off-duty for the whole day, so...''

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde
Rekha looked at the ewoks and then to Jessica, "nope, got them as an adult. Someone....special to me gave them to me." She wouldn't go further with that not right now.

"Ewoks, are interesting to say the least. Learning what they are saying is definitely trial and error. But dedicated and loyal you'd probably like them." She had they protected and helped what more could you ask for. There was a lot to be said for traveling the way she did. Experience, and exposure.

Yeah go head and crash, there's a refresher there if you need it. Tomorrow" she had to think did she have plans for tomorrow..."I don't have plans other than prep and orders in the got something in mind you want to do?"

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
Jessica felt the hesitation from Rekha talking about the little furry gift. She gave it a gentle ruminative nod before letting it go, not wanting to push her friend into talking about something she did not want to.

''Oh, I don't know...'' she said, taking a deep tierd breath and pulled her shoulders up in a shrug.

''Let's talk about that tomorrow, over a huge cup of caf... Breakfast on bed is included at this establishment, right?'' she continued and gave Rekha a jocular smile. ''Thanks for letting me stay... Sleep well and... Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then!''

Jessica gave her friend a hug before heading off into the guest room to finally crash after the late but insanely fun night.

Rekha Kaarde Rekha Kaarde

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