Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Night Witches

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  • Fleet Name: Night Witches [ Official Designation: 588th Starfighter Regiment ]

  • Classification: Starfighter Squadron

  • Allegiance: Naboo

  • Lead Ship: Night Witch One

  • Composition: Night Witch One through Seventeen

  • Total Length: 102 meters

  • Notable Characters: [member="Mariya Pyne"]

  • Ports of Call: Naboo System

  • Strengths:

    Rapid deployment.

  • Ace pilots.

  • System-wide response.


  • Ill-equipped for inter-system combat and travel. Berthed at a classified Naboo SDF hangar or system space station.

  • Small task force.


The 588th Starfighter Regiment, code named Night Witches was formed by former-smuggler and younger sister of [member="Jamie Pyne"], [member="Mariya Pyne"]. Driven by a similar, though perhaps slightly different viewpoint on protecting her home, Mariya joined the Defense Force, sworn to protect Naboo during times of war. Unlike her elder half-sister, Mariya was a much more talented pilot, so much so that she was awarded the recognition of Ace, and appointed head of her own elite starfighter fleet. Consisting of four squadrons, the Night Witches primary mission is system-wide recon and protection. Made up entirely of female ace pilots, they have proven that they are the best aviators born and sworn to Naboo. While one sister is at present the political protector of Theed, the other stands at the ready to protect from the skies above.
[member="Ria Misrani"] | [member="Jamie Pyne"]

I like this submission, nice visuals and as a former Factory Judge I don't see much wrong with the equipment either.

But the issue is that the ships aren't approved yet and that's gotta happen before I can stamp this as approved.

Also- please link to Naboo's wikia page in your ports of call, while we wait for that.
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